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Magick Options
#1 Posted : 6/7/2015 8:16:27 AM

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Anyone else into this?
To fathom hell or soar angelic, take a pinch of psychedelic....

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#2 Posted : 6/7/2015 5:33:26 PM

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I wrote 2 books on magic.... I dont like to spell it with a k, because it seems silly to me....

I like more oldschool stuff like Emerald Tablet and Corpus Hermetica or traditional Kabbalah and Alchemy, but I'm less interested anything from the Golden Dawn or Theosophical Society - I think they completely watered down and bastardized ancient rich practices into something much less effective.... I also blame them for the New Age movement (especially Blavatsky and Crowley).

I wouldnt really say I practice magic anymore, as the style of work I do is much more similar to shamanic style healing and beyond healing and guidance I dont do other ceremonies.... I have a really specific focus and "magic" usually seems associated more with western occult specifically when people talk about it... (what I do could easily be called magic, but I feel like most people talking about magic mean western occult) However, I have a very hermetic way of looking at the world and a lot of my perspective could be found within the Emerald Tablet which I think is one of the most well written pieces of wisdom ever....
#3 Posted : 6/7/2015 5:46:08 PM

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I've long been interested in it, but I've never really studied it properly or given it enough time yet. I believe the 'highest' or most skilled form of magic is astral projection, something I practiced a few years ago and achieved some success with.

I guess we all practice magic in a sense every day without realizing it, with our intentions and thought processes, which I believe have a massive influence upon the reality we experience. Nonetheless, the art of magic has long interested me and I strongly believe in its effectiveness.

Maybe one day, when I have more time on my hands, I'll be able to look into it a bit more.
#4 Posted : 6/7/2015 6:24:35 PM

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I wouldn't normally talk about this kind of thing but this is the Nexus Smile
I have experience and nice black book collection.
One thing I've learnt is that it has a lot to do with will.
#5 Posted : 6/10/2015 9:55:47 PM

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i don't mean to be too vague, but as my current philosophy of life is that everything (the universe) is technology of magic. ( All generalization is quite hazy, i know). The deal is to recall, remember it, because egophrenic awareness / self-reflection makes us blind for it at the most time Pleased

Everything is an energetic state.

And magic - i mean yeah besides significant shift of subjective perspective to external phenomena , including breaking the laws of physical/psychical 'laws' to the extent of paranormal is about intent.

Probably the most important thing about it Pleased

Interesting thread, i'd love to see it going further
Hiyo Quicksilver
#6 Posted : 6/11/2015 1:57:09 AM

just some guy

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This is a wonderful thread to see here!... My own occult studies are a significant resource in integration and in navigating psychedelic experience, and vice versa. It's interesting to see that not so many people seem inclined to parallel or integrate these facets of the mystery.

"Magick", itself, is such a very broad term... In my expereince, it simply refers to the art and science of altering reality in according to one's own will... And there are many avenues of exploring such a far-reaching topic.

*May I ask of those responding to this thread: What areas of magick/occult study appeal most to you, and especially, which can you relate most to your exploration of psychedelics and entheogens?*

Personally, I grew up in mostly Gardnarian Wiccan tradition, but was not raised according to those beliefs (rather, I was encouraged to seek and explore for myself, for which I am eternally grateful). Currently, I find myself most drawn to the Left-Hand path and to Chaos Magick specifically, finding great guidance and insight in the works of Peter J. Carroll, Phil Hine, Austin Osman Spare and others. Contemporary Hermeticism, Tantra and modern Satanism also grab my interest as well.

-In nearly all these paths, there is opportunity to explore and apply the benefits of "chemignosis" (The use of entheogens in spiritual exploration and magickal work) to great effect. There are, as well, many books in print on the subject that expand beyond simply botany and chemistry into a holistic and all-inclusive approach to the exploration of psychedelics.
#7 Posted : 6/11/2015 7:53:58 AM

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Agreed with travsha that magick with a k seems a little campy... but to each his own

I read a lot of stuff from the late 19th and early 20th century a while ago, from the time when the people who were writing it sort of considered what they were doing to be like some kind of special type of legitimate science. I was into Crowley for a while. But nowadays I feel like that sort of thing is too much about gathering power and not so much about improving the world around you (especially when you look at Crowley's stuff. Like come on what a bastard). And it seems very masculine, in a bad way somehow. My favorite book that I read in that vein was Levi's book on transcendental magic.

