DoingKermit wrote:I have found using 1g MHRB: 1g NaOH: 10ml H2O the best ratio personally... and about 100ml of naphtha to allow enough of a layer to not pull up any base water sludge. I have also used 15ml of water per gram of bark and found it isn't necessary (too much). I also, found 6ml of water (found in a few teks out there) to be too little. Just my personal opinion.
I had some great difficulties with that base water sludge and my thin 50ml layer of heptane, until I found the solution. I now pull up the layer in one of those plastic syringes, if water mixes in I simply squirt it out. I then empty the syringe in a temporary container, because some sludge will follow. By carefully decanting into the precipitationchamber I get rid of all the water.
I don't really get why there should be a lot of water, but I haven't experimented yet either. Do anyone know exactly where this 15ml figure has it's origin? The amount of NaOH is controlled by the amount of water (for correct pH) and the naphtha by the MHRB, so what controls the water?
There's a clear difference between what I say I do and what I actually do perform.