Sun Dragon

Posts: 1320 Joined: 30-Jan-2008 Last visit: 31-Mar-2023 Location: In between my thoughts
burnt wrote: Torsion fields I don't know much about but is as far as I know high controversial. I know about particle's spin but I don't see what that has to do with proving the universe is conscious of telepathy or whatever else these theories claim to prove.
Torsion fields are still controversial, but there is some science to back them up. Particle spin proves that information travels any distance instantaneously. Take two electrons, separate them across the entire universe, and when one spins in one direction, the other will spin in the exact same way, at the exact same time. This means that information has a way to be transmitted everywhere in existence, with no delay. Membrane/Super-string theory postulates that everything is contained in a membrane, all things everywhere are connected on a fundamental level. What this would suggest is that all information is everywhere at the same time. Everything that is, was or will be is connected everywhere. What you do here, is in some medium available to something 10 billion light years away, instantaneously. The universe is one enormous information field, ie: conscious. Quote: This area particularly gets on my nerves. People use these theories to justify spiritual phenomenon. You can't use these theories which we still have a small understanding off to confirm spiritual ideas. Furthermore these theories may one day be falsified. They need experimental backing. Although some argue string theory won't even be testable I think there are some indirect ways of testing. Even if they are true how does that prove that the universe is conscious?
Anyway I just want to ask how does scientific theories about strings or extra dimensions prove the universe is alive or conscious or thus confirm any spiritual notions about anything?
If they are true, the univese is one giant informational field, containing everything that has ever, is, or will ever occur. It becomes omniscient and omnipresent. Does it deserve worship? No. It just is. Does it have to actively participate in life? No. It just is. Should we anthorpomorphize it? Of course not, that is a silly human construct. It just is. Should we be thankful? Are you thankful for your existence, to be alive? I am, but to nothing in particular, just the fact that I am here experiencing this moment, irrespective of how that may have come about. Does it make me spiritual? Yep, it sure does, because I understand that everything in existence is connected. I see myself in you and everything around me, for we are the same thing in different unique expressions of itself. Quote: Another question. How would you go about redefining life to consider something like the earth alive?
I believe everything is conscious, because everything from the smallest quark, to the biggest galaxy all came from the same thing. If the Big Bang is true, then everything in existence was part of a single point. It is well proven in science that things that were once part of a whole remain linked, no matter how far away they are. We are all part of one thing, no matter how different our makeup, or the distance between us. The atoms in my body were once part of a star, which were once part of a gas cloud, which was once part of the big bang. The air I breathe, the water I drink, has been inhaled and drunk by every living thing on earth since life first arose on this planet. I breathe the same molecules that Aristotle did, I drink the same water as the Dinosaurs. ALL life on this planet is connected (thoughout time) on the most basic and fundamental level. Our conception of consciousness is pedestrian, and is based on outdated but still significant beliefs that we as humans are the center of existence, and the pinacle of life in the universe. We continue to separate ourselves from nature (due mainly to science and its offspring technology) while ignoring the fundamental fact that we are part of nature, and inextricably linked to everything around us. If the universe on the largest scale is conscious, then it follows that it is also at the smallest levels, since it is all part of the same thing, all linked together though time and space. Will that consciousness take the same form? No, of couse not. Our consciousness is different than that of a cat's, or a bacteria's, or a cell's, or a rock's, or an atom's, or a planet's, or a sun's, or a galaxy's. They are different scalar levels of consciousness, woven into the fabric of existence. Greater or lesser degrees of it manifesting itself from the Planck Time's quantum foam. Order arises out of chaos in all of observable existence. Is it possible that there is an order to consciousness that arises from natural laws? Maybe we should see consciousness and life as two separate, yet sometimes linked phenomenon. A layer upon another layer of organization and order to the universe. Quote: Again you must define consciousness. If consciousness can just mean anything well then yes anything could be conscious. But that kind of reasoning has no merit. Its just giving in to someone else's view point even if that view point is based on nothing at all.
