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denied entrance? Options
#1 Posted : 4/22/2010 6:43:55 PM

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has anybody ever not had a psydelic experience when smoking dmt...this weekend i had been smoking alot of spice and at first i got blown away( ilove jungle spice) but i know there is a developed tolerance so i usually only partake in a sesion per day but yesterday i rolled up a fat supercharged joint for 3 people and they ended up not being able to take mor than a few tokes but i kept smoking and smoking with only +1 effects only to be nauseated and vomit suddenly and the patterns never appeard behind my eyes...i just kept coughing and coughing
what's up with that?

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#2 Posted : 4/22/2010 7:07:16 PM


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There are countless factors as to why you experience what you do in hyperspace.
It is far more complex than just your dose.
You get what you need, not what you want, from hyperspace.

#3 Posted : 4/22/2010 8:06:53 PM

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Seems a semi-regular occurrence, talked about a little here and further in another thread mentioned there.

Be well!
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#4 Posted : 4/22/2010 8:20:30 PM

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Can't imagine a joint being a good way to smoke it, though others may disagree. I understood the idea was to get the whole dose in within about 45 seconds ... so I suppose if the spice was in one part and you felt you could get it all in one hit, that might work; but sounds to me you made it like an MJ joint, a big one for a bunch of people (correct me if I'm wrong in that interpretation) so nobody's getting a proper dose. Not, imo, the most effective means to do it. A bong/vaporiser with a correctly measured dose would almost certainly work better.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#5 Posted : 4/22/2010 8:23:24 PM


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45 seconds?

I used to roll fatty changa spliff and take my sweet ass time rolling into hyperspace deep....

It's just personal preference. Trust me when I say dose is just one of the many many factors at play.

#6 Posted : 4/22/2010 8:34:55 PM

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I trust you implicitly, house ...
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#7 Posted : 4/23/2010 1:51:00 AM

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yes i try to take the first three hits as fast as i can but when smoking alone i take my time just taking a few deep breaths between tokes.,..i dont know about efficient but effective it is and my lungs are old and tobacco stained...it's the only way i can travel without coughing my head off
#8 Posted : 4/23/2010 4:00:35 AM

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Perhaps the group setting thing doesn't work as well though ... on a practical level, if you're getting the joint last, maybe your bit of the spice melted into or mixed with the oils of whatever the herbal bed is, or changed somehow ... I don't know, it just seems an imprecise way of going about it, which - though it works for others - doesn't usually turn out beneficially for this monkey's monkey (who also has leathered lungs - but prefers a nice bong)
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#9 Posted : 4/23/2010 12:58:52 PM
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This was an issue struggled with for a long time - for some reason the experience these days doesn't even close to resemble the first forays. In the beginning, there was a welcoming presence, I remember the first time it was as if the body was wrapped in a feminine loving presence that radiated love and pride - "its good to see you've made it, welcome" - the visual and body feelings were like nothing I've ever experienced since. It was like that for the first few weeks, as aspects of my life were revealed and shown to me as a transmission by emotion, vision, concept and understanding all at once - a conscious state that felt more real and tangible than waking life. As if coming back was dropping in dimensionality, back to something flat and limited. I saw the self transforming machine elves as they picked through souls that were entering and leaving - units of experience returning to source and then back out again, tended to by what looked like short almost troll like entities, with shiny plastic blue and red triangle hats and curled toe boots that morphed into the most ridiculous things they wanted to when acknowledged. We shared pure laughter for a moment, pulled from a soul unit that was more like a blood cell in a body than a lifetime it represented.

Over time, the experience changed from revelatory, to once being trapped by purely hateful and malevolent entities that reveled in my terror in a world where I experienced and saw things as if I were a character in Nightmare before Christmas or Coraline - with visions of the most horrid things my psyche could possibly conjure. I finally came out of trance enough to turn on the light - and poof the Gwar-looking meanies were gone.

Then a few stages of blue hued abyss, with no information, just a sense of passing on and what felt like a knowing of the experience our soul enters into as it passes from the physical shell. Death = but not frightening.

