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I retract this. I'm wrong in this matter. Options
#61 Posted : 8/27/2015 11:44:04 PM

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beatenwarrior wrote:
Heyt wrote:

80mg is incredibly easy to clear in one go - I know from experience. In fact, that experience has left me emotionally scarred ever since and changed my life forever - in a very negative way. You should be ashamed of yourself. How dare you. You are consciously supporting dangerous abuse of one of the most powerful substances in the world. Your true colors have been shown. If I sound furious it's because I am. You have the entire resources of the Nexus at your disposal and choose ignorance and worse - you promote ignorance through misinformation. That's despicable. Thumbs down

Many would disagree that 80mg is "incredibly easy to clear in one go." Again - the advice to load up with 80mg was a definite mistake I made. I can admit when I'm wrong. I was simply ASKING how it could be harmful as this has never hurt me personally. I should have done more research before making a claim like this.

You live and learn. I'm learning. I'm going to be much more careful with the information I share. If anything, this experience has taught me that.

If you are truly serious about learning, please read the following links. 80mg is more than double a breakthrough dose (you burning 80mg of DMT in the machine is not the same as inhaling 80mg of DMT). We've had someone die as a result of irresponsible use of DMT here on the Nexus and we don't take these things lightly.


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#62 Posted : 8/27/2015 11:47:13 PM

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beatenwarrior wrote:
Uncle Knucles wrote:

Who the hell are you to make these claims? No one who's experienced the upper end of that dosage range, I would bet. Regardless, that point of view completely discredits you, and it can only get someone hurt.

I also found the video I watched to be silly, embarrassing and altogether adolescent, but that's really beside the point. I just think you're reckless and goofy and no one I would wish to see presenting themselves as an authority on something so powerful.

That's why I'll flag you.

How could going from 40mg to 80mg get someone hurt? How many people can clear 80mg in one go? Chances are high they'd be well blasted off before completing the entire dose. And if they weren't, chances are high they are an experienced user and know what they are doing.

I am goofy and I can be reckless. But I do my best to offer harm reduction advice I believe in. Again, I agree the "how to DMT" video could be done better. That's why I'm going to take what I've learned here and apply it to fixing the video. But I DO NOT tell people I am an "authority" on DMT. I'd never take a stance that egocentric. Where did you get that idea? Again, back to my initial argument. You are going to limit peoples freedom of speech for personal reasons. And you believe you understand the entheogenic experience? Hmm. A lot of you are really opening my eyes through this thread.

Why are you making such assumptions regarding larger amounts of DMT and how the general public could handle it it? Saying things like "the chances are high they'd be well blasted off before completing the entire dose" and "the chances are high they are an experienced user and know what they are doing" is very irresponsible and mind boggling to me.

It sounds like you are speaking purely from personal experience and saying such things can easily lead to dire consequences for someone who knows very little about DMT.

I do feel like you are trying to take in some info regarding harm reduction in this thread, but then you flip it on it's head and say something that could be extremely harmful.

Maybe step back and think a bit about what you are saying. Youtube reaches such a large audience, you really need to be careful about the info you spread.

I feel like I'm repeating myself and what others have said... only because I also feel like you aren't listening. Please take some time to think about it. Why would the DMT Nexus react to this in such a manner? It's because you keep responding with an extremely defensive tone regarding a VERY serious subject.
Bill Cipher
#63 Posted : 8/27/2015 11:47:18 PM

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beatenwarrior wrote:
And you believe you understand the entheogenic experience?

I understand enough to be uncomfortable with the idea of internet charlatans and foolish young pooh-butts creating a vehicle for self-promotion in its name. I understand that it isn't necessary for everyone on the planet, and that not everyone should necessarily experience it. I understand that you tell yourself your mission is to "wake people up", while profiting from embedded ads for products you likely know fuck-all about. And I understand that you play dress up in a doctor's lab coat to make the whole silly deal more fun, but you're offering nothing in the way of harm reduction (or good information for that matter). Quite the opposite; I actually believe your actions are likely to harm people.
Bill Cipher
#64 Posted : 8/28/2015 12:11:31 AM

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But why do you need a youtube channel or any subscribers in the first place? And why not post videos about fantasy baseball or funny cat antics instead? Why do you need to appropriate an experience that people the world over have been having for tens of thousands of years, and proclaim yourself some kind of de facto master of ceremonies for the foolish young pooh-butt set? Who are you to play the intermediary? Who are you to toy with other peoples' brains from the security of your grandma's basement?

