Posts: 205 Joined: 30-Jul-2012 Last visit: 28-Nov-2022 Location: International waters
Hi all, After a period of actively searching for the fabled molecule, and having just barely missed a few opportunities, I had called my search quits for a while NO TALK ABOUT BUYING/SELLING/SOURCINGAt the moment, I mainly have experience with psilocybin (mostly in the 3-3.5g range) and (quite limited) salvia. I am also planning on slowly but surely expanding my horizons in the future with mescaline and DMT, but for the time being the mushroom is my preferred teacher. I am mostly a solo tripper, and my first LSD experience will most likely follow suit. I realize that the psilocybin and LSD experiences do differ quite a lot, despite also sharing many commonalities. I have been reading up on reports for a good while now to decide on a good dosage for a first-time experience (which was surprisingly difficult considering the exact amount of micrograms is largely unknown in a lot of trip reports). Since I realize LSD cannot be compared to psilocybin, I do not want to venture too far out my first time (especially since I do not know anyone personally experienced). That said, I have had a few low-dose mushroom trips (1-1.5g) that were underwhelming and actually induced some bad feelings due to being stuck in the "inbetween" state of sobriety/heightened sensory awareness. I guess I am looking for a dose that will not be too mentally overwhelming for a first-time solo experience, but which will still push me firmly over the threshold and give me a good first look at what LSD is about. From what I've gathered, 150µg seems to be a good starting point for someone who already has some psychedelic experience, but does not want to jump straight into the deep end. Would you agree, or recommend otherwise? Sincerest thanks "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 59 Joined: 07-Sep-2014 Last visit: 16-Oct-2015 Location: Amsterdam
I find 125 ug to be a great dose for first timers. It has never underwhelmed any of the people I introduced and was borderline too intense for a few.
Are your hits lab tested though? If not they are most likely less than 115 ug strong. The strength of blotter is almost always exaggerated.
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Posts: 597 Joined: 10-May-2015 Last visit: 13-Jun-2019 Location: Seattle
I actually always felt that LSD and psilocybin mushrooms were a very similar experience - the biggest difference to me is that LSD lingers on longer.... They have a little different personality, but out of every substance I have ever worked with, these two seem the most similar.
Unless you know the chemist there is no way to know the dose of what you got. People just make up numbers, so you really have to trust that what you got is indeed LSD, and I suggest just being open to wherever it takes you.
For a beginner I would say one or two hits is a good starting point. Wait an hour before deciding if you want more or not. If you have experience with mushrooms you will be fine on LSD - they are similar enough, and in my experience LSD is a bit gentler then mushrooms.
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Posts: 1178 Joined: 12-Oct-2010 Last visit: 08-Jan-2022
I think for the very first time it's nice to start low to get an initial feel for LSD and then proceed from there... given your experience i think 100-125mcg would be a nice dose considering you don't want to be underwhelmed or too overwhelmed. Let us know how you get on... LSD 
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Posts: 3968 Joined: 21-Jul-2012 Last visit: 15-Feb-2024
I was recently reacquainted with LSD after a long hiatus. I forgot how beautiful it is, and made two mistakes when I took it, one was drinking a couple \few beers prior to dosing which caused horrible gas pain and the other was not taking enough. I feel that LSD is a great tool for personal introspection, analysis, and interpersonal transformation. Everything within the LSD experience is MINE, as opposed to the DMT experience, that connect with the other. Not doing enough is dangerous in my opinion because one can dislodge psychic disturbances and if the dose isn't high enough to work through it, one can find themselves sort of stuck there. However, that being said, there advice given above about working you're way up is definitely sound. You will have more than one opportunity, and LSD can be quite jarring for its psychoanalytical effect. And hanging out with friends, strengthening bonds between you, is perfect for a couple hundred mics. Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon *γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
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Posts: 59 Joined: 07-Sep-2014 Last visit: 16-Oct-2015 Location: Amsterdam
Not being able to work through something in one sitting is a risk inherent to any psychedelic. If it happens, it will always result in some left over anxiety, depression or other lingering psychosomatic effects.
