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does everyone experience full body orgasm on DMT? Options
#1 Posted : 6/2/2015 2:11:34 PM

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Hi everyone,

A while ago on an attemp to do DMT I had a sub-breakthrough experience with the most amazing colored visual I have ever seen, even though it were pretty much green and blue I saw in it.
Still the feeling I got when I saw this image was so intense that I reached
a full body orgasm.
It felt like every cell in my entire body was experiencing an orgasm, a really intense climax.
The feeling was immense but I didn't break through though.

So I wanted to ask if everyone experiences such a full body orgasm on DMT?
And maybe as well, does the full body orgasm have a connection to breaking thrue?

It might be because I am as well a high sensitive person and really aware of any feeling in energy changes in my body.

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#2 Posted : 6/2/2015 3:40:02 PM

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i have had soulgasms on pharma, 3 times, for about 3 hours each. they were epic.

I dont think it has anything to do with a breakthrough necessarily, its just something that DMT can do. I am not at all sensitive to energy changes in my body either.

it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

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#3 Posted : 6/2/2015 3:57:07 PM
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I also find with sub-breakthrough doses of vaped DMT if i'm laying in bed i'll usually be writhing around in orgasmic bliss tensing and releasing every muscle in my body, it's almost like wringing out a wet towel then letting it unravel...
#4 Posted : 6/2/2015 4:57:12 PM

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Better, deeper, longer lasting than the regular version of sex.
Like you can skip all of the fleshy rubbing triggers and head straight for the essence.
#5 Posted : 6/2/2015 11:40:58 PM

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DMT can turn on the pleasure centers in the brain....CliCK! Laughing

So can Salvia Divinorum at times...
The Day Tripper
#6 Posted : 6/3/2015 1:02:03 AM

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Kinda off topic but I've nodded off on a low dose of vaped DMT once. I mean it felt exactly like being high on heroin (had a problem with snorting heroin a few years ago so I know the feeling).

Kinda strange really, not unpleasant but yeah, very unexpected.
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In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of governments and corporations, about the quality or value of products, or about the health of one's own place and economy.
In such a society, also, our private economies will depend less upon the private ownership of real, usable property, and more upon property that is institutional and abstract, beyond individual control, such as money, insurance policies, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. And as our private economies become more abstract, the mutual, free helps and pleasures of family and community life will be supplanted by a kind of displaced citizenship and by commerce with impersonal and self-interested suppliers...
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#7 Posted : 6/6/2015 3:13:21 AM

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thank you very much for your experiences!

@The Day Tripper.
I never done heroin and perhaps never will, but thank you for your experience
there are many substances able to break the threshold, even alcohol in sufficient amounts can make people see pink elephants, we are able to learn from all of them.

Hiyo Quicksilver
#8 Posted : 6/6/2015 4:34:45 AM

just some guy

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I've had some amazing orgasmic experiences on DMT, and seen far more impressive ones... It's really not that uncommon at all, and not unwelcome at all in my experience.

My first proper breakthrough was very archetypal, speeding into the center of the "chrysanthemum" mandala and all, which culminated in the strongest orgasm I had experienced until then, which was my entry into out of body experience.

Not a bad start, all things considered. Laughing
#9 Posted : 6/6/2015 7:18:29 PM

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yes, OP.Big grin

DMT is an amazing (excuse the term) drug. It has a euphoria with low doses that is greater than any of the hard drugs I've done, and I was addicted to heroin as well as crack at one point, done tons of MDMA so on- so I know drug euphoria. The thing about DMT is that I don't want to do those low dose bodygasm trips with it, while it is incredibly euphoric, the desire isn't there for that. It's because there is no dopamine excitement and depletion with DMT, right? As far as I understand, it's action upon the pleasure centers in the brain is completely different than drugs like cocaine and heroin- Am I right about that?

I was in a house recently with another ex-addict friend ( now extraction partner- we used to run around ripping stores off and buying heroin with the proceeds, now we put up our own cash for experiments and run around being nice to people, but that is another story, thanks to DMT...) that had spice in various forms here, there and everywhere. We took a little sampling of an extract and coming down realized that we were surrounded by a drug we both absolutely love and neither one of us,both dope fiends, were chomping at the bit to consume more. Nor were we stashing it away or any of the other things that dopanergic(?) drugs cause one to be wont to do. DMT is way cool!

