1. Personally I don't do anything specific to integrate meditative or psychedelic experiences and never have attempted to, my experiences tend to make their value (or lack there-of, I've had plenty of psychedelic experiences which produced nothing useful but were still enjoyable) known either immediately (as with the calming effect of meditation)or within the days and weeks that follow as I revisit it via memories and make any connections that are or are not there on the fly.
2. I consider meditation to be a prolonged period of higher than normal concentration with a physiological and/or mind-expanding goal outside of the traditional gathering of knowledge. Personally for me this entails calming my self and clearing my mind via focusing on a mantra and only on that mantra.
3. I try to be in a meditative state when I am practicing meditation, but being in a meditative state usually isn't my goal with psychedelics (although its pretty common).
4. Meditation serves well to calm anxiety, which is what I use it for the most. Aside from that it leaves me feeling cleaner psychologically, kinda like a mental shower. I don't tend to use it to solve issues.
5. See 1
6. I've found meditation to be a very effective way to intensify a psychedelic experience, even cannabis turns into something extremely profound and intense. Often times my mind is going too fast to meditate for a significant length of time on the traditional psychedelics, the mind wanders far too easily and is too difficult for me to control for longer than about 5 minutes at best. However those 5 minutes are beautiful, extremely so. Despite this I will often find myself in a meditative like state on psychedelics, where externally I am simply staring off into the distance (or at the back of my eyelids) but mentally I'm completely entranced in whatever it is psychs are making me think about in that moment. I simply refer to this as a trance when speaking about it informally to other people, how similar it is to an actual trance I have no idea.
The stories and information I post here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.