crazycatguy wrote:Thank you both for your clear and informative responses! If I may, my friend still has a few more questions..
I had indeed noticed there seems to be some controversy surrounding the conversion of DMT acetate to freebase with heat alone.. Is there any thread/post/article out there that contains the necessary step by step instructions on this last step conversion with sodium carbonate?
My friend also has ethanol at his disposal. Although it comes in a glass bottle, it is also quite expensive. He also has ipa in a glass bottle that he bought at the pharmacy for a lot less money, but apparently they store it in plastic containers before selling it into bottles.. As he cares about his health and the food safety of the final product, he wonders if any parts of the plastic container might have ended up in the ipa, making it unsafe to use?
He also noticed that even after 10 "saltings" of pull number 3, the water/vinegar solution still becomes cloudy after shaking, as opposed to clear after just adding. Even when he only uses water. What does this mean? How does one know when to stop pulling and salting?
It also strikes him that the vinegar/water solution after reduction has somewhat the same yellow color as the sunflower oil used, even though there are no oily emulsions to be seen with the naked eye (he used a paper towel to filter out the tiny amounts of oil floating on top before boiling). The sunflower oil also becomes cloudy after salting, and stays that way. Is all of this normal? As this is his first tek and thus has not used any other solvent before, he has no reference point and is full of questions..
He sent me this picture:
On the right you can see pull number 3 (he uses fresh sunflower oil with every pull), and on the left you can see the reduced vinegar/water solution from 8 saltings of the very same pull.
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If that is what you did already, then ignore the above, perhaps I just can't view your images...
Anyway, on to other things...
For the sodium carbonate wash, search in google for (EDIT: ) "BLAB tek + DMT Nexus" This should bring up the wiki. Or click on the WIKI tab above and manually find it. Step six is the "acetates conversion."
Whatever package your IPA came in should be fine. I use IPA (make sure to use 99% ... you may have to order that online...91% will work but it has more water and takes longer to evaporate.)
10 saltings is, in my opinion, overkill for one pull. I do three to four vinegar saltings and one water salting generally. I'm not saying that you can't do more but it is likely unnecessary. I'm not sure on the cloudiness. There is a lot of different speculations as to what it means but like I said, 3 to 4 saltings is generally enough to get the goodies out. Also I do about 6 to 9 total "pulls" on your plant material. You can do as many as you want but most people say that 4-6 is more than enough. I like to do extra just in case.
The yellow color you describe is plant fats and/or oils that get pulled along with the limonene/sunflower oil. They are not harmful. It is also normal for your limonene/sunflower oil to stay cloudy/off color because some plant fats and other things will remain "trapped" in it.
Okay so you got goo then (can't see pics)? That is very normal for the limonene teks. Most people describe the smell as "indole" or "new sneaker" or "flower-y" so the sweet smell also sounds normal to me. It seems to me that you are almost ready to go!
On the sodium carbonate wash, be sure to use about a 1:1 ratio when mixing your DMT goo and sodium carb (as in, if you had 1 gram of DMT goo, mix that with 1 gram of sodium carb and a tiny tiny bit of water to make a paste...this will make more sense when you go over the sodium carb wash tek) . I say that because I used excessive amounts before and then it was a pain to pull all the DMT back out of it and it resulted in a slight loss of yield...
Well, besides seeing the pictures, I think that answers most of your questions. Keep in mind, this advice comes from experience. I am by no means, an expert or a chemist.
Good luck
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