cyb wrote:Please don't blame the technique if you change it up and don't fully understand what you're doing
I apologize for the way that came off. I think that your max ion tek is the most sophisticated tek around. I just found it very difficult to work with that amount of bark.
cyb wrote:Your bark maybe low in alks.
I used the exact same bark (leftover from previous extractions) so I don't think this was the issue.
cyb wrote:You used too much solvent to pull with.
Is it possible to use too much solvent? Wouldn't more solvent allow for more contact with the aqueous solution?
cyb wrote:Also, you deviated from the tek.
The only place that I deviated from the tek is not allowing the base solution to cool down. Is this really an issue? Many other teks emphasize to NOT let the solution cool down and that is why I chose not to.
After thinking for quite awhile on this I think I have a good idea about what went wrong. I used powdered ACRB and this made the solution basically mud. Due to the consistency of the solution I think that it was hard for the solvent to penetrate into the mud and extract all the alks. Does this make sense?