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finally feel like entities have been reached. Options
#1 Posted : 7/2/2009 12:39:23 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: under your couch
been a while since i have posted here, but i bring a story. SWIM has had quite a few experiences with DMT (probably not near the experience many here have had), yet he has never really felt like any real "contact" has been made. that is until a couple of days ago.

SWIM went to a friend's house and dropped some LSD. it was pretty lowgrade stuff, though very clean. however, after a few hours they both decided that a bit of "umph" was needed to make this trip really work. so SWIM took a hit of DMT and finally, FINALLY, made contact. in the front yard he took the hit and flopped backward onto lawn staring into the clear night abyss. the stars doubled, tripled, and floded in on themselves ripping a hole into the dimentional fabric showing what he could only describe as demons. not bad evil type demons, but magick transdimentional demons with secrets to tell. they invited SWIM into their library and opened books to show what they had to offer. the language was unreadable, in fact it was similar to the patterns SWIM typically sees in his experiences. it was at this moment that he realized the patterns were not just pretty colours, but real messages in a language he unfortunately could not decipher. this struck SWIM as gracious yet almost masonic. since then SWIM has been fascinated with magicks.

all in all, this brief account is actually a "hooray" for his long awaited contact, and an offered experience for those that have found entities to be elusive. sadly, that was the last of what SWIM had, and now he must wait before making more, but he is excited to see this library again.

Advertising is tax deductible, so we all pay for the privilege of being manipulated and controlled.
-Noam Chomsky

Do you think that the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog? Of course it didn't. And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare, so we can never possibly imagine our destiny.
-Naked (1993)

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 7/2/2009 11:58:31 PM


Posts: 106
Joined: 02-Feb-2009
Last visit: 04-May-2020
Good luck reading them! Slap them around a bit and tell them mi solo hablo ingles stupido! nescito libres en ingles!
All of the posts made are hypothetical and for educatiunal/entertainmint purposes only. SWIM (a fictional chaaracter) and his activities are completely fictional.
#3 Posted : 7/3/2009 3:07:40 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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olderROM wrote:
Good luck reading them! Slap them around a bit and tell them mi solo hablo ingles stupido! nescito libres en ingles!

lol. yeah, maybe i just need to learn spanish.

Advertising is tax deductible, so we all pay for the privilege of being manipulated and controlled.
-Noam Chomsky

Do you think that the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog? Of course it didn't. And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare, so we can never possibly imagine our destiny.
-Naked (1993)
#4 Posted : 7/3/2009 3:12:08 AM


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the shape shifters use your memory to enact their wisdom. It's as if all life itself is a code, and within the rhythms you find harmonics between what you know and what you could know. Thanks, Panda.

#5 Posted : 7/4/2009 3:35:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 09-Dec-2015
Location: under your couch
slidewinder wrote:
the shape shifters use your memory to enact their wisdom. It's as if all life itself is a code, and within the rhythms you find harmonics between what you know and what you could know. Thanks, Panda.

thanks to you Winder.

i think i can identify with that. it makes me think of the movie Pi.

"the number is nothing. it's the meaning, the syntaxes, it's between the numbers."

but yeah, there is definitely a familiar feeling with everythign shown. psychedelic deja vous.

Advertising is tax deductible, so we all pay for the privilege of being manipulated and controlled.
-Noam Chomsky

Do you think that the amoeba ever dreamed that it would evolve into the frog? Of course it didn't. And when that first frog shimmied out of the water and employed its vocal cords in order to attract a mate or to retard a predator, do you think that that frog ever imagined that that incipient croak would evolve into all the languages of the world, into all the literature of the world? Of course it fucking didn't. And just as that froggy could never possibly have conceived of Shakespeare, so we can never possibly imagine our destiny.
-Naked (1993)
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