Hello everyone,
I started gaining interest in spirituality and my own mind roughly a year back in time. This naturally quite quickly led me to the oh so very fascinating world of entheogens, and this nexus has since been an invaluable site for me to learn about psychedelics.
I don't have any first hand experience with psychedelics, but I feel like this will change in the near future, so I thought now would be the time for me to join this from what I've seen incredibly positive and friendly community, to, if nothing else at least share my first journeys and possibly chip in on some yet to be determined subjects as I (hopefully) grow wiser by taking this path.
My intentions are to explore my mind and my "self", as well as to gain some new insight to this magnificent world that we inhabit and grow as a person to be the best version of myself I can be, to see trough the ego and transcend it. I'm aware of that there are no ready answers, I'm just looking for a nudge in the right direction, and from all the reading I've done here I believe psychedelics are that nudge. To me it is also positive that these things are so hard to come by, at least around my part of the world, since this forces patience, and has led me to research so much more than I would have otherwise, unfortunately often being quite an impatient person when it comes to things that I get very interested in
Things really feel like they're falling into place, it's early summer, I just read several months for a big test to get into a university, got in, my studies start this fall and I can for now just spend time with close friends and enjoy the summer. I will post a report on my first ever journey with the guy who everyone wants to be around because he's a fun gi
Meanwhile, I wish all members and non-members alike a good summer!
Peace, Illuminated
All posts written by Illuminated are entirely fictional and are as such not linked to any events in real life.
"If the truth can be told so as to be understood, it will be believed."