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#1 Posted : 11/18/2007 10:09:47 PM

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Aloha all, I'm new to this forum, and pretty new to DMT as well. I've just finnished my 2nd sucsessfull extract of MHRB and have been reading a lot of threads around here for tips and ideas, thanks for all of your help!! Even though you didn't know you where helping.lol I guess my reason for posting is that I seem to have an extreemly high tolerance for DMT. My friends smoke the same ammount or less than I do and all of them have heard the [b:1722f81be8]loud[/b:1722f81be8] rising tone and seen the mandala form in their minds eye. One of my buddies has had a very profound breakthrough with telepathic contact with a "super inteligent" mantis-like alien, as he puts it. He experienced this without having heard of mantis-like DMT entities ever before. I on the other hand, I can't seem to get much more than a heavy "mushroom or acid-like" effect. No loud rising tones, no mandalas or crasanthimum type hallucinations. I do get lots of geometric patterns and size distortions but I have never lost awareness of the room I'm in much less been close to a breakthrough. Anyone know of a reason why a person may not be very sensitive to DMT? I've done a lot of research on the subject in general, I have been looking for DMT since I read about it when I was 19 waaaaay back in 1993 and have never heard of someone not being very susceptable to its effects. Other than MAOI's (not looking to spend 8 to 10 hours out there) is there anything that enhances the effects of smoked DMT? Thanks for your input!! Cheers!! WS
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!

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#2 Posted : 11/19/2007 12:19:56 AM

The Great Namah

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Hello and welcome to the forum. Check out the syrain rue extraction and rue juice...it only extends the time "out there" by a few minutes, not hours (if smoking the dmt). Also a legal herb called Kratom works well to increase potency but not duration. Cannabis has been used to potentiate DMT effects with limited results (at least with my friends bioassays). Sometimes people just need more than others. Also review your smoking methods...the first hit needs to be huge and held as long as possible. Good luck!
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#3 Posted : 11/19/2007 1:21:39 AM

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Thanks for the tips!! By a few minutes what do you mean 15, 60, 120 minutes? I have pretty good smoking technique & devise, an "oil" bubbler, and I get really big hits up to 4 good ones. I've measured out 50mg doses and consumed it all. I will admit to not always holding it as long as I could. I have a very active gag reflex and the smell/taste really gets to me, although my second batch is totaly clear to white crystals and its doesn't taste or smell quite as bad. I'll have to try a few of your suggestions. CHeers WS
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#4 Posted : 11/19/2007 3:29:55 PM

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Hello and welcome Warrensaged, Also try tripping at different time of the day. My friend found that just before going to sleep is the best time although not a garantee as he also had weak trips when he feels too tired.
El Ka Bong
#5 Posted : 11/19/2007 7:22:17 PM

