My high dose method report
I made a brew of roughly 20 grams of acacia confusa simmered for 45 minutes 3 times with a large amount of lemon juice and then concentrated all 3 simmers to around 100 ml. I stored the liquid and then waited till night I measured out 5.5 grams of whole syrian rue and then swallowed it all with some sips of lemonade to get it down. I then proceeded to take a shower and then 30 minutes later I downed 60 ml of the brew the rest I couldn't get down because it was highly nasty.
the trip...
Around 30 minutes after I downed the brew I was feeling it strong I put on some pajamas because they were comfortable then I sat down in a chair. I looked at my dresser and it seemed to morph into one giant block all of the sudden their was a tree and it was morphing with an insane amount of beauty then I started to feel nausea like I was going to puke I started fighting it then I heard a motherly voice saying don't fight it just go with it (I don't know the exact words in fact there may have not been words but that was the interpretation of what it meant).
I ended up fighting it I don't like vomiting so I braced my mind and fought the nausea off. I realized that was such a dumb thing to do and that she was disappointed I had not listened all of the sudden I was back here with no visuals. I got out of the chair and headed to my bed were the rest of the trip took place I was on here typing when I looked up and there was a leopard face on top of my ceiling fan I closed my eyes and then opened them and there were many leopard faces all around my room.
It scared me so I closed my eyes in fear and when I opened them my room was gone I was in a field surrounded by the jungle and the leopards were watching me. I was afraid and they knew it one came up and he looked me in the eyes at that moment I knew that the leopards meant me no harm so I nodded to him and said show me.
I followed the leopard out of the field and into the jungle where he jumped into a tree and then onto a giant rock. After closer examination it was not a rock at all it was a old statue with ancient egyptian symbols carved onto it it had a beautiful look to it and was green with moss. I heard a noise and I looked up there was a black bird with a beak that looked like the beak on the bird from fruit loops it flew off as soon as I saw it.
The leopard looked at me funny then started to run he looked back like I should follow so I did we got back to the field where I saw a helicopter thing approaching it landed next to my friend and a cowboy looking guy jumped out. I was back here at that point and I was staring at the ceiling fan (which may have been the helicopter?) and I saw a motherly face in the middle.
She disappeared and I started looking at the computer screen where I searched spotted leopard on google. I saw my friend there he was in a zoo I realized then that the helicopter man had taken him from the beautiful jungle and put him in a cage so we can look at him for amusement. I was disgusted sad and crying he seemed so happy and at peace and we took him. I rolled over in bed and felt deep sadness sweep through me I closed my eyes and when I opened them there she was.
This was the mother I had been seeing glimpses of she was in a dirt hut (im not sure were) and she said nothing she just hugged me. I realized then that she was mother nature she was in charge of life and that she was here to comfort me from my sadness of what we did to the leopard. She disappeared as soon as I felt better and I again rolled over and then I was the leopard I was running through the forest climbing through the trees and I was so powerful so muscular and had such strength.
I approached a camp ground and realized how weak the americans were they were so out of touch it would be easy to sneak up on them and eat them one by one they wouldn't notice or hear a thing. I left and then found a group of natives to the jungle armed with spears they were the top of the jungle and I knew it they would her me coming a mile away and they would instantly spear me in the blink of an eye they were not like the westerners and I respected them for it.
I woke up at this point it seemed like coming out of a dream I realized then that we are out of touch with nature we have reflexes like checking our phone not paying attention to our surroundings. It seemed odd we had gotten like this but then I realized how easy our lives our and that's not good were unhappy because we lost touch with the basics of nature we are animals surround with machines when we need to be surrounded by nature.
At this point I saw myslef as a child so innocent and happy I wondered what had changed me and I realized it was the western culture. I came out of if for the last time after that it was maybe 3 hours total which seemed short but it was ok. It was the most helpful healing i've ever had from any psychedelics it showed me the way so clear and meaningfully.
My non high dose of syrian rue report.
I brewed 15 grams the same way the only difference was the boiling were I let this one boil and my latest I let it simmer close to boiling. I ate 3 grams of syrian rue and waited 30 minutes and drank it all so I got the same dose as my latest dose but only DMT not rue.
The trip...
after around 45 minutes I began to feel it I sat in a chair and thought I would be seeing things soon. I did not I felt incredibly stoned but that was about it the only visions I had was that of tie die swirls when I closed my eyes. I ended up bored with the munchies and I ate a bunch of popcorn and watched willfred for the remainder of the night. I woke up the next morning feeling more connected to nature but that was not as deep as it is now.
Overall both were good and made me feel more mature and in touch with nature but the high dose was by far the best it blew me out of the water straight down the rabbit hole.
Come on people now
Smile on your brother
Everybody get together
Try to love one another
Right now