The new age wiccan stuff just seems irrational to me though. Kind of the opposite of the old school occult. I think there is a happy medium between the two. I don't get super into ritual in any context but I would like to. As far as I can figure all "magic" is about symbolism and metaphor and self suggestion. Through the power of will. It's common in any spiritual tradition. I explained ritual magic to my father when I was a teenager and he said, "oh, like the Eucharist" (transmutation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ). I guess everyone should develop their own rituals, within a context that is workable to them. I just need to find my context.
#8 Posted : 6/11/2015 7:11:12 PM

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I'm really into casting spells, so to speak. This is the sort of thing where you use language to influence yourself or things outside of yourself. Like praying to Great Spirit... I'll often ask that certain things come to me, that I and others be well, that things develop in a certain direction, and what I'm thankful for.

My brain's a little foggy in remembering specifics, but the mushrooms seemed to really play on this concept. Using your own self-suggestiveness to get things rolling. And it's important to ask for things directly and not speak in negatives like "I don't want to be afraid" might lead you into a whole ball of fear, concentrating (on) it. Instead asking for confidence, courage, self-reliance, humor- that might be a more effective spell.
And I'm sure some of us know how "weird" synchronicities can occur on mushrooms, but it's embedded in life, we're writing the story here.

Shonagh Home has talked about this.

Language is a big part of life, and it's a sort of hacker trick to be able to write your own linguistic code and send that into the universe for your benefit.
Hiyo Quicksilver
#9 Posted : 6/12/2015 12:29:00 PM

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slewb wrote:
I explained ritual magic to my father when I was a teenager and he said, "oh, like the Eucharist"

That's really just so beautiful...

The way I see it, "Magic" is usually thought of as some sort of trickery, occult teaching or illusion; Where as the working ground magick can be so simple as a kiss, an impassioned conversation, a work of art, a moment of silent awareness, a business transaction, a prayer or an elaborate and ecstatic ritual at a key moment of power and presence...

Magick is not an impersonal study or an elaborate philosophy, a hidden secret or a slight of hand or mind... But rather, it's about being so intimate with the unfolding of reality and one's self within it, that you have no choice but to shape reality to your very will simply by existing... And by doing so gracefully; by acting with wisdom and compassion, and by knowing your self and the world which we share.

I think, no matter the path, all acts of magic are fundamentally the same... The yogas and traditions we employ and pursue are just so many different ways to bring ourselves to similar places, and to teach ourselves the same fundamental lessons in the ways that are relevant and powerful for us each, personally and individually.
#10 Posted : 6/12/2015 1:30:03 PM

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^^^^ best description I've ever read on the subject^^^^
Inconsistency is in my nature.
The simple PHYLLODE tek

I'm just waiting for these bloody plants to grow
#11 Posted : 6/12/2015 4:52:12 PM

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Hiyo Quicksilver wrote:
*May I ask of those responding to this thread: What areas of magick/occult study appeal most to you, and especially, which can you relate most to your exploration of psychedelics and entheogens?*

how about one all of us living beings practice - dreaming

for me the hyperspace of cannabis - get's me to see 'both' realms are the same, having met enough similarities - i mean meeting 'similar' entities

also exploring urban and native mythology and the whole habitat/ realm of magical folklore and related 'naratives'

probably being a projection of inner 'unconscious' material, to me the link is first of all
the fact that those inhabitants or places of such kingdoms are hugely connected to 'manipulating solid reality' with the means of the paranormal activity.

And to my mind, that is solely related to intuition.

i also consider contemplating nature in complete silence and solitude - i love to go out in the forest, just sit and contemplate

in a spontatenous manner the veil between the worlds cracks and those entities teach me things about the eternal nature of everything imaginable.
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