While it is true that a higher dose is harder to fight, higher doses never garantee a fully rounded experience. It takes a lot of experience to judge dose and challenging experiences.
In a first timers case it is better to start low. If problems arise and aren't dealt with they can always return quickly for a second session. If you completely overshoot it with a flood dose, they could be stuck with a lot of residual anxiety (or worse) and a fear to dive back in. Not good.
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Posts: 934 Joined: 28-Dec-2014 Last visit: 26-Jan-2021 Location: 40th Parallel
I would ask where (what setting) you're plan to trip in. If you say a beautiful, natural, outdoor setting that you are pretty familiar with, I'd say go for a little more, such as 125 mcg - 250 mcg. If you say indoors, or even an outdoor setting that you're not very familiar with, I'd say keep it on the lesser side of dosage, such as < 125 mcg. Just two cents from an old fart that has a couple thousand LSD trips under his belt. Freedom's so hard When we are all bound by laws Etched in the scheme of nature's own hand Unseen by all those who fail In their pursuit of fate
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Posts: 4733 Joined: 30-May-2008 Last visit: 13-Jan-2019 Location: inside moon caverns
Quote:That said, I have had a few low-dose mushroom trips (1-1.5g) that were underwhelming and actually induced some bad feelings due to being stuck in the "inbetween" state of sobriety/heightened sensory awareness. In my experience, this was WAY worse with LSD. Quote:I think for the very first time it's nice to start with ~50µg to get a feel for LSD That would be exactly the dose that would provoke this in between state. Quote:I actually always felt that LSD and psilocybin mushrooms were a very similar experience - the biggest difference to me is that LSD lingers on longer.... I would strongly disagree. This hasn't been the case for me in the least. LSD has been energizing, very focused and almost "logical", while mushrooms always were deeply emotional, sensual and a bit dreamy. I'm not sure if i want to take LSD again, but if, i guess around two hits might be worth a try. I got the distinct feeling, that this is one substance you don't want to muck around with low doses. Really low ones 10-25mics ok...but these are not very psychedelic. I once ate one two thirds of a mayan calender and it was perhaps like 1.5g mushrooms just very different. edit: Oh and i found that set and setting was very crucial with LSD. Oh and my experience level with LSD is very low...just my first impressions kinda.
Posts: 205 Joined: 30-Jul-2012 Last visit: 28-Nov-2022 Location: International waters
Thanks so much for the fast and helpful responses, this is great! GoldenEye wrote:I find 125 ug to be a great dose for first timers. It has never underwhelmed any of the people I introduced and was borderline too intense for a few. I might just follow your advice, thanks for sharing. The midway between 100 and 150 sounds like it would be a great place to start. GoldenEye wrote:Are your hits lab tested though? If not they are most likely less than 115 ug strong. The strength of blotter is almost always exaggerated. travsha wrote:Unless you know the chemist there is no way to know the dose of what you got. People just make up numbers, so you really have to trust that what you got is indeed LSD, and I suggest just being open to wherever it takes you. I won't go into further details, but the tabs are indeed lab-tested and are dosed quite accurately. Doc Buxin wrote:I would ask where (what setting) you're plan to trip in.
If you say a beautiful, natural, outdoor setting that you are pretty familiar with, I'd say go for a little more, such as 125 mcg - 250 mcg.