Then back to entities that were much more elf like claiming I was part of the soul group, outside space-time and giddy with laughter among tricksters that travel hyperspace to experience truly pure love in its finest forms and share in the tragic comedic misfortune of my efforts in life to try so hard and yet fall so short of what I desire as my relationship fumbles. More close friends and all beautiful spirits - yet not the machine elves. More like Discordian spirits like myself at heart - friends that are outside incarnation but waiting for me to return and do it all over again together somewhere.

I experienced them several times, and felt that I must have tapped into something that was real - and I kept going back to see them, but it was chasing a rainbow that wouldn't reappear.

One night I was in a golden area that felt as if it were a council - and I remember being told not to do something or it would shred reality - so I defied that, and shredded reality just to see if that was possible.

After that, for months and months - I was unable to breakthrough, when my eyes are closed and I sit in silence and contemplation, where once communion was the experience, there was nothing. Nothing for months, regardless of how I did it, if I took time away from it, and I felt it was because I had been shown the way to live and had not heeded the lesson. I was cut off - and the sadness I experienced when attempting to come back and being left with nothing regardless of the quality or method of smoking, upset me and I put it away - remembering that I had been told to straighten up, read and not come back until I was ready.

I can now go back in a sense - but its simply nothing like those first times - even tho one hit of the red will put me in that "phase shifted" dimensionality I associated with a breakthrough, there is only my soul and the perspectives in the expanded dimensionality consciousness where information is transmitted in on so many levels at once - it is useful, but it is not what I remember. Tonight, I tried the heptane separated white, loading up more than was called for - and in 2 rips, I was blasted and forced to lay down and then attacked by something outside myself that seemed extremely upset I had returned - I closed my eyes and opened myself to try and understand what possible transgression invoked such a response - and it makes me wonder.

Am I just batshit? Are these experiences no more than dreams, and no more tied to reality than a lucid dream? Is there a connectedness to the experience, and consequences of denial and punishment if an offense has occurred? Or is it all just random, and ultimately no more substantial or persistant than a common dream?

At any rate - I will say, that the variety of experience in the same substance never ceases to amaze me. And that red stuff gives a 3 dimensional aspect to the patterns that are usually somewhat flat - as if vision was made of rotating boxes, balls, diamonds that are tangible and have depth. And my god its potent.

For me, its all about getting in solid rips using a freebase pipe attached to a bong. Vaporizers, joints, the machine, changa - nothing smashes the veil like a good rip from that setup. I miss my spirit friends though Smile
#10 Posted : 4/23/2010 1:15:27 PM

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greymatter wrote:
yes i try to take the first three hits as fast as i can but when smoking alone i take my time just taking a few deep breaths between tokes.,..i dont know about efficient but effective it is and my lungs are old and tobacco stained...it's the only way i can travel without coughing my head off

try the vaporgenie, its quite smooth vapour, much easier than smoking anything!

and while I do think that its possible this phenomenon of 'denied entry' can happen independent of dose, then again as someone in the forum pointed out, why were there no 'denied entries' with high IV doses as reported by Strasmann? Smoking is not a very reliable way to get your dose so as I said, though I think this denied entry might happen, at least part of it for some people might have to do with not getting it administered well enough.

the other thing to mention is that, if you are not getting something good out of dmt anymore, take a break! Go dedicate your energy to other things in life. I have felt many times, not only with dmt but other psychedelics too, that if one doesnt put the lessons from the previous trips in practice, then one's experiences can start getting negative.

so yeah, take a break, exercise, be healthy, try to be good to people, do productive things in 'normal life' (not saying you arent, btw..), and when you come back again get your smoking method right and I bet it will be better Smile
#11 Posted : 4/23/2010 2:01:36 PM
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I think my first post was exactly this question. I would get the whole bowl in three hits, the room would squish and turn, the carrier wave would sound, but as soon as I closed my eyes I could only make out vague outlines and it looked like something/someone was standing in front of me blocking my view.

I have since recalibrated my dosage and made a modified machine for smoking. I think a little break helps as well. Could also be a cross-tolerance with some other substances you've been ingesting?

IMO, I've actually come to think that using pot as a mixing agent doesn't work that well. For me it always seemed to mute the experience. I simply load it on top of my steel mesh, cover with some ashes (which are simply tapped out and saved from my main herb bowl), melt, then vaporize. Sometimes in my attempts to NOT burn the spice, I was incompletely vaporizing the material especially when combined with too much MJ.