Have I based my theory on consciousness being ubiquitious on "nothing at all"? Is using the best current explanations of cosmology and physics not a valid source to pull from? Does my reasoning have no merrit? What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3555 Joined: 13-Mar-2008 Last visit: 07-Jul-2024 Location: not here
Quote:Torsion fields are still controversial, but there is some science to back them up. Particle spin proves that information travels any distance instantaneously. Take two electrons, separate them across the entire universe, and when one spins in one direction, the other will spin in the exact same way, at the exact same time. This means that information has a way to be transmitted everywhere in existence, with no delay. Membrane/Super-string theory postulates that everything is contained in a membrane, all things everywhere are connected on a fundamental level. What this would suggest is that all information is everywhere at the same time. Everything that is, was or will be is connected everywhere. What you do here, is in some medium available to something 10 billion light years away, instantaneously. The universe is one enormous information field, ie: conscious. I dig on the enormous 'information' field because that's very close to the truth, but I don't understand why that field needs to be conscious? Concerning particle spin. I think what you are referring to could more accurately be described as quantum entanglement. I believe also that when particles are entangled one spins up and the other down and yes this appears to be happen instantly without regard to distance. Quantum entanglement is real its been experimentally demonstrated. It has many potential uses such as with computer technology, teleportation, cryptography its a really neat phenomenon. But how does this suggest that the universe is conscious? Quantum entanglement is not happening all the time with all particles either its just one possibility of quantum states. Quote:If they are true, the univese is one giant informational field, containing everything that has ever, is, or will ever occur. It becomes omniscient and omnipresent. Does it deserve worship? No. It just is. Does it have to actively participate in life? No. It just is. Should we anthorpomorphize it? Of course not, that is a silly human construct. It just is. Should we be thankful? Are you thankful for your existence, to be alive? I am, but to nothing in particular, just the fact that I am here experiencing this moment, irrespective of how that may have come about.
Does it make me spiritual? Yep, it sure does, because I understand that everything in existence is connected. I see myself in you and everything around me, for we are the same thing in different unique expressions of itself.
I also feel this awe about our universe. For some reason its not spiritual to me though? Maybe because I associate spiritual with super natural and since everything that happens is natural there is no supernatural and thus no spirit. I guess maybe your view is that everything is spirit so that is what nature is and all that happens is a result of this field, tao, or great spirit? Quote:I believe everything is conscious, because everything from the smallest quark, to the biggest galaxy all came from the same thing. If the Big Bang is true, then everything in existence was part of a single point. It is well proven in science that things that were once part of a whole remain linked, no matter how far away they are. We are all part of one thing, no matter how different our makeup, or the distance between us. The atoms in my body were once part of a star, which were once part of a gas cloud, which was once part of the big bang. The air I breathe, the water I drink, has been inhaled and drunk by every living thing on earth since life first arose on this planet. I breathe the same molecules that Aristotle did, I drink the same water as the Dinosaurs. ALL life on this planet is connected (thoughout time) on the most basic and fundamental level.
True and awe inspiring. Quote:Our conception of consciousness is pedestrian, and is based on outdated but still significant beliefs that we as humans are the center of existence, and the pinacle of life in the universe. We continue to separate ourselves from nature (due mainly to science and its offspring technology) while ignoring the fundamental fact that we are part of nature, and inextricably linked to everything around us. If the universe on the largest scale is conscious, then it follows that it is also at the smallest levels, since it is all part of the same thing, all linked together though time and space. Will that consciousness take the same form? No, of couse not. Our consciousness is different than that of a cat's, or a bacteria's, or a cell's, or a rock's, or an atom's, or a planet's, or a sun's, or a galaxy's. They are different scalar levels of consciousness, woven into the fabric of existence. Greater or lesser degrees of it manifesting itself from the Planck Time's quantum foam. I don't see our conception of consciousness as necessarily pedestrian, limited yes, but not trivial. I do not think we are the center of existence nor the pinacle of existence. Darwinian evolution makes this perfectly clear. I guess I see it in the exact opposite way. We have been able to realize how we are all linked because of science and technology. The separation is largely based on religious ideas from mainly monotheistic religions. Again I don't see the basis for calling a rock conscious however. Quote:Order arises out of chaos in all of observable existence. Is it possible that there is an order to consciousness that arises from natural laws? Darwinian evolution also gives us the mechanism by which complexity can arise out of simplicity requiring no design or intelligence. Quote:Maybe we should see consciousness and life as two separate, yet sometimes linked phenomenon. A layer upon another layer of organization and order to the universe. My fundamental question throughout many of my posts is why? Why is consciousness universal? Quote:Have I based my theory on consciousness being ubiquitious on "nothing at all"? Is using the best current explanations of cosmology and physics not a valid source to pull from? Does my reasoning have no merrit? Haha no way your reasoning has excellent merit! If it didn't I wouldn't be asking you all these deep questions. I learn from you as well. I don't mean to sound like I am lecturing. What I meant has no merit in that we clearly have a definition for what consciousness is although we may not know what it is. Just like we have a definition for why life is life and rocks are not life. Its to divide and characterize things. These concepts are just our own human constructs about the world around us but I can't just say that because someone else defines rocks as life that its correct unless they have a basis for that definition. Otherwise I can say anything about anything and it would be completely correct. That kind of reasoning gets humans into all kinds of trouble.
