Hey everyone. Im so stoaked to finally get the chanse to join this awesome community! I've been reading posts on this site for years now but every time I thought about joining they weren't allowing new users at the time. However this forum has helped me out a ton just being able to read the discussions of others.
Well I guess I'll tell you a little about myself. I've had many problems with drug addiction through out my teenage life. I pretty much tried anything I could get my hands on, methamphetamine( which I struggled with for about a year and a half), amphetamine MDA, a-php, a-pvp, methcathinone, methylphenidate, ethylphenidate ect.. lol a lot of different stimulants. But tried "acid" at a party one night and instantly fell in love with psychedelics. I then started experimenting with substances outside of my normal getting twacked out drugs. I had a dxm experience one night that changed my life for the better. It was to this day one of my most introspective hallucinogenic experiences. It basically brought to my attention all of my wrong doings. That night I swore to stay clean from meth and other stimulants. Which for the most part I've held strong to, I've had two relapses in the four years since that experience. But I was quickly able to get back on the wagon so to say. I have since layed off the disassociatives as I find them to be very habit forming in my case as well. And I limit my self to one journey a month, as I would hate for psychedelics to lose their magic as well.
My experiences with pyschedelics is not as extensive as my experience with stims. But I think its fair to say I've tested the waters. I have tried 25I-nbome, mescaline, methallyescaline, LSA, LSZ, ALAD, 1p-LSD, DMT( ayahusca analogue once, vaporized many times, HCl injection and intranasil use of HCl solution), psylocibe containing mushrooms, 4 ACO-DMT and DPT.
My experience with kitchen chemistry is somewhat limited, I have reduced pseudoephedrine to methamphetamine and to methcathinone. I have done a/b extractions with San Pedro cacti, Dxm containing medication and mimosa hostilis ( once gassed saturated naphtha with HCl gas hoping to get HCl crystals but none precipitated, so I pulled with water and evaporated and was left with an oderless oil that was highly active... I guess DMT HCl is a liquid? Or maybe what I created wasn't DMT HCl... I don't know.
But anyway sorry for rambling, i'm not the best writer so I hope that doesn't suck to read. But I hope that I can be a benefit to this community. You'll definatly see me around