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Have faith there bucko !~ I would not reccomend using any water in that 'bubbler' - is that a dry bong you are using.? Use a dedicated device - imagine the poor sucker who thinks it's a bong for pot after you left dmt in it ! ! Clear glass devices are good to see where the vapours are leaving residues behind, and to 'see them coming' at you !~ How can you be sure the extract is pure, or that you have 50 mg exactly..? Is there any residue in the 'bubbler' ? Use a pre-toke to pre-melt the dose into a thin bed of leaf that is sandwitched between 2 or 3 fine screens - and do apply enough heat, to the point of igniting the stuff. You can put the flare-up out with a finger, and then see just how freakingly dense the vapours get. Yellow spice 'burns' easily and hotter, since the oils ignite quicker - this tends to make the yellow be more 'effective' sometimes, compare to white dmt. I think some of us have HUGE amounts of MAO enzymes in our systems resulting from eating certain food types earlier in the day (foods that have high tyramine/tyrosine). This could lessen the effects of dmt. Or we can be genetically predisposed to having hyper-active MAO enzymes, or less HT5 receptors to be 'stimulated' with dmt. Also, can somene confirm, that Strassmann's work showed that ~5% of people are immune to injected dmt, and had NO effects at all ! I used to think I was one of them - worrying I was not making enough HT-5 receptors in my brain ! ... but luckily no, it seems to vary according to all the 'things' that affect my body and mind - sleep, food, time-of-day, my heart's desires, my minds' desires... etc, all make up 'set and setting'. ...just practice the technique - using super-duper slow inhalation. One lung full might take >30 seconds to take-in all the way... relax big time before launching - meditate for 5 to 10 minutes to a calm body-and mind state, to about 70 - 80 heartbeats per minute (or less!) then start to toke. Even with the heart rate starting to race a 20 seconds of inhaling, just keep going slow and steady. 30 mg can be cleared in one lungful this way, and assuming it's clean dmt (yellow or white) it should not be too harsh. The sure-fire way for everybody to launch, that makes smoking dmt SOOO much easier, is to drink a lemon-juice extract (FILTERED !) from 3.5 g Syrian Rue seed. There are threads in this form about it - just DOn't Eat the seeds, filter all the gunk out and only drink the clear lemony liquid. ! Drink a lemony-rue exract on an empty stomach 40 minutes before smoking. The whole trip (to get back to baseline), lasts 40 minutes instead of 20 minutes, with NO effects remaining at 'baseline'. Then avoid eating foods high in tyramines for about 6 hours after 'returning'. I think the effects of MAOIs in the rue are spent after 2 hours. I only do it this way now - flabbergastingly easy !.
#6 Posted : 11/19/2007 11:12:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for all the info!!! [quote:66ad4f3ee2]I would not reccomend using any water in that 'bubbler' - is that a dry bong you are using.? Use a dedicated device [/quote:66ad4f3ee2] No, its an oil bubbler, got it specificaly for this [quote:66ad4f3ee2]How can you be sure the extract is pure, [/quote:66ad4f3ee2] I extracted it myself, and did a recrystalization cleaning, it won't get any clearer/whiter than it is. My first extraction was off white powdery stuff and when I cleaned it, the goo came out like its supposed to and it was a better smoke for sure. this time I freeze precipitataed it instead of evaporation and it came out as clear-to-white crystals, and the cleaning didn't make any difference in appearence or harshness of smoke. [quote:66ad4f3ee2]or that you have 50 mg exactly..? Is there any residue in the 'bubbler' ?[/quote:66ad4f3ee2] I have a scale that weighs down to mg's. I also have a torch that I usually clean the glass globe with before a session. [quote:66ad4f3ee2]Use a pre-toke to pre-melt the dose into a thin bed of leaf that is sandwitched between 2 or 3 fine screens[/quote:66ad4f3ee2] I tried this method before I got the oil pipe and it seemed like a waste. I didn't get as big a toke as I do with an oil pipe, and I didn't like not being able to monitor the vaporising of the oil. [quote:66ad4f3ee2]...just practice the technique - using super-duper slow inhalation. One lung full might take >30 seconds to take-in all the way...[/quote:66ad4f3ee2] I'll have to try going slower, and maybe leave the water out of the bubbler, although I've always read that water filtration didn't reduce the potency and it definitly helps me with the taste. I usually use just enough water to make bubbles, my pipe is a little round ball with the stem sticking out one side. There is plenty of room in there for a good amount of smoke to build up, I get good tokes! [quote:66ad4f3ee2]The sure-fire way for everybody to launch, that makes smoking dmt SOOO much easier, is to drink a lemon-juice extract (FILTERED !) from 3.5 g Syrian Rue seed. There are threads in this form about it - just DOn't Eat the seeds, filter all the gunk out and only drink the clear lemony liquid. ! Drink a lemony-rue exract on an empty stomach 40 minutes before smoking. The whole trip (to get back to baseline), lasts 40 minutes instead of 20 minutes, with NO effects remaining at 'baseline'. Then avoid eating foods high in tyramines for about 6 hours after 'returning'. I think the effects of MAOIs in the rue are spent after 2 hours. I only do it this way now - flabbergastingly easy !.[/quote:66ad4f3ee2] I have been researching that lately,you make it sound quite worthwhile. One would still need to follow the MAOI diet for 48 hours before & after the day of the dose, correct? Thanks again!! WS
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
El Ka Bong
#7 Posted : 11/20/2007 7:50:50 AM

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Aii I know about MAOI activity from Rue, is that the seed it strong..! And it's easy to stay away from those 'bad'-for-MAOI foods for 24 hours, but I have a high metabolic rate, 150 lb weight so I 'clear it out' fast. Oral dmt wears off in 6 - 7 hours, and have never felt nauseous from the Rue extract alone, during and after the effects. I sleep it off after drinking rue extract juice, and eat hapiliy all the next day. Smoking dmt is way different than eating dmt while on MAOIs, it's a perfect combination to vapourize on MAOIs. I'd say definately use NO water in the bong ..! .. since chemically speaking a pH of 7 like you'd find in common water, compared to pKa of dmt at 8.7 means some does get filtered out. And so maybe if you're a high-MAO activity type, the few percent lost to water might remove the threshold amount you need ? That 'taste' is a thing to get over, just get a large enough, dry, clear bong. And someone said they eat lots of bacon and beans to inhibit MAOs, before smoking ... is that a well known fact..? Try that !
#8 Posted : 11/20/2007 3:24:21 PM

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[quote:546c660d9d]I'd say definately use NO water in the bong ..! .. since chemically speaking a pH of 7 like you'd find in common water, compared to pKa of dmt at 8.7 means some does get filtered out. [/quote:546c660d9d] Thats a good point!! My metabolisim is like a rocket as well, but I've never really considered an MAOI before because of the vomiting & diet restictions. (I love my coffee!!) and I worry about not thinking about it a day and a half later and eating something that could then cause a problem. Sounds like Rue is not as much of a pain as some of the others so I'm researching it heavily now. Thanks Again! WS [/quote]
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#9 Posted : 11/26/2007 1:17:25 AM

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[quote:4427c86a56]I'd say definately use NO water in the bong ..! .. since chemically speaking a pH of 7 like you'd find in common water, compared to pKa of dmt at 8.7 means some does get filtered out. [/quote:4427c86a56] Hey El Ka Bong, I tried the oil "bubbler" with no water in it, as in your suggestion, and [b:4427c86a56] [i:4427c86a56]yikes!![/[/i:4427c86a56]b] I was not ready for how much stronger the effects where!!! I don't think I had a "[i:4427c86a56]breakthrough[/i:4427c86a56]" per say, but I [b]definitly[/b:4427c86a56] had something more intense then ever before!! I am going to post a new thread about it because it was a weird one by all accounts!!! Here: http://www.dmt-nexus.me/...BB2/viewtopic.php?t=3286 Thanks!!! WS
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
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