The spice seems to have a mind of its own. It will allow you back in, don't worry. No one was ever permanently banned from hyperspace that I've met.

#12 Posted : 4/23/2010 5:59:06 PM

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i think that house said it best....it was the "social" atsmophere....last night i tried alone and was blown away again....here there are not many people who can smoke with me and when i invite somebody, more than not they are virgins...so out of pure curiosty, i watch them instead of my own internal fireworks, the ego takes hold and wont let go and subconciously the mind says no and throws up a wall...i think it better in the future, when i give the spice to a freind, to not partake myself...i think it has something to do with the fight or flight syndrome as that i have seen some pretty wild stuff with spice travelShocked and i can never forget some of the more difficult trips that others have had and my mind and body prepares to deal with them instead of the stimuli....basicly i cant relax in a social situation knowing that someone could start acting a fool
and to thoose out there who doubt that a joint is a good method of administration...TRY IT! dont be so miserly scrooge, you only live once and when you die the only thing you can take with you is your experiences...i find it extreamly pleasurable, easy to hold the smoke, after 2 tokes(but i take 20 or 30 ) i dont even taste the spice...trying to load a pipe or bong when you flying but not enough is a pain in the ass...with a joint you only have to worry about it going out...i recomend double paper(for an even burn and no runs) with a small buisnesscard crutch inserted in the end to maintain it open and the smoke flowing(alone it usually seals the joint3/4 of the way through)...and if you like to travel...then roll 2Laughing
#13 Posted : 6/16/2014 8:39:58 AM

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dvswhitehat wrote:
One night I was in a golden area that felt as if it were a council - and I remember being told not to do something or it would shred reality - so I defied that, and shredded reality just to see if that was possible.

After that, for months and months - I was unable to breakthrough, when my eyes are closed and I sit in silence and contemplation, where once communion was the experience, there was nothing. Nothing for months, regardless of how I did it, if I took time away from it, and I felt it was because I had been shown the way to live and had not heeded the lesson. I was cut off - and the sadness I experienced when attempting to come back and being left with nothing regardless of the quality or method of smoking, upset me and I put it away - remembering that I had been told to straighten up, read and not come back until I was ready.

Big grin Thank goodness it's not just me that they blocked. I'm currently 86'd, banned, barred from hyperspace ... and it's pissing me off. I think I may have to the point where I shown it all ... it was all laid out on the table and for a few seconds I had a budda-like consciousness ... but that bloody evaporated once I got back to baseline and surely they can't expect me remember it all??? That's just mean .... I didn't even have a pen and paper to write it all down Sad Anyway glad to see you were allowed back eventually. I'm still waiting. Big grin
Make Shift
#14 Posted : 9/20/2015 5:43:04 AM

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endlessness wrote:

the other thing to mention is that, if you are not getting something good out of dmt anymore, take a break! Go dedicate your energy to other things in life. I have felt many times, not only with dmt but other psychedelics too, that if one doesnt put the lessons from the previous trips in practice, then one's experiences can start getting negative.

so yeah, take a break, exercise, be healthy, try to be good to people, do productive things in 'normal life' (not saying you arent, btw..), and when you come back again get your smoking method right and I bet it will be better Smile

This is a good point, I have felt the same about LSD, without a nice break (2/3 months) the experience isn't great, but with a good gap for the body and mind the experience is really rejuvenating. Same should apply to dmt too, eh? Say, once in 2 weeks would be ideal?
In the lingering moments before you die your body releases DMT‬. The same drug that makes you dream. The same drug found in every living animal. It's not an evolutionary trick to make you survive. Your body is choosing to release this drug now because it believes your fate is too grim for you to comprehend. So you dream. You dream that everything will be fine. You dream that nothing happened at all. It's in this moment that your body sits across from you. It tells you 'looks like we're not gonna make it this time.' You sit around a fire and recollect the past before soon parting ways back to the atomic ether. Your body does this because it loves you. You have never met anyone like your body. Your body has been with you everyday, good and bad. It's even kept a journal of your life carved in scars. Your eyelashes always wiped the tears from your eyes.
#15 Posted : 9/20/2015 9:43:02 AM

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What you perceive as being rejection by entities is more likely just you watching your own neurotransmitter kinetics being modulated by monoamine oxidase. I recommend dosing harmala before blastoff. Secondly, upgrading to vaporization of freebase crystal on a titanium nail on a dab rig helps tremendously.
Make Shift
#16 Posted : 9/20/2015 4:52:21 PM

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jungleDNBplz wrote:
What you perceive as being rejection by entities is more likely just you watching your own neurotransmitter kinetics being modulated by monoamine oxidase. I recommend dosing harmala before blastoff. Secondly, upgrading to vaporization of freebase crystal on a titanium nail on a dab rig helps tremendously.

