I can relate to some of what you are speaking of. I use different terms. I feel like I met my higher self vaping DMT. I had a two way communication. The conversation was brief.
I saw a figure on a grand scale. Very large. As I was pushed into the area where this figure stood. It shrank and became smaller and smaller. All the way down to my size. As the figure did this it spoke. In my voice. Confused I called out "who are you?" The figure stared me in my face and it was like a mirror. It was me. The figure answered "I am you. I chose you." I asked "Chose me? What do you mean?". The figure paused for a long time before responding. The figure continued to speak. "I chose to be you. We are the same. But I chose to be the form that is you. I divide myself to experience what you call life. You are here to experience this life for a purpose. The time you have here as this form will allow us to experience emotions and that allow us to evolve. We cannot remain still and this movement of emotion is why we created you. Please see that you are more important than you can imagine or conceive. You are so loved. So loved. So important."
I relate to what you said as far as feeling like I am the 'savior', the chosen one. Thing is that we are all chosen. My experience in this life is just as valuable the anyone else. Some of us choose to take forms that express tremendous emotional pain of extreme anger and sadness,or on the opposite end of the spectrum, extreme love and compassion. When I look at people either creating or destroying now I think that this is all a choice of emotional evolution. Adding to the ultimate experience of the universe expressing itself.
I do not understand fully the message that I received from what I call my 'higher self'. I just know that after receiving this knowledge I feel a very real connection with all humans. Feeling like we all made the choice to be here makes me feel good. Makes me feel like we are striving for something. Striving to evolve and expand. Striving to experience. Striving to feel emotions. Pushing towards the unimaginable.
I do not know what to make out of the experience of DMT. A large part of me believes that is just brain activity. Nothing more than the mind playing games. Subjective. It is fun to play with the idea that this life is all chosen. It is a nice dream. Unimaginable. Incomprehensible. We just don't know. Although I do enjoy the dream. It is just a dream. The knowledge however remains. The emotions I felt remain. I take that and add it to my experience. I move forward and make my choices in this life. Chosing to create what is in my life. Who has the power now? No authority. Just me. In this way any one of us can be the 'Savior'.
"In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link." ~Carlos Castaneda