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#10 Posted : 6/6/2015 7:26:13 PM

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I never did experience that. Looks like I'm the only one... :/
#11 Posted : 6/8/2015 7:12:34 AM

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I do when i take mesc Smile

It's time to move on to the next step in the psychedelic revolution
#12 Posted : 6/8/2015 5:35:38 PM

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Hiyo Quicksilver wrote:
which culminated in the strongest orgasm I had experienced until then, which was my entry into out of body experience.

@Hiyo Quicksilver, the full body orgasm sensation left me with the impression that
that sensation really has to do with the seperation of the astral body from the physical.
My first conception was that this was my body which was climaxing to the point of
ejaculation of my astral body.
Might be an explanation of the Phallus which we see in many cultures as an object of worship.

@oversoul, could be that it has something to do with breaking through slowly or being catapulted immediately, that perhaps it went by so fast that you never got the change to experience it. But of course there could be an other explanation.
But thank you, it's also good to hear when people do not experience such phenomena.

Hiyo Quicksilver
#13 Posted : 6/12/2015 12:11:40 PM

just some guy

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"Ejaculation of my astral body"...Laughing

I might add that I've never ejaculated anything else on DMT. The two just don't seem to go together, IME.
#14 Posted : 6/22/2015 11:08:19 PM

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maybe "ejaculation of the soul" would be a better one Rolling eyes
#15 Posted : 6/23/2015 7:40:56 AM

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oversoul1919 wrote:
I never did experience that. Looks like I'm the only one... :/

You aren't, oversoul! I have never experienced anything like an orgasm during any drug experiences really. I have had nice breezes encircle my body on one or two DMT trips, and maybe a general "lifting mixed with a bit of groovy pleasure" on cannabis, but I wouldn't call these orgasms at all.

I assume that if these so-called soulgasms are useful for anything more than general pleasure, then they will come with time, focus, and intention.
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#16 Posted : 6/25/2015 1:37:25 AM

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mnthn wrote:
Hi everyone,

A while ago on an attemp to do DMT I had a sub-breakthrough experience with the most amazing colored visual I have ever seen, even though it were pretty much green and blue I saw in it.
Still the feeling I got when I saw this image was so intense that I reached
a full body orgasm.
It felt like every cell in my entire body was experiencing an orgasm, a really intense climax.
The feeling was immense but I didn't break through though.

So I wanted to ask if everyone experiences such a full body orgasm on DMT?
And maybe as well, does the full body orgasm have a connection to breaking thrue?

It might be because I am as well a high sensitive person and really aware of any feeling in energy changes in my body.

During my bufo 5-MeO experience I had a similar feeling, but it was almost like a full soul orgasm because I wasn't in my body at the time. Actually my soul was disintegrated and assimilated by the universe/god/pure consciousness/intelligent creational force (what ever you wish to call it), I could describe it as something like a "full universal orgasm". When I came back to my body, every cell in my body felt like it had an orgasm and I could feel each one completely relaxed and energized. It was easily the most amazing feeling I have ever had.
#17 Posted : 6/28/2015 2:41:14 PM

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@ehud, wow cool, thanks for your input!

@RAM, I have never experienced anything like this before as well, not on any drug i have ever tried. I really do believe that somehow the thing which I saw created so much joy in me that that caused the experience.
Because... well I've seen things, but never ever have I seen anything which made me feel so much joy, never. And I somehow believe it really had more to do with the thing I observed than it had to do with the DMT itself, but I'm not sure...
#18 Posted : 1/28/2022 8:35:01 PM
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I was "coached" to breathe in certain ways to achieve the most incredible, full-body orgasm by entities- seemingly female. It felt so loving from these entities and was almost like they wanted to create that for me to prove that they are present. Really profound!
#19 Posted : 1/29/2022 12:37:21 AM

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My very first DMT experience was a full body orgasm. I had a poor vaping technique and I laced my weed vaporizer with dmt crystals. I inhaled and saw a chrysanthemum type organism that kept inflating as I inhaled and I had to inhale at high speed and fill my lungs to extreme so that I could make the chrysanthemum burst in limited timeframe. It was euphoric and I knew I was up to something good. That sure was right.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#20 Posted : 3/3/2022 5:38:36 AM

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Kind a of a weird question, pardon me, but... for the guys in this thread. For those willing to answer, did this orgasm actually consist of ejaculation as well? I have my 'non weird' reasons for wanting to know, I swear and can elaborate if anyone is curious, but for now, it's late and I've been starting at the glowy screen for far too long at this point. But thought I'd ask that one question before I go haha Laughing
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