 Sun Dragon

Posts: 1320 Joined: 30-Jan-2008 Last visit: 31-Mar-2023 Location: In between my thoughts
burnt wrote: I dig on the enormous 'information' field because that's very close to the truth, but I don't understand why that field needs to be conscious?
Because information it its most basic form IS consciousness! Quote: But how does this suggest that the universe is conscious? Quantum entanglement is not happening all the time with all particles either its just one possibility of quantum states.
Because everything in existence has been quantum entangled since the moment of the Big Bang. In addition, there must be some sort of medium for that information to be transmitted someplace, no matter the distance, instantaneously. That medium also connects everything within it together inseparately. Quote: I also feel this awe about our universe. For some reason its not spiritual to me though? Maybe because I associate spiritual with super natural and since everything that happens is natural there is no supernatural and thus no spirit. I guess maybe your view is that everything is spirit so that is what nature is and all that happens is a result of this field, tao, or great spirit?
Ahh, now we have come back full circle to the point I began many pages back. It is spiritual to me because it shows how I am part of something greater than myself. I am a unique expression of consciousness in an infinite feild of information. I am unique, yet part of a larger whole. I am a cell, living, moving, expressing, replicating in my own way, following my own free will to find meaning in my life, and that experience is contributing to something larger than myself. I am one and I am many. I do not know how my own personal expression of life adds to the greater whole, I don't need to. But if I follow my bliss, then I know that like a cell in a body, if I do what is best for me, and not harm any other cell in doing what is best for them, I contribute to the richness and operation of whatever it is I am but a fraction of. Quote: I don't see our conception of consciousness as necessarily pedestrian, limited yes, but not trivial. I do not think we are the center of existence nor the pinacle of existence. Darwinian evolution makes this perfectly clear. I guess I see it in the exact opposite way. We have been able to realize how we are all linked because of science and technology. The separation is largely based on religious ideas from mainly monotheistic religions.
Perhaps pedestrian was the wrong word to use. Limited or incomplete would certainly be better words. I disagree, even with monotheistic religions, people were still tied to the land, subject to the whims of nature. Religion tried to tell them that something better was awaiting them after a life of such extreme hardship. Much of life was based upon the seasons, and the climate, much more intimately than they are now. It was with the advent of technology that humanity began to separate itself from the natural world and throw systems out of balance. Now many live in the comfort that only an afterlife could have once promised. Technology has eased the burden of mankind, not god. It has separated us from our roots, in my opinion to allow people to ponder the big questions, with time that did not exist as little as 2 generations ago. Quote: Again I don't see the basis for calling a rock conscious however.
Darwinian evolution also gives us the mechanism by which complexity can arise out of simplicity requiring no design or intelligence.
If the universe is conscious, then atoms are conscious, therefore a rock would be conscious. Admittedly a very mundane and to us uninteresting form of consciousness, but a rock in itself would experience many things thoughout its "lifetime". Are you a Star Trek fan? Ever seen the Voyager episode "Death Wish" where "Q" wants to commit suicide? They are trying to explain what it is like for an omniscient immortal being. They come to a dusty old town along an endless road. The "Q" say, well life is like a road, expanding on into infinity...sometimes you travel the road, other times you don't. I spent some time as the Dog, some time as the Scarecrow...But when you have done and been everything, life no longer has any meaning. There is experience to be had in every expression of existence, from the apparently mundane, to the omniscient. But once all that experience has been had, only by playing hide and seek with itself, can the universe not get bored...watch from 3 minutes in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MqU1ECAI9EQuote: My fundamental question throughout many of my posts is why? Why is consciousness universal?
