Essentially everyone (bar maybe 0.001% of the population) would need to smoke MASSIVE amounts of DMT to even get near the point of HPPD being severe enough to cause a break through while sober, probably on the scale of multiple break throughs every day for a while if its even possible.
As for more "normal" HPPD I think I'm in a rather unique camp in that I got very prominent and short lasting HPPD which I directly attribute to an episode of (admittedly abusive) frequent usage of DMT. At the time I was conducting an experiment of sorts on myself with the purpose of seeing exactly what would happen if one were to smoke DMT everyday for awhile (and also to, not proudly and not wisely, stifle boredom). The doses being vaped weren't major, probably only 15 - 25mg at a time 2-3x usually over the course of an hour or two. The first two days went off without a hitch, normal expected reactions from those doses. However on the third day the trips began to get very dark, with a focus on paranoia. The hallucinations moved away from patterns of colors and into the territory of faces and shadow animals/people in the corner of my vision accompanied with an intense feeling of dread. There was a real fear that my hallucinations would do me harm while intoxicated, which wasn't all that irrational considering the nature of my hallucinations. There are three examples that stick out very prominently, two of which lasted after the effects of DMT wore off (one which lasted past the day of the experience).
The first of these examples involved a picture of Mary holding the baby jesus (
link to a very similar picture), after dosing the face of Mary took on nearly an identical facial expression that the Thwomps in the video game Super Mario World have. Along with this expression came the realization/fear that the picture would begin to talk to me, similar to some symptoms of some forms of schizophrenia. The picture never did speak to me, nor do I think it would have, but after the experience whenever I looked at that picture on my wall it would retain the expression of the Thwomp until I took it down because of just how disconcerting this was (along with the fact it appears to stare at me when I sleep due to the way it's painted). I took the picture down about 3 days after the experience.
The second and third of these seemingly malicious hallucinations (that is, that the hallucinations themselves appeared to have or be a personification of the intent to harm) are related. These hallucinations consisted of heads (which I creatively refer to as, "The head" ), of which they have an EXTREMELY similar appearance to a person in a Vice documentary. Search "Medical Miracles of Ambien" on Youtube, the heads I saw bore the resemblance of the person in the thumbnail that they chose (which is interesting because I have a rather colorful history with ambien, which is a completely different story). The first time I saw this head was around the 4th or 5th day of the experiment, it appeared in my window as I looked outside at approximately 2pm. Normally the view from that window is of green, due to the trees that populate my area, but one quarter of the window consisted of just the head which was stationary. The second time I saw this head was the day directly after, in which a Ushanka that I keep hanging on a dresser directly in front of my couch (where I spend most of my time) which morphed into the head. What was disturbing (aside from the fact that the head appeared to actually be wearing my Ushanka) is that it also looked dead, with its eyes looking upwards (but not rolled back exposing only whites, the pupils were still visible). This hallucination also lasted for 24+ hours after the experience, with no diminishing of it after the effects wore off. It may have lasted even longer, but I rotated the Ushanka on the object it is hanging on and that seemed to get rid of it.
While those experiences were definitely not the smartest things I've ever done (and no one should attempt to do it, a psychotic break was becoming a very real possibility and probably would have occurred had I not stopped) and I would never repeat that type of dosage regimen with any psychedelic, I'm glad I went through it. It fostered a new found vastly increased respect for DMT and gave me a fascinating insight and lasting interest in mental illness, with the days that followed being filled with learning about mental illness. It actually prompted me to dig out a DSM-4 that was given to me as a gift but never looked at until recently.
The stories and information I post here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.