I'd like to take a moment and introduce myself. I've been on a personal and spiritual mission for awakening for the last few years. It all began, as much does, with a terrible event in my life. Since then, the search has changed from "for meaning" to "for purpose" and now just for the sake of understanding. This is where my process truly began. After years of research into Buddhism I came across a writing where a zen master had attempted the use of mushrooms to determine if the experience was anything like a breakthrough's and feelings during a transformation mediation. The results were that they were VERY similar, however with the "rewards" felt by personal effort into enlightenment.
My first set of research was on the creation of LSD and after briefly researching I found it was way outside my skills set. I quickly moved on to the shroomery where I was very successful at getting a bit more mind expansion, but the time required to set aside an entire day for the process at those doses seemed extreme. About a year ago I came across a write-up on DMT and found myself very interested! Since then, I've been reading all I could on the Nexus and other sites. I never really expected I would extract myself, but then something changed.
As a home-brewer I found that I already had much of the equipment needed for this process, including beakers, Erlenmeyer flasks, hotplates & stir plates. I recently just removed some ACRB, before then it was all just an idea. Now, it can be real, I just need to follow the teks I've been reading. I figured it was time to register so I could ask questions as needed, however from the amount of time I've spent researching and how well the tek's are written, I'm sure it won't be too big of an issue!