Because information is universal. Like a hologram, the whole is contained in each infintesimal part, and each infintesimal part in the whole, change the smallest concieveable bit and the whole picutre is changed. Evolution. Everywhere. Eternally. Quote: Haha no way your reasoning has excellent merit! If it didn't I wouldn't be asking you all these deep questions. I learn from you as well. Its to divide and characterize things. These concepts are just our own human constructs about the world around us but I can't just say that because someone else defines rocks as life that its correct unless they have a basis for that definition. Otherwise I can say anything about anything and it would be completely correct. That kind of reasoning gets humans into all kinds of trouble.
Thank you. I am learning an enormous amount from this conversation as well. You have helped me to understand hard science better, as well as to think deeply about these ideas and attempt to express them in a coherent manner. It is human nature to deconstruct everything, to caterorgize things into those with similarities and those with differences. It helps us understand the world around us better. We need those definitions, placed into words or equations to solidify them in our perceptions and understanding. They are necessary for us to understand the "how" of what we see and expreience. But there is also a grand unifying whole to creation. Some call it god (though this term is too narrow and anthropomorphized for my liking). I call it consciousness, Brahman, Tao, All That Is. It just is. Should we change our lives to try to live up to something that we don't and cannot understand? No. Should we pay it hommage? Absurd. Should we try to find that which has meaning for us, in whatever form that takes and follow it? Absolutely! But it is where the answer to "why" lies, which is a question I do not believe that science will ever be able to answer. It just is. I am thankful to be alive, to be able to ponder these questions, and to have an informational system like the internet to share and debate these ideas with others who are also experiencing the joy and mystery of what we call life. I just thought of something, another analogy...is the Internet alive? I'd say no, but on the other hand I would say it is conscious...is it information born of consciousness or consciousness born of information? It could be both, and it is most certainly becoming the human collective consciousness, very very rapidly. I believe that as everything is recycled, so too is consciousness. The information and expreience we have acquired in our lifetimes is not lost, it just changes form and continues on. Information becoming more and more detailed and organized... What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3555 Joined: 13-Mar-2008 Last visit: 07-Jul-2024 Location: not here
I don't understand how you can equate information with consciousness? There are many forms of information that are not conscious. For example there are many computer programs out there that have not even the slightest inkling of being conscious yet they clearly process information. Now can an artificial conscious be created? I think so for sure but there is a difference between being conscious and not being conscious.
I also don't think that saying all particles are entangled since the moment of the big bang is correct.
My main issue is consciousness however. There are many spiritual beliefs that have this idea of a universal consciousness. I personally don't buy it. I have reasons for not buying it which I am trying to get at. But my main reason is that consciousness human consciousness anyway is a construct of the human mind. Dog consciousness is the construct of the dogs mind. How can we go from saying look at me I am conscious to look at everything, everything is conscious?
 DMT-Nexus member
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 DMT-Nexus member
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glad you enjoy the thread and welcome to the forum!
 Sun Dragon

Posts: 1320 Joined: 30-Jan-2008 Last visit: 31-Mar-2023 Location: In between my thoughts
burnt wrote:I don't understand how you can equate information with consciousness? There are many forms of information that are not conscious. For example there are many computer programs out there that have not even the slightest inkling of being conscious yet they clearly process information. Now can an artificial conscious be created? I think so for sure but there is a difference between being conscious and not being conscious.
I also don't think that saying all particles are entangled since the moment of the big bang is correct.