If you say indoors, or even an outdoor setting that you're not very familiar with, I'd say keep it on the lesser side of dosage, such as < 125 mcg. I am planning on dropping solo at home. I will have an entire weekend to myself with no distractions or obligations. After I get comfortable in the headspace I will probably go for a long walk. I live in a quiet countryside town with woods and fields very close to my door, and if I don't feel confident enough to venture out I can still relax in my backyard. Setting should not pose any problems :-) null24 wrote:Not doing enough is dangerous in my opinion because one can dislodge psychic disturbances and if the dose isn't high enough to work through it, one can find themselves sort of stuck there. This is the exact feeling I had as well on a handful of low-dose mushroom trips. The inbetween zone can definitely be an uncomfortable place to find yourself in, and I would rather not spend 10+ hours there  Do you have any idea what the minimum dose would be to firmly move beyond that weird threshold zone into more pleasant territory? 50 mics or so? "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." - Albert Camus
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 587 Joined: 02-May-2013 Last visit: 16-Apr-2018
If those tabs are anything close to the lab-tested (>99% pure) 115ug batch I tasted, I would highly recommend that you take one to one and a half if it is your first time taking it. For me, 115ug of LSD was a gentle euphoric ride with a decent amount of visual splendor. There was strong definite distortion of perceived reality with minor visual hallucinations with eyes open. Timeless fractalline journeys were had with eyes closed and music playing. There was almost no body load at 115ug and not once did I feel as if I was losing control of the trip, my mind, or both. Most noticeable effect was an powerful feeling of angelic euphoria and happiness. IMO 115-200ug would be a good amount for a first time ride. Enjoy the trip and the time you spend with it. '"ALAS,"said the mouse, "the world is growing smaller every day. At the beginning it was so big that I was afraid, I kept running and running, and I was glad when at last I saw walls far away to the right and left, but these long walls have narrowed so quickly that I am in the last chamber already, and there in the corner stands the trap that I must run into." "You only need to change your direction," said the cat, and ate it up.' --Franz Kafka
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Posts: 401 Joined: 31-May-2014 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: The confluence
I haven't had access to lsd for a number of years, but it was once my preferred psychotropic and I've dosed hundreds of times, including a period of several months where I took it nearly every day (and I don't share the views of most others as far as tolerance goes). I'll proffer a bit of advice I would suggest for any novice to the experience. It can be very energizing initially, but can become very taxing later in the trip. As duration can be dose dependent ( eg 400 or 500 mcg can keep you up for 20 hours or more), it is best to start a trip well rested. Eating can prove challenging for some as well, so eat beforehand or make sure there are some light things on hand (and a little OJ is nice). Make sure you don't have to deal with the colder side of society i.e. something as simple a a financial transaction at a cash register can prove difficult - nature is best for most. I would suggest that it is most fitting in a social circumstance where others who you are comfortable with are also tripping, though the mental states are rather 'contagious' to anyone speaking to someone under the influence of lsd whether they've imbibed or not. Also, try to be cognizant of where your thoughts are heading, bad trips can be averted by challenging issues that are troubling you in the moment. Your mind can very easily free associate in this state in a way I would liken to psilocybin. IME low doses (50mcg) are manageable and have you drifting in and out of the trip with all of the same types of challenges as median doses (100 or 200 mcg) where you are more solidly tripping nonstop. I don't find there to be much of a release from ego issues until you get into a larger dose (400mcg or more), however you'll be somewhat incapacitated in most respects for a very long day/night. This being said, I found a single tab of around 100mcg was always fairly manageable and even a huge amount of fun in the right circumstances. Good luck! and always remember to listen to what your heart tells you "We dance round in a ring and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows." Robert Frost
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Posts: 934 Joined: 28-Dec-2014 Last visit: 26-Jan-2021 Location: 40th Parallel
ॐ wrote:...I am planning on dropping solo at home. I will have an entire weekend to myself with no distractions or obligations. After I get comfortable in the headspace I will probably go for a long walk. I live in a quiet countryside town with woods and fields very close to my door, and if I don't feel confident enough to venture out I can still relax in my backyard. Setting should not pose any problems... If that's the case, I'd go for a more or less larger-ish dose, perhaps what Godsmacker recommended (that's what I was thinking if the tabs are actually 125 mcg as you say)... Enjoy ॐ!!! Freedom's so hard When we are all bound by laws Etched in the scheme of nature's own hand Unseen by all those who fail In their pursuit of fate