SWIM recently tested the well-known Z***o fluid (Distillates (petroleum)) as well as so-called wash-benzine (Hydrocarbons, C7-C9, N-Alkanes, Isoalkanes, Cyclics, e.g.). Could also post EINECS / CAS codes of these chemicals but not sure if it is allowed here. The wash bensin is cheaper and more easily available. The composition seems suitable (no aromathics mentioned) so this remains to be tested.
SWIM made two evaporation tests with 80 ml of the wash bensin. This looks like a sufficient amount. No residue was visible by eye. Evaporation test for 5ml of the Z***o fluid on a small evaporation dish did not leave any visible residue either. Warming up the glasses with a lighter created minor steam coming up from the glass but this did not smell and appeared like H20 steam so perhaps it was just humidity.
The first concern now is: any comments on how reliable the evaporation test is - are there common dangerous residues that are not visible by eye and do not smell? Would it be more a rule or an exception that there are dangerous residues in such house-hold wash bensins (this sort of prior information has some value). Or is it really relatively safe to assume that the solvent is clean if there is no visible residue.
And then an essential technical clarification: Is there an optimal minimum amount of the solvent that would be recommended for evaporation test? Is already 5ml without residue sufficient, or would it be clearly better to do the test with 50ml or more? There is no clear answer but would be useful to hear how much solvent is commonly used for successful evap test.