My main issue is consciousness however. There are many spiritual beliefs that have this idea of a universal consciousness. I personally don't buy it. I have reasons for not buying it which I am trying to get at. But my main reason is that consciousness human consciousness anyway is a construct of the human mind. Dog consciousness is the construct of the dogs mind. How can we go from saying look at me I am conscious to look at everything, everything is conscious? Where does the information we know about come from? Do we not write the computer programs? Do we not build the hubs, and computers, write the books, etc? Consciousness creates the information. Is it even possible to have information without consciousness? Can consciousness arise out of information on its own? Possibly, we only have Sci-Fi to go on here. Think of the Terminator Movies...Skynet arises on its own out of the information of the internet and various programs and networks. If you've ever read Ender's Game and series by Orson Scott Card (highly recommended, lots of well written and interesting philosophical ideas presented in the series), there is a god-like intelligence which arises arises out of all the connected computers and communication networks in the galaxy. Scientists are working on Artificial Intelligence as we speak, consciousness trying to create consciousness. I may not be correct that all particles are still entangled, but atoms and subatomic particles in fact act as if they are connected...does that translate out into the reality of our everyday experience, hard to know for sure, but the evidence points to yes. All matter was at one time all part of a single whole. All part of one, which now numbers about 10 to the 80th power atoms in the universe. Split a photon and send them away from eachother, and they will act exactly the same, and if one is changed, the other will take on those characteristics...if now, why not then? http://www.cebaf.gov/news/internet/1997/spooky.htmlThis also occurs with DNA that has been separated from its host. The Army did a study to see if there was a DNA/emotion connection when removed from a host. DNA was removed using a swab, and connected to a machine that allowed it to be measured electrically to see if it would respond to the emotions of the person from whom it came, who was in a different part of the building. It does. So DNA taken from our bodies responds to our emotions, meaning there is a connection where there shouldn't be any. "Everyone an Energy Healer: The Treat V Conference" Santa Fe, NM, Advances: The Journal of Mind-Body Health, vol. 9 (1993) Once something is part of something else, it always remains so. So since all particles were part of a single thing prior to the Big Bang, they are all still quantuamly entangled. How can we go from our consciousness to universal consciousness? Because a) everything is information. b) information can be transmitted across the entire universe with no delay. c) information arises from consciousness. Therefore everything is conscious. Different levels of consciousness? Absolutely! Consciousness more or less organized thoughout all the observable universe and beyond. It is the foundation of reality, consciousness coalescing out of the quantum foam to give form to the material world. Quantum physics has already proven that everything we precieve is an illusion, a result of our consciousness...it does not exist out there...it is all in our heads. This is the universe at work, consciousness expreiencing itself infintely. What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3555 Joined: 13-Mar-2008 Last visit: 07-Jul-2024 Location: not here
Quote:Where does the information we know about come from? Do we not write the computer programs? Do we not build the hubs, and computers, write the books, etc? Consciousness creates the information. Is it even possible to have information without consciousness? What do you mean by information? If you mean things that we wrote down or thought and talked about then yes it does come from consciousness expressed by human actions. If you mean quantum information all that is, is a description of a quantum state. Its nothing to do with consciousness. Quote:Can consciousness arise out of information on its own? Consiousness requires the ability to interpret store and retrieve information. So no I think consciousness requires some physical structure capable of interpret sensing storing and retrieving information to exist. Quote:I may not be correct that all particles are still entangled, but atoms and subatomic particles in fact act as if they are connected...does that translate out into the reality of our everyday experience, hard to know for sure, but the evidence points to yes. All particles are not entangled as far as I know. I am pretty sure entanglement ends once the wave function collapses but I am not sure? Realize I don't dispute the concept of entangelment its real and it played a role in cosmological evolution and still plays a role in how subatomic particle behave. It has many practical applications. But what I am disputing is that it offers evidence for a conscious living universe. I also dispute that it offers evidence for spiritual or otherwise supernatural phenomenon. Realize that quantum entanglement does not necessarily mean information is traveling faster then the speed of light as weird as that sounds. Seriously. Quote:All matter was at one time all part of a single whole. All part of one, which now numbers about 10 to the 80th power atoms in the universe. Split a photon and send them away from eachother, and they will act exactly the same, and if one is changed, the other will take on those characteristics...if now, why not then? You don't split photons. If you create a pair of photons from another particle they will be entangled and when one is measured the information about the other is known instantaneously. Again I am not a physicist I can't pretend to have