Go explore to your heart's content. Your brain is your own private playground. But the world doesn't need you to wake it up, so just stop with the mass market proselytizing.
#65 Posted : 8/28/2015 12:14:35 AM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
But why do you need a youtube channel or any subscribers in the first place? And why not post videos about fantasy baseball or funny cat antics instead? Why do you need to appropriate an experience that people the world over have been having for tens of thousands of years, and proclaim yourself some kind of de facto master of ceremonies for the foolish young pooh-butt set? Who are you to play the intermediary? Who are you to toy with other peoples' brains from the security of your grandma's basement?

Go explore to your heart's content. Your brain is your own private playground. But the world doesn't need you to wake it up, so just stop with the mass market proselytizing.

Thumbs up

#66 Posted : 8/28/2015 12:48:38 AM

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We've already answered those questions in this thread. As I said, take the time to READ, and you will learn a lot.

And as for Art, he's done a great deal here to further our knowledge of DMT containing plants. He called you a charlatan because you are one.


Please just stop it. Us new members can't even get a single thread to show up on the forum homepage because you feel the need to beat a dead horse.
#67 Posted : 8/28/2015 12:49:17 AM
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I really wanted to empathize with the op until I found out his real motivation behind all of this is his pocketbook. We don't need a pewdie pie dmt head, and I thought joe rogan was annoying....
“I am that gadfly which God has attached to the state, and all day long …arousing and persuading and reproaching…You will not easily find another like me.”-- Socrates
#68 Posted : 8/28/2015 12:49:30 AM

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beatenwarrior wrote:
By all accounts that is NOT freedom of speech.

Wut? I don't think you know what that means and I'm sick and tired of this expression being bandied about by those who feel persecuted. The freedom of speech is the protection of speech against unreasonable censorship from the government. When you are uploading videos to YouTube, or posts to a forum, you are engaging in discourse in a forum outside of any legal protections against censorship. YouTube, this forum, and virtually all websites (even including the armpit of the internet: 4chan) have policies in place that restrict your speech in one way or another.

Youtube's policies are clearly laid out in the help section. If you are found to be in violation of those policies there are repercussions up to and including termination of your account. The Flagging system they have in place is a form of self-regulation from the user base, and by choosing to participate in that forum you are choosing to abide by those policies and practices, plain and simple.

The simple truth remains that many of your videos contain largely outdated or completely inaccurate information as pointed out many times in this thread. And the vast majority of your responses thus far have been defensive and crying persecution by this forum instead of actively engaging in the people who are obviously trying to help you create better material.

The sum argument is that your videos are childish, inaccurate, reckless and dangerous and to top it off you're attempting to profit off of such information by allowing youtube to embed advertisements into your videos at will. Furthermore the aggression you feel you're experiencing is a direct reciprocal to the impetuous attitude you've taken with those who have rebuked you on the above matters.

This forum is full of wonderfully generous people who would be willing to go out of their way to help you convey an accurate portrayal of the information regarding this substance in a healthy, adult, and most importantly MATURE manner (i.e. no stupid DMT vs monster shenanigans with a 1/10th of a second disclaimer about 'acting'Pleased The fact is I'd love to see a video like this on youtube with a million views that I can skip over when I go on a flagging campaign.

I suggest you go over to the YouTube thread that's been stickied elsewhere and look at what's been said about previously removed videos, and in general the kind of sentiment the community has. FURTHERMORE, I think it's prudent to point out that you might be too young to remember, or to have fully appreciated, what went down with salvia and how it met it's demise because of one particular forum. Hundreds of videos uploaded by stupid teenagers and young adults doing stupid stuff while smoking salvia. From jumping through an open window in a freak out, to smashing through a glass-top table all the while their moron friends laughing stupidly and having a 'fun' time. There were even more videos talking about how awesome Salvia was and how easy it was to get. There were videos of 14 year old girls talking about it. Guess where all these videos ended up? On the 9-o'clock news with an ominous sound bite about "Coming up, a legal high sweeping the nation's school". And it all became the cud for politicians to chew on while they pandered policy based on fear. The fear that stupid and irresponsible kids were engaging in and promoting the use of a dangerous drug.

