I hope i didnt offend you amandanita!
My post wasnt pointed at you at all, it was a general outline of my point.
If someone never goes to a dr and check their blood pressure, cholestrol etc then they can never know certain things.
Also if someone never been played sports or done any physical activity seriously then they cant understand.
Believe or not i have friends who are rawfood vegans/detox junkies, they have all lost a ton of weight and dont exersize much anymore except yoga.
They are kind people but are hard to argue with.
My point is that they claim to feel great and are talking about the higher vibrations they float on nowadays.
One of the girls has also stopped getting her period but she thinks its a good thing and its all the cleansing that doing good.
Its a form of anorexia what those people are doing but im not putting everyone in this category.
But not even a century ago being very fit was a necesity to survive, its in our genes to be in as good shape as we can.
Look at underdeveloped countries for instance.
In india (alot of vegans i know) the 70yo ladies have back erectors like powerlifters, they have alot less orthopedic issues than most western countries.
This goes for most places where people are forced to use their body all day long. Its what its made for.
Also i want to clarify that i never bashed or judged vegans or rawfood people. It can be a very healthy lifestyle and i have huge respect for anyone who tries to pull it off.
But im very tired to hear all these claims that its better in any form than a balanced diet containing all food groups.
Cause the evidense is not supporting it yet.
If the science comes along to back it up then im ready to change my opinion.
I took a big shot at fruitarism which i stand by cause its not a healthy Sustainable diet.
Sure go on a fruit cleanse for 1week if you want to try, but longer than that will impact your health slowly but steady.
Ive pointed out several times that a vegan can live a very healthy life with some effort.
Im also curious to which statements you want me to backup?
I dont have the time to google around for 100random things really.
And i linked to probably the most reputable source on nutrition there is!
Its a Company dedicated to educating people to become nutrition experts.
Comeone son!
They dont claim a thing without sources on that page, however they also write about things that havent been proved yet.
So you can get a nuanced wiev off concepts like raw food, food polution, water quality etc.
Dont bash a source cause it looks to commercial for your taste.
So far ive stated pretty common sense things.
Like malnutrition leads to muscle atrophy and disease?? Isnt this something everyone knows?
To much fast carbs(fructose) leads to diabetes?? Comeone really??
Is it anything else i missed??
And its not just really my opinion that every human should be able to move and be able to do basic tasks that our body is designed to.
We are supposed to be able to run from a tiger or throw a big rock at a boar no matter age.
How would you make it through the day if you couldnt
Its our lifestyle that is artificial and has made us forget this, but we are no different from the indian in the amazon who still live from nature everyday.