Hello to all
Just a brief introduction to say hi and that i had my first DMT experience just over a week ago.
Unlike many other people, i did no specific research whatsoever but have had some limited experience of LSD and Aya.
However, what i feel really made a difference and helped me to make some sense of the experience, i many many years of meditation and buddhist practice. Suddenly it all made sense....hahahaha
Now i cannot stop thinking through the ramifications of what exactly it all means and am left with the one really big question which is:
is DMT 'just' an experience? Or can it help one to wake up from the endless rounds of 'samsara' i.e. the sensory world and to be no more reborn there?
Am i ready for the world of pure consciousness? Well, judging from the very strong fear i experienced during my trip, the answer is for sure no, but can one get more attuned to this state by regular use? This is what i intend to discover.
Ok, looking forward to communication with some of you about my questions in the near future.