tropane wrote:Has anyone noticed any anti-depressant/anxiety effects from DMT?
SWIM wants to know. He's tried DMT many times and has his reasons for asking.
acolon_5 wrote:YES! Anti-depressant effects for sure. Both my friend and I use vaporized spice as a type of "reset" button in addition to the spiritual side of the experience.
I don't get a sudden Prozac type anti-depression effect, but when I'm swinging low (
and I can get low!) & have felt shitty for a week or two, a heavy DMT experience can have that "afterglow" for a few days that feels like a
resetting of my feelings/thoughts on the situation, just like Acolon5 said!
But it doesn't
cure depression, it helps you to get out from under those negative thought processes that seem so serious & "
real" when your depressed, so you are able to think objectively & get over/around it.
acolon_5 wrote:We find that during a period of depression smoking spice (or even better an Aya cerimony)will reset our perspective on our situation.
Again I could not agree more with acolon_5, that Ayahuasca is much better for helping
you to actually
cure your depression!!! Where vaporized DMT can have an anti-depressant effect, it is only temporary &
very subtle.
If you are not the kind of person who pays very close attention to how these depressive thought patterns start & manifest & how they are different form your normal thought patterns, you may not even notice the change that smoked DMT can have.
However, Ayahuasca definitely helps cure depression!!
It's not a one time thing though, you have to work with it regularly for a while & that's not always "
fun", especially if your trying to help ease regular swings of heavy depression.
Like therapy, Ayahuasca help's
you to get in there & figure out why your depressed so often
in the first place, so you finally deal with it.
I'm not saying that Ayahuasca is a replacement for a real psycho-therapist if you need that, but a few regular, strong doses of Aya & the
direct intentions of going in to your past to dig up those negative issues, that's you
unconsciously chose to bury back then for one reason or another & expose them to be dealt with!!
I'll give you a rather personal example from a recent experience.
I literally
relived a certain experience from my childhood that I had completely blocked out & forgotten!!
It was one of those experiences that instantly changes who you are from that moment on whether good or bad or even if you don't realize it's significances at that time.
It was that something happened when I was 8-9yrs old during my parents divorce, that caused me (
I'll try not going to go into too much detail here...) to see my father as cold & unloving towards me & my if we were just "
child support" he had to pay...another bill.
I not only relived it
like I was there, but I was also able to feel the persecution & abandonment that
he was feeling (
not that it justified anything) & caused him to lash out like he did.
Not only that, but I could also feel how my mother was deeply hurting & feeling guilty about the whole situation & how it as going to effect my sister & I for a long time to come, etc..., Then the stabbing pain when dad said what he said, did what he did...
There was also my sister & her confusion, mixed with mine & the feelings like we caused it all...
So as you can imagine, that was not a easy experience whatsoever!!
It was quite excruciating to be honest & when it was over, I was completely wore the fuck out & exhausted!!
In fact just typing it out now hurts...
But after experiencing that through Ayahuasca, with her there to guide & comfort me, I was able to finally understand why I have the relationship (
or lack there of...) that I have with my father. For better or worse, it has unburdened me & helped me to feel empathy for him & that issue no longer causes depression in me anymore.
It's not gone completely, but that is not a part of it anymore.
Peeling away the layers with time...)
Ayahuasca did not take it away with the end of the experience, it was weeks/months later, after thinking about it from all the new angles, analyzing how it's shaped my life & finally coming to terms with it & letting it go.
Aya just showed it to me directly & opened up the whole experience to me, so I could deal with it.
Not just bury it further down with another drug!!
damn...well that's my input for the day!
BTW, if you are on a prescription SSRI (
a lot of anti-depressant's are SSRI's) for your depression, Ayahuasca & DMT are not a good idea.
The MAOI's (
in this case RIMA's) can be extremely dangerous if mixed with SSRI's
All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!