a complete understanding of this. Concerning cosmological evolution the role of entanglement presents some interesting questions. A detailed discussion of this can be found here: http://arxiv.org/PS_cach...pdf/0904/0904.2300v1.pdfQuote:This also occurs with DNA that has been separated from its host. The Army did a study to see if there was a DNA/emotion connection when removed from a host. DNA was removed using a swab, and connected to a machine that allowed it to be measured electrically to see if it would respond to the emotions of the person from whom it came, who was in a different part of the building. It does. So DNA taken from our bodies responds to our emotions, meaning there is a connection where there shouldn't be any. "Everyone an Energy Healer: The Treat V Conference" Santa Fe, NM, Advances: The Journal of Mind-Body Health, vol. 9 (1993) Ok this is too much. I don't believe this. I also don't trust pseudoscientific journals. I can't find that Army study. If you can provide it I will read it. There are lots of people these days who make journals just to make it seem like they are doing real science. I found a study however: http://www.heartmath.org...y-measurable-states.htmlThis kind of study is total bullshit. All they are doing is measuring DNA's UV absorbance in solution after people focus "intention" on it. Total junk in my opinion. I could do this and get any result I wanted. Quote:Once something is part of something else, it always remains so. So since all particles were part of a single thing prior to the Big Bang, they are all still quantuamly entangled. Like I said all particles I do not think are entangled for reasons mentioned above. If the big bang is correct its meaningless to say that anything was part of anything before the big bang. There is no such thing as before. Quote:How can we go from our consciousness to universal consciousness? Because a) everything is information. b) information can be transmitted across the entire universe with no delay. c) information arises from consciousness. Therefore everything is conscious. Different levels of consciousness? Absolutely! Consciousness more or less organized thoughout all the observable universe and beyond. It is the foundation of reality, consciousness coalescing out of the quantum foam to give form to the material world. a) again what do you mean by everything is information? b) The information required for consciousness cannot be transmitted across the universe without delay. Also remember quantum entanglement while does connect particles in a way that it happens instantaneously does not actually mean that any information is traveling faster then the speed of light (as weird as that sounds). c) your making a circle. So your saying that everything is information and that all information is everywhere and consciousness causes information? Your just making a circle where there doesn't need to be one. What is required to have consciousness is not just random particles coalescing out of quantum foam but a system in which information can be stored process retrieved. Our consciousness is a continuum of information coming in through our sense being stored and retrieved and processed. Our consciousness doesn't make the tree it makes the picture of tree that we see in our mind. Quote:Quantum physics has already proven that everything we precieve is an illusion, a result of our consciousness...it does not exist out there...it is all in our heads. This is the universe at work, consciousness expreiencing itself infintely. I am going to end on saying that I do not think its appropriate to use quantum mechanics to suggest that there is such thing as a universal conscious. Quantum mechanics does not prove such a thing exists. At all. This is the spiritual myth being pushed by so many people out there today who have barely any understanding of quantum mechanics. Some of these people are physicists who know more mathematically then I do but they are on the fringe making science into sensationalism and spiritualism for their own agendas. Something I don't think its appropriate either as it confuses the public even more about science. Here is an appropriate article that briefly overviews this myth: http://www.colorado.edu/...QuantumConsciousness.pdf
 The Root
Posts: 2458 Joined: 02-Jul-2008 Last visit: 27-Sep-2023 Location: The asteroid belt
 antrocles wrote:...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...
...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".
Quote: ‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell Quote: ‹xtechre› cheese is great He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3555 Joined: 13-Mar-2008 Last visit: 07-Jul-2024 Location: not here
 Sun Dragon

Posts: 1320 Joined: 30-Jan-2008 Last visit: 31-Mar-2023 Location: In between my thoughts
burnt wrote: What do you mean by information? If you mean things that we wrote down or thought and talked about then yes it does come from consciousness expressed by human actions. If you mean quantum information all that is, is a description of a quantum state. Its nothing to do with consciousness.
For information I mean, data in any stage of processing. Every atom in the universe has a beginning, a current and a future, it has a history, it is data in a stage of processing. Light also is information. We get information about the state of stars (composition, temperature, age, size, brightness) and galaxies that have been in transmition in some cases for billions of years. That light holds information. The universe is one giant complex of information (light). But in a quantum state there is information as well, all possibilities yet to be realized...an infinity of information waiting to be made manifest. Quote: Consiousness requires the ability to interpret store and retrieve information. So no I think consciousness requires some physical structure capable of interpret sensing storing and retrieving information to exist.