Hey jungle,

I have tried the machine, and electronic vaporizer, my own apparatus, nothing worked for me except intense visuals. I broke through first try with a dab rig and ceramic nail. Assuming your ROA is dabbing as well, what would your recommendation be in terms of using cold or hot water, which would make the vapor smmoother?

Dosing harmala is extracted harmala sublingual or a caapi/rue brew?
Sounds like you are for freebase than for changa? Could you elaborate on your experience with different ROA?
In the lingering moments before you die your body releases DMT‬. The same drug that makes you dream. The same drug found in every living animal. It's not an evolutionary trick to make you survive. Your body is choosing to release this drug now because it believes your fate is too grim for you to comprehend. So you dream. You dream that everything will be fine. You dream that nothing happened at all. It's in this moment that your body sits across from you. It tells you 'looks like we're not gonna make it this time.' You sit around a fire and recollect the past before soon parting ways back to the atomic ether. Your body does this because it loves you. You have never met anyone like your body. Your body has been with you everyday, good and bad. It's even kept a journal of your life carved in scars. Your eyelashes always wiped the tears from your eyes.
#17 Posted : 9/20/2015 8:18:15 PM

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۩ wrote:
There are countless factors as to why you experience what you do in hyperspace.
It is far more complex than just your dose.
You get what you need, not what you want, from hyperspace.

^^ couldn't agree more! Thumbs up
For the benefit of myself and all beings,
I, Ahoibrause,
Do solemly swear, to love, honor, and obey my Soul,
My path to realization and relationship with a higher power,
For better and worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health,
From now and forever more.
#18 Posted : 9/21/2015 7:08:25 AM

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Make Shift wrote:
jungleDNBplz wrote:
What you perceive as being rejection by entities is more likely just you watching your own neurotransmitter kinetics being modulated by monoamine oxidase. I recommend dosing harmala before blastoff. Secondly, upgrading to vaporization of freebase crystal on a titanium nail on a dab rig helps tremendously.

Hey jungle,

I have tried the machine, and electronic vaporizer, my own apparatus, nothing worked for me except intense visuals. I broke through first try with a dab rig and ceramic nail. Assuming your ROA is dabbing as well, what would your recommendation be in terms of using cold or hot water, which would make the vapor smmoother?

Dosing harmala is extracted harmala sublingual or a caapi/rue brew?
Sounds like you are for freebase than for changa? Could you elaborate on your experience with different ROA?

Freebase harmala (from syrian rue) is inexpensive on the Bay of e

Cold water in the dab rig would be best, but I always used room temperature. Nothing particularly wrong about hot water but there's definitely no reason to do that.

To elaborate, I've had a 40-50 minute breakthrough using 100mg freebase harmala then 5 minutes later 50-60mg spice
#19 Posted : 9/25/2015 6:43:20 PM

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I helped a friend learn extraction techs after I let her try mine and she became a driven student. Within a week a girl that had not the most basic of chemistry information in her head was grasping the concepts quickly and with great interest (Surprised me a little).

Anyway after she got it down she was entering 3-4 times a night. I pointed her this way for more info but she knew how to extract and was going to do it how she wanted.

After about a week of this she was told flat out that she was not to return they gave a date and everything. She said she was pulled back to reality as fast as she was launched out of it.

I asked her if she had read about any other experiences and she had not. I thought that maybe it was because of reading a thread like this but this was just her without any influence of another's stories. Strange common thread.

I on the other hand am always just blown away but after it takes a week or so before it even a thing I want to do. And sometimes longer, month one time. It just calls me sometimes I cant explain.
#20 Posted : 9/25/2015 10:35:29 PM

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No offence and I don't mean to preach .

Try showing the molecule more respect.

Make a ceremony out of it.

Have an honest intent.

Don't expect or demand anything , it's all a free gift.

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