Thanks for all your replies.
Sphorange wrote:fathomlessness wrote:The trouble though is finding that acceptance while managing the lurking monster on the back called boredom. The feeling of always being unsatisfied with what one has or encounters is increasingly harder to get away from, even with zen.
Dissatisfaction does not equate to boredom.
Sorry if this is blunt.
Boredom is a dissatisfaction of the world, when we are being satisfied we are not bored. You are right though, dissatisfaction does not equate to boredom because it is boredom itself.
3rdI wrote:its all well and good moaning about the situation you find yourself in but what have you done to improve the situation?
Quote:We are all in need of an existential crisis so that it can either be mass suicide or mass water supply usage of DMT.
this is silly
I have tried but it seems I am in a straight-jacket situation untill I can leave the world behind and dissolve in to my own mind, which for a western worlder is very hard!
It was a joke about how most westerners miss the point of life and go about rushing rushing and never seeing the important values and meaning of life. Also that perhaps technological evolution is most probably a rat race to doom.
steppa wrote:fathomlessness wrote:The trouble though is finding that acceptance while managing the lurking monster on the back called boredom.
Oh, ok. Why not doing something then? What about hobbies? Maybe finding a new one? ..something that lives you up? I mean...fighting boredom is easy. All one needs is change.
Seems like it's time to change some things.
Analysing the rituals one performs everyday. There are so many ritualised actions in our lives. When a ritual doesn't do what it was purposed to do anymore, it's time to revise those rituals, drop them or creating new ones to substitute those not working anymore.
From my outsider perspective it sounds like you need some movement in your life.
You are right, I need movement... movement in to another realm full of awe and meaning.
My boredom is not boredom in the usual sense. It's boredom like a systematiclly conditioned interperation of the interconnectedness of sense impressions that render life drab and uninteresting when the glory of it all is before my very eyes. In other words,
I need to blow my mind baby! tengopero wrote:I just get a sense that your thinking pattern is very fear-based from reading your posts. maybe afraid to take the first steps, afraid of failure, paralysis from what can be an overwhelming understanding of how sad this world can be. I've been there and tend to revisit that area too.
This world isn't heaven on earth, and I don't think it should be. When all your needs are met and everything is great, what are you learning? I believe painful situations greatly accelerate the learning process. I read a Jung lecture recently on that, that I want to quote, because i think it applies here.
"The real importance on thoughts and values becomes clear to us only when we consider them as compelling forces in our lives. The beginning of such a recognition of such values and thought in primitives would be embodied in the secret teaching of the tribe, which is given at the time of the puberty initiations together pain and torture to make them remember it."
- lecture 3 on tantric yoga
Maybe it's through this crisis you are having that will initiate you on a quest to be your own change.
It's true, suffering allows growth but if the suffering can not be understood then it as useless as a stubbed toe. Unless of course you are refering to the concept of how our hardships create luck or 'good karma' for us in our dealings with the chance that permeates and dominates the unkown reality before us.
So, in this sense Jung is so true to say the importance of growth lies in the value placed on thoughts and values. More bluntly, what good is experience if you can't understand it? I say, ask the animals
There having a wale of a time with all there faces looking like this emoticon
(sarcasm) Have you heard of 'the secret of the golden flower'?
You are right though, I am afraid of stepping out only because the multitude of times that I did try it... I didn't like what reality gave me. So, best to conclude out there is not the right place to be but rather 'in here'.
Uncle Knucles wrote:fathomlessness wrote:Even if I was to be the change I wanted to see, it wouldn't improve my experience of this place very much as it's the place thats the problem nor would it improve the conditions of the place itself.
Are you sure about that? Because life as I experience it is a beautiful and fleeting privilege even in the times when it sucks the most - and as you and I are both occupying the same flawed and troubled planet, the difference then would really have to lie in our perceptions, would it not?
Why not, just as a fun experiment, try curtailing your crybabying for a spell and attempt to affect some change? Go serve lunch at a homeless shelter. Get out of the house and make a difference. Perhaps less focus on yourself and your nihilistic wankings might actually trigger a change in mood and reframe your own experience.
I guess what I'm saying is be less of a turd and you're bound to feel better. Or don't, as it's really your choice completely and you're only making yourself miserable. But try to refrain from making statements about what "we are all in need of", because some of us are doing fine and are actually enjoying the ride.
