Greetings fellow nexus members! I'm excited to join this site, as I resonate strongly with the attitude philosophy, and the emphasis upon learning/research.
I've been using entheogens/psychedelics for 16 years now, starting with mushrooms at a young age. I took an extended break from psychedelics in my late teens to early twenties, then some severe trauma led me to rediscovering them along with shamanism. Over the past 5-6 years, I've slowly healed myself of severe childhood trauma that was followed by a downward spiral of trauma and escapism through drug use (mainly alcohol and marijuana). After a long path of struggle, trauma, and misfortune, I had to do something to change the negative pattern pervading my life at the time.
After a fair amount of research, I started using MDMA to confront my bound up emotions, and slowly worked my way into mushrooms and LSD. Eventually, vaporized DMT came into my possession, and I had a few light, yet rewarding, experiences with it. My first real breakthrough occurred early last year, and was truly a life changing experience. Everything was falling apart in my life at that time, and the realm and entities I encountered gave me some reassurance that there was something much bigger than my life in the material world that was waiting to embrace me when this is all over.
This experience, and couple of bad ones afterward, led me to accept that these substances have the power to open up possibilities which were far beyond my ability to comprehend at that time. This led me to seek the ceremonial use of ayahuasca or peyote, in order to enter these mind states to achieve the deep healing I so badly needed. After one failed attempt to find a true shaman/healer to safely administer these substances, I decided to drop everything in my life, and move back home with the folks for some extended healing time.
I was kicked out of the house at 18 while missing some very crucial social and emotional skills needed to handle the real world in American society. The next ten years or so were spent going from one job to another, back to school, more misfortune, and ongoing depression/PTSD. It was hard to move back with the folks in my late twenties, but it's the best thing I ever did for myself. While living there, I was lucky enough to come across some very potent LSD.
I would take low doses by myself every other week to a month, and walk in nature, or lay down and meditate upon my emotions or past traumas. After about 6-7 months of this, I realized I had gone about as far as I could go on my own, and decided to seek out assistance once more. I finally found someone I felt I could trust, and participated in a one on one ayahuasca ceremony with the 'healer' I found. It proved to be successful, and throughout this year I participated in two more aya ceremonies, and three experiences with peyote. After my last peyote ceremony about three weeks ago, I feel I finally have my soul back! I still feel as though I'm in a recovery stage, and am being careful not to invite more dark influences into my life. Ironically enough, the 'healer' being one of them, but that's a whole 'nother story altogether! I will explain in a separate thread.
I'm glad I've found this community, as I think I will have much to contribute, and also find some of the support I need right now as I continue my journey with plant teachers and other psychedelics. Thank you all for being here, and I look forward to exploring with you what this community can offer all of us!
Everything I say here is for entertainment and educational purposes ONLY. My words have no foundation in real life.
This present moment can only be conceived in terms of the past, yet is also the future constantly arriving.
The singular consciousness played a trick on itself to experience all from a subjective standpoint so it wouldn't have to feel so alone.