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A stroll through the park. Options
#1 Posted : 7/16/2015 10:04:44 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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First of all, I would like to mention that this is the first time I've combined DMT with another drug. I've took 5mg of bisoprolol, because I thought this would relieve heart racing discomfort during trip, and experience was indeed positive.

Pre experience:

As with most of my previous experiences, I've prepared for this one in my living room. This is the place where I feel most comfortable, my solitude, and my safest setting. Smile I felt an urge to travel with the Spice again, but this was that kind of urge where it isn't just you feeling like doing spice, but it seems like spice is calling you itself. So, I took small amount of spice, measured it, it was ~50mg. I've put it in The Machine, and sat down. Tried to relax, but I was already pretty much relaxed. Yes, I had minor pre-flight anxiety, but it wasn't so bad. So, I lit up. I was very gentle with the flame, I was holding the flame at around 5 inches under the mesh, and slowly raising it up, until vapor appeared. That moment when the vapor started swirling, and rushing to the straw, I judged it to be just the right distance. And looks like it was, because vapor was rather smooth. Very smooth. I felt like I could fill my entire lungs with it, without any discomfort. But I didn't, due to previous bad experiences with doing that.


So, as I inhale the vapor, it is, of course, starting to act very fast. By the second hit of it, something happened to me, like my mind was telling me: "No! You're not ready for full breakthrough! Stop this now". But then I felt and heard female presence, which said in rather imperative tone: "What!? Really? You're going to quit now? Come on, don't be so miserable. Take the hit, you know you want to come, come on!"

And I did listen to it. Immediately, I picked up the Machine again, and took another one strong hit, which I don't even remember exhaling.

The Journey:

At once, I found myself in an open field, which looked like huge steppe. I saw some animals which looked like wolves, maybe not wolves, but very canine in appearance. They were running wild, I think that I can describe that whole scene in one word: freedom. Infinite freedom, actually. It was so beautiful to see them, and I joined them. I was running with them too. Then I've came to realization that those are "her" wolves. I mean, those were wolves belonging to that female being which encouraged me to come in.

This scene has suddenly "changed". Now, I can't use words to describe how exactly, but I'll just instead say that scene kinda "melted" and started "morphing". This is the closest approximation I can make. After this scene finished, I found myself in an inhabited place which looked like suburb of some city.

I was on a street, and I was looking at the scenery around me, that beautiful scenery. Everything seemed so sterile and clean, shiny and polished. There were trees around, at every 10 feet or more, but they didn't have leaves. In fact, their branches were naked, with only small things on them (those from which leaves later grow, sorry don't know the exact word). So I got it right away: it is early spring here! Sunny, warm, shiny. My goodness, it is beautiful! Flabbergasting!

Right across the street, there was what seemed like park. In the park, there was no one, except a small girl, beside some object which I can't really describe. It is impossible because I just don't know what that was. But I proceeded to sit at it, I don't know if I was tired, or why.

Now, this is where words can't even touch this what I've experienced: that object on which I sat immediately turned to giant gingerbread man. He was smiling, I didn't feel him as threat or enemy, but rather someone who has best wishes for me. It was all made clear to me, gingerbread is some kind of those girl's guardian. What gingerbread man did then, was lifting up his hand and index finger, and pointing at me, he then spun me, and shot a stream of some symbols which were impossible to decode to any our language. The stream was, well...hypnotizing, so soothing and calm. I wonder what is the meaning of that? Wait, it doesn't matter. I will never know in this state, while I'm in corporeality. Never mind.

Upon return, I was in utter disbelief! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness; I was telling to myself. Out of all entities which I've met, this one is so...unique, different, friendly...he's awesome! He's great! OMG! Very happy

I was so thankful for what I've experienced, that I knew that I should send some of my energy to them as a gratitude. And I did. I still had a telepathic bond with them. I felt them say: "thank you. We love you" Smile

I'm still having an afterglow, as I'm writing this, and I'm still eternally thankful for such an experience. The DMT is truly a divine molecule. It is one of the most awesome gifts humanity can have, and still obscure to most of us. But i hope this will change. When we get ready for it...

Oh, and did I tell you that I love you all, my dear Nexians? Love

Peace and love.Love


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Doc Buxin
#2 Posted : 7/16/2015 11:25:24 PM

Pay No Mind

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oversoul1919 wrote:
...I wonder what is the meaning of that? Wait, it doesn't matter....Never mind.

Wonderful to hear this!! You're learning!!Thumbs up

oversoul1919 wrote:
Upon return, I was in utter disbelief! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness....

...I was so thankful for what I've experienced, that I knew that I should send some of my energy to them as a gratitude. And I did. I still had a telepathic bond with them. I felt them say: "thank you. We love you" Smile

Yesssssssssssss!!!!! Every breakthrough journey I have had with the Spice, no matter how beautiful or how terrifying, always ends with me crying out of deep, deep gratitude & I always smile & say "goodbye you guys, whoever you are; thank you so much!! I love you!!" Often times saying this over 3 or more times before the connection finally is no longer there.

oversoul1919 wrote:
I'm still having an afterglow, as I'm writing this, and I'm still eternally thankful for such an experience. The DMT is truly a divine molecule.

Absolutely oversoul...Gratitude is THE THING to cultivate!!! Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude!!!

oversoul1919 wrote:
Oh, and did I tell you that I love you all, my dear Nexians? Love

Peace and love.Love

Love you too oversoul...Much peace & love to you!SmileWink Love
Freedom's so hard
When we are all bound by laws
Etched in the scheme of nature's own hand
Unseen by all those who fail
In their pursuit of fate
#3 Posted : 7/17/2015 1:02:51 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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that's the stuff

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