You are correct, I can not infer your experience is similar to mine own and yes the problem is in the eye of the beholder (perception). I also agree life is a beautiful and fleeting privelage in even the worst of times. It's like a dmt trip, you experience all these bizarre encounters and it finishes and you don't even know what the hell it all was about... The question here is, was it worth experiencing it anyway? Yes because the meaninglessness was made meaningfull by our emotions. If you take that meaning away...
Now, I have tried impulsive decisions many times and each and every time I end up wasting my time with experiences that hold no value. I am refering here to what reality presents to me when I step in to previously unkown corridors/avenues of its existance. I have tried study courses, new countries, new leisure activities and new environmental settings and everytime it extends to me shallow experiences that I can not enjoy or learn from. It is as if the whole world was a simulation and the programmer was playing a joke on me in order to get me to realize something. It is as if I open a mysterious new door and reality collapses the possibilities of what it presents to me and presents me with what it will.
I might add simply that it is possible for a being to think that they are enjoying the ride when in reality it isn't much of an enjoyment. Consider a mouse who runs on a wheel his whole life and thinks that that is the best of the best only for a human watching it knowing that there exists such things as cheese, female mice and vast array of smells to interperate that the mouse on the wheel has never known. So if the mouse stops enjoying the wheel (me) then he sees everyone else enjoying what would otherwise be termed a relatively mundane experience. So I am saying, you think you are enjoying the ride because that's all you know to enjoy therefor you become a slave to that enjoyment because it's the only thing that satisfies you so therefor you are a slave to life as it uses you for its purposes but bribes you with a little
superficial enjoyment of the experience of the ride. I am only telling you this for kicks, to give you another outlook on things so don't feel I am being negative about it because I am not.
teotenakeltje wrote:I have to agree with Art here.
It's all happening in our minds. YOU are creating your own reality! So you can't blaim the world, your job, other people, etc..
I understand how you feel, but please don't make it a permanent state of mind. You're stuck in a bad trip and it will pass...
Get laid, plant a tree, go out in the woods, work out, move out, loose your job, get a job, go trance out,learn an instrument, whatever, just do something and stop drawning yourself in your own negative garbage.
Good advice as all things pass in time, even myself thank god.
Though, I still can blame the world but not my job or other people for I didn't choose to come here, existance made me and therefor existance is to be held responsible.
Consider if you will that you have designed a biological simulation that creates unicellular organisms in a petri dish. One cell happens to have a genetic mutation and becomes aware that the environment it exists in has bad quality, it then opts out. Here, the petri dish is not responsible but the circumstances that brought him in to existance(you and those before you). So it is entirely valid to say that the circumstances that created your existance can be held accountable for your existance.
obliguhl wrote:Quote:Why not, just as a fun experiment, try curtailing your crybabying for a spell and attempt to affect some change? Go serve lunch at a homeless shelter. Get out of the house and make a difference. Perhaps less focus on yourself and your nihilistic wankings might actually trigger a change in mood and reframe your own experience.
100% agreed.
I also don't know what you are expecting. One person can only change so much - i find that a good thing. Dictators would disagree.
Have you ever tried to do something good? Something with meaning?
Quote:In my existance, reality never seems to offer up the goods for me... it just rolls in day in day out with no new encounters or experiences
Not to disrespect you, but do you know that YOU have to make these experiences happen?
If this doesn't come easy to you, you are either traumatized/mentally ill or have simply made bad decisions in the past. Either way, you have to make these experiences happen. Life won't just "offer up the goods" to someone who is spending their time crying on a forum.
Do you want a real discussion about this? About real and concrete steps you could take?
If not, this is a waste of time.
Yes, I have to make these experiences happen, even though I, myself, am entirely dependant on an external reality to generate these new experiences which I can not validate even exist beyond my own perceptions of them. So, I wen't out and became impulsive about what I was to do and every new path I took, reality presented the same array of insignificant, low quality experiences. So, I infered that out there wasn't the place to be because when you try more than ten times on a big scale(plane ticket,6 month course etc.) you just know that reality itself isn't giving you the goods for a reason.
As for doing something with meaning? Everything I do has a great deal of meaning, it is just that I can not feel anymore. I can't feel my emotions or how existance feels,
I just know it is there because I experience it. I am a biological robot. It's only when I smoak moar that it gets better... just joking it really doesn't
The trips only give me insight on how to understand and process sensory information differently, just a bit of fun learning a new way to experience really but it isn't meaning and it isn't feeling, at least for me.
I appreciate your gungo ho, go get em attitude but real and concrete steps come after the identification of the problem and that is dependant on a plethora of unsolved mysteries about the nature of my existance in nature.