third-eye-open wrote: To: The Grateful One, I'm not sure what you meant but these are in my visionary art collection. Each one represents a specific journey of mine. The sections in each piece mean alot, and represent a part of the experience or a revelation I had during the experience. As for methods of exploration, I use DMT, psilocybin, and harmalas in various combinations and administrations. As well as daily meditation.
These are just my attempts at visionary artwork.
I added some others to the art bin, but was wondering if this should be moved there.
I was mainly asking what inspires you but you answered that!
I am more on the musician side of being an "artist" but I love hearing/seeing/experiencing the work of others and am infinitely curious as to where their inspiration comes from. I am mostly influenced by life in general (in all it's glory/mystery) and by all external stimuli around me. I take it all in and try to make sense of it and since that is not easily accomplished with words alone, it usually comes out in a melodic form of some sort... Live, laugh, love and make something beautiful!
Again, I greatly enjoyed your work! Thank you for sharing these pieces with us! Can't wait to see more!
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