It's interesting what we learn from each other, especially those close to us like family and familiar faces. And it's equally interesting what we could learn from each other... but simply don't.
I wrote these two sentences above in an attempt to create a thesis sentence that would tie into my observations of individual people in my life, society, and myself
(though as this entire writting session developed the aim of it has also gradually changed in intent, attitude, and expectation). It's two sentences meant to just give me some space to explore philosophically in what i'm even trying to think about and convey; much like many other sentences in life.
And it ties into a vague lesson i've been learning about life. This lesson i'm learning has been developing for quite a good while. But it's suddenly just stopped in progress, as if for some reason either life got tired of teaching or i got tired of learning; even though there is reason for me to learn in regard to correlation with the imminence of death that compels life to teach as it gradually ends,
if that makes any sense? Not only that but it's like I myself stopped somewhere along the line that separates the me who is typing this now and the me a year ago.
The me a year ago had more youth, energy, motivation, curiosity, gratitude, and humility. The person i am now has all previous traits but there seems to be a hesitancy and withdrawing away from them now. Some factors aren't the big picture but are still important and haunting images that fade into the back of my eyesight as i stare off, thinking... Thinking about why it is that my behavior has changed; not for the worse, but more for the less.
And you know, it's simple things:
1) Be grateful for being alive, it will end one day (But it's like i don't have the vigor needed for being grateful for being alive and enjoying life).
2) Do things that both help maintain "peace" with your closest companions and furthermore do things that are important to those individuals (like say, doing the dishes so that my dad doesn't have to do them (motivation issues). Or maybe like say, directly talking to my father and communicating with him and not just talking "small talk" to fill in the void uselessly (it always feels like i have something to say but don't know where to begin). And
3)Do things that matter to me (But of course, i get overwhelmed with doing things that don't matter to me because they are easier to achieve than the things that i care much more about)
I think that for the most part I am the one putting up this obstacle and that i am the only one who can overcome it. But... I don't know...
What do you do when the "question" is so complex that you can't even ask it straightforward and to top it off the "answer" isn't a singular unit pertaining to a single issue?
I'm expecting a vague "slap" from a difficult life experience meant to literally push me down my destiny. I don't know what that means but i'm not ready. I just hope that I am the one to slap myself into a better life-style and not an Entheogen, my parents, or someone else i haven't met yet but imagine and fantasize over. I need change and that will never happen unless i try really hard; and it won't be easy...
Life starts now i guess. (btw LightDancer, i haven't been able to stop listening to that song! it's so good)
Well, thanks for listening. Has anyone else gone through or is going through something similar to some extent?