first of all thank you for your concern and of course for the tip about San Pedro.
I never had cacti before and do not know a whole lote about them, but will have a look!
I know it's quite the contraindication to take psychedelics while you are already experiencing murderous voices.
There are a few things I have to say about why I have chosen this path.
First the voices started during a period in which I busy with The Great Work, with amazing progression. After years of study of the many religion, alchemy, shamanism and magick (Thelema) I was finally taking things up for practice with Yoga and meditation.
Trying to achieve the Philosopher's Stone.
After many achievements I started to hear the voices of the dead in my trances.
But at one time the other voices started and everything went south.
This is were it first came to mind of it being forces trying to keep me from achieving the Work, in which case I must push on and defeat this obstacle, of course.
But on the other hand it could be that my medication that time in combination of salvia divinorum's upregulation of the dopamine d2 receptor might have triggered a mind state in which I created the voices, or a state that just makes me hear them.
But at that time, I was pretty much fully convinced it was all real.
The thing is that the voices pretend to be real people I know in real life, but they are vampires. It's a long story, but 24/7 there are 2 groups of people pretty much yelling at each other cause one half wants to kill me and abuse my ex-girlfriend and the other half is trying to protect me.
And I just know that in either the astral plane or the DMT space there should be someone who could finally tell me the truth behind the voices, if not help me get rid of them.
I would really love that.
I have tried literally almost everything. I have had a shamanic healing and entity removal, although I must say that I'm not quite sure about this shaman's power. It's not the kind of shaman that uses entheogens and she asked for a shitload of money.
She told me that the voices were entity attachments, but they never went away.
Now even she says it's mental
I have tried many different medications, to finally have proven that ritalin makes the voices go away,
which by the way is contraindicated with psychosis, as well as entheogens
For this I even had to buy ritalin from someone off the internet, because my doctor wouldn't help me. When I told him that I tested it and it worked he became happy to lend a hand.
There are foods that seem to help, so it is a strange disorder, since raw meat and energy drinks as well make the voices go away. It truly seems to be depended on the amount of energy I have, when I'm tired or hungry the voices became louder.
So I will always have hope that I will cure myself from the voices.
Without the insight I delivered I would still be taking antipsychotics, while ritalin helps much better against the voices with much less side effects, there wasn't a doctor who would prescribe it even when I insisted, it took me 1,5 years to get the prescription and I was right all along.
In the meantime, I lost my house, my girlfriend (after 8 years together), friendships and soon pretty much everything else I cared about.
But I am doing allright though! I still love life and everything in it, that's why I want to pick up where I was before the voices started and do my best to help and heal others.
This method is conform my own beliefs in magick and shamanism and I feel that I might be able to defeat this obstacle whatever it may be and return to a normal life without any form of medication.
I'm sorry about the entire story, it's quite some.
I just want to make my intentions clear
it's not about spacing out on DMT and just having a good time, I truly belief it can help me on my path and perhaps open the doors to a cure as well