You would be wise to lick your wounds. Let the issue drop, stop defending your stupid videos and start a new thread asking for help to produce accurate information from the community. If this is not something you want to do then by all means, locate a hosting service, create a website, and host your own videos outside of youtube's policies.

And for Cyb's sake, would you pelase get rid of the god damn lab coat and poster and stop pretending to be something you're not. The message will be much better received if you don't try and come off as an actor.
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#69 Posted : 8/28/2015 1:04:20 AM


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The video looks to be taken down-thank you!
Perhaps I am asking the wrong questions but it doesn't interest me who you know or how you came to be here. I want to know if you will stand in the center of the fire with me and not shrink back.

#70 Posted : 8/28/2015 1:26:33 AM

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this thread is incredibly un-dude....as a registered dudest priest i would know.....lets all calm down, relax, take it easy and have a white russian.
#71 Posted : 8/28/2015 1:42:41 AM

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beatenwarrior - I suggest you go find some old Nexus posts by a guy by the name of Joebono. He was a Nexian from a while ago (before my time), but the whole saga is still recorded on The Nexus.

Read about what happened to him, and the conclusions he came through. That should be enough to convince you that just having everyone smoke DMT won't be enough to save the world.

I do feel like we're beating beatenwarrior to death here a little bit. They have acknowledged the problems with the videos, which have been removed. There may be more to say, but we should honor what's been done.

Thank you for being so willing to come back and keep talking with us. A lot of folks would have just stormed off in a huff, (one recently felt the need to throw into some personal attacks and slurs). You're obviously better than that, and I'm grateful for it.

"There are many paths up the same mountain."

Bill Cipher
#72 Posted : 8/28/2015 1:59:05 AM

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beatenwarrior wrote:
If you are so high in your stance, why don't you help wake people up? Do you think you can do a better job at it? Please try.

I guess the answer to that is 1) I don't presume to know who is awake and who is asleep, 2) I don't consider myself any more awake than anyone else, and 3) I don't even really know what that's supposed to mean.

I watch your video and say to myself here is a kid who should get outside and explore what the world has to offer, rather than putting himself on embarrassing display, seeking validation from views and likes. Does that mean that you are asleep? Does it mean that I must be, as I'm blind to your genius and charisma? Or does it mean that awake and asleep are just silly concepts you cling to in order to justify your actions, regardless of how it affects the community or who ends up getting hurt?

Whatever. I don't care about being a prophet. It's not my bag and it's nothing that is even remotely interesting to me. Most people I've met who want that mantle I view as fraudulent windbags - and they all seem to end up with YouTube channels, grasping at low hanging fruit. I just take exception to the potential harm you are causing and your inability to recognize the danger.
The Traveler
#73 Posted : 8/28/2015 5:50:26 PM

"No, seriously"

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All this silly talk. Smile

Shall we just compromise that your next video will be proof viewed by the nexus and that you will take all criticism to heart and at least change some things in it until we all think it is worth it before making it public?

That way we can make sure it brings no false claims (intended or not) and will be a good self-health promotion (instead of harm reduction) video. You win with the viewers and we all win with the solid information that is spread.

I like your humor in the video's and the way you bring it easily. Also mentioning the test kit for substances is a big plus in my eyes. I think many people at the nexus should also understand what your your target audience is so you might expand us a bit on that.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#74 Posted : 8/28/2015 6:23:15 PM


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Peer-reviewed video? +1 Thumbs up
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The Traveler
#75 Posted : 8/28/2015 6:32:19 PM

"No, seriously"

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Ufostrahlen wrote:
Peer-reviewed video? +1 Thumbs up

+1 indeed.

And it can keep the same fun tone and ideas with it but just checked for the right facts. Like I said, Nexians should know what your target audience is, it will help to prevent future miscommunication.

And btw for all: nothing wrong with getting some income from YouTube, just as long as it is genuine.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#76 Posted : 8/28/2015 7:39:33 PM

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beatenwarrior wrote:

Perhaps I can put a disclaimer at the beginning of the video that it's been approved by "Nexians?" Just an idea. But please let me know if you can offer a solution Smile

That's a great idea! You could also link this thread or whichever thread you present the video in before going to YouTube in the video description, as long as Trav is ok with that.
#77 Posted : 8/28/2015 9:14:25 PM

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beatenwarrior wrote:
Is there a way that the new video - once checked and approved by some members on this site as being accurate - can NOT find it's way to the youtube removal thread? I'm not sure how this would be possible. But avoiding the event that another user post it on there for mass flagging would help so we don't have a repeat of this situation. In the end youtube did not choose to remove my "how to" video. They only age restricted it. I removed it of my own will after seeing the information I provided was not up to par. However as everyone knows this type of content is very sensitive and avoiding another large flag attack would be in my best interest.

Perhaps I can put a disclaimer at the beginning of the video that it's been approved by "Nexians?" Just an idea. But please let me know if you can offer a solution Smile

I get the feeling that most of the people who flag don't just go willy-nilly flagging anything with DMT in the title. I get the feeling that the vast majority o the people who have posted in that thread have taken a critical look at the value of whatever links they post. And when they're unsure they've asked for input. You can also see their reasonings for posting the videos like "dangerous techniques" "doesn't espouse safety" or "illicit drug use for the sake of posting a video OF illicit drug use only". Meanwhile videos of people talking about their experiences or discussing it continue to not get flagged or removed, some of which shouldn't be up based on the merits of the video... but they violate no policies.

If you produce a quality video with accurate information I'd be safe in betting real physical cash that it wouldn't show up in the thread or get a flagging campaign on it.
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#78 Posted : 8/28/2015 9:48:00 PM

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beatenwarrior wrote:
The Traveler wrote:
Ufostrahlen wrote:
Peer-reviewed video? +1 Thumbs up

+1 indeed.

And it can keep the same fun tone and ideas with it but just checked for the right facts. Like I said, Nexians should know what your target audience is, it will help to prevent future miscommunication.

And btw for all: nothing wrong with getting some income from YouTube, just as long as it is genuine.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

Thank you Traveler. I appreciate your understanding.

Is there a way that the new video - once checked and approved by some members on this site as being accurate - can NOT find it's way to the youtube removal thread? I'm not sure how this would be possible. But avoiding the event that another user post it on there for mass flagging would help so we don't have a repeat of this situation. In the end youtube did not choose to remove my "how to" video. They only age restricted it. I removed it of my own will after seeing the information I provided was not up to par. However as everyone knows this type of content is very sensitive and avoiding another large flag attack would be in my best interest.

Perhaps I can put a disclaimer at the beginning of the video that it's been approved by "Nexians?" Just an idea. But please let me know if you can offer a solution Smile

There is a thread on the Shroomery encouraging people to flag DMT videos as well. I would start a thread there called something like "Nexus-approved DMT video" as well as finding the thread in question (google dmt video flag shroomery) and making a post there to prevent others from flagging. I think that would cover most of the people that are flagging your videos.
#79 Posted : 8/28/2015 10:12:25 PM

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even putting "nexus approved" in title maybe, but that might be going too far....that will make the nah sayers think a little
#80 Posted : 8/29/2015 6:05:29 AM

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I didn't see your video before you removed it but i have 1 concern. @beatenwarrior if you have a video about freebase DMT with hundreds of thousands of hits (when videos start to become mainstream and you get a lot of people viewing it who otherwise wouldn't) then a lot of people in common drug circles will be asking about it, and buying/selling will increase. i am kind of just asking you this:

could you make a separate video first (which you link to at the start of freebase video) that goes into depth about 'traditional use' and the non-recreation[ality] of the substance in general, promoting anahausca(and what that is), different MAOI plants, and how to make an ayahausca brew.... because if its just another 'crystaline drug' you are promoting in a way, im afraid that it might promote unsafe use/procurement and get yourself and other people into danger, either by harm or legal trouble

EDIT: anything these days that is crystalline is associated with crack/meth, and for many people explaining 'freebase' and everything about the experience still isnt enough to overcome the stigma in their minds, so thats a negative for you and your goals, and then then there is education side of things for people watching your video (really how much can you impact someone in 10 minutes). atleast promoting oral over smoking you are lessening the negative aspects. sorry for the wall of text. just my $0.02

EDIT2: on the point about reviewing a video. you could upload it to vimeo or somewhere else first.
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