So therefore by this definition computers would be conscious. They have a physical structure that is capable of interpreting, sensing, storing, and retrieving information. All living things would be conscious as well by this definition, from cats, to trees, to bacteria. Is the universe not a physical structure? IF the universe is a giant hologram, or all part of an interconnected membrane, then it has all the qualities of a computer. It interprets informaion, stores it, and can retrive it, as well as changing when new imputs are added. Quote: All particles are not entangled as far as I know. I am pretty sure entanglement ends once the wave function collapses but I am not sure? Realize I don't dispute the concept of entangelment its real and it played a role in cosmological evolution and still plays a role in how subatomic particle behave. It has many practical applications. But what I am disputing is that it offers evidence for a conscious living universe. I also dispute that it offers evidence for spiritual or otherwise supernatural phenomenon.
I am not sure either, any quantum physicists around?  If they show the characteristics of the subatomic level in the larger reality we experience, then they are all still entangled from the smallest to the largest. Information can then be transmitted anywhere at superluminal speeds. Every particle could have access to what every other particle has ever, or will ever experience. It means that everything is still connected on the most fundamental level, all infintesimal parts of a larger whole, that in actuality we are all individual parts of one consciousness experiencing itself. Quote: Realize that quantum entanglement does not necessarily mean information is traveling faster then the speed of light as weird as that sounds. Seriously.
Not necessarily, but in all likelihood as that is what the evidence suggests. Also, please explain how that information is not being transmitted instantly. You say it doesn't but all the research I've seen does not support what you are saying. Quote: Ok this is too much. I don't believe this. I also don't trust pseudoscientific journals. I can't find that Army study. If you can provide it I will read it. There are lots of people these days who make journals just to make it seem like they are doing real science.
This kind of study is total bullshit. All they are doing is measuring DNA's UV absorbance in solution after people focus "intention" on it. Total junk in my opinion. I could do this and get any result I wanted.
So some Academic journals are "proof", but others are nonsense? I don't understand... How is the study total bullshit? They proved that DNA's UV absorbance in solotion changed after people focused intention upon it. It was not the solution they held in their hands, it was solution in a different container in a different room, which showed the changes at the exact time that people were focusing, providing significant evidence for a psychokenetic connection of DNA when removed and separated from the host by sight and distance. Quote: a) again what do you mean by everything is information?
b) The information required for consciousness cannot be transmitted across the universe without delay. Also remember quantum entanglement while does connect particles in a way that it happens instantaneously does not actually mean that any information is traveling faster then the speed of light (as weird as that sounds).
c) your making a circle.
So your saying that everything is information and that all information is everywhere and consciousness causes information? Your just making a circle where there doesn't need to be one.
What is required to have consciousness is not just random particles coalescing out of quantum foam but a system in which information can be stored process retrieved. Our consciousness is a continuum of information coming in through our sense being stored and retrieved and processed. Our consciousness doesn't make the tree it makes the picture of tree that we see in our mind.
a)see above. b)how can you know this and make this statement? If changes to one are affected to another, across space, without delay, how is this not faster than the speed of light? It proves that there is a medium in which changes can manifest at superluminal speeds. c) I am not being circular. Everything is light/energy/information, which is conscious. The universe is a physical system in which information is stored, processed and recieved. The universe is a continuum of light/energy/information coming through itself and being stored, processed and retrived (whether consciously or unconsciously). How much of the information we are subject to in our daily lives are we consciously aware of? 1%? .01%? .0001%? Smaller? Certainly not larger! Quote: I am going to end on saying that I do not think its appropriate to use quantum mechanics to suggest that there is such thing as a universal conscious. Quantum mechanics does not prove such a thing exists. At all. This is the spiritual myth being pushed by so many people out there today who have barely any understanding of quantum mechanics. Some of these people are physicists who know more mathematically then I do but they are on the fringe making science into sensationalism and spiritualism for their own agendas. Something I don't think its appropriate either as it confuses the public even more about science.
Science always has been and always will be confusing for the non-scientist. So...some quantum mechanical physicits are postulating this "myth/theory", while others are disputing it? It is not appropiate for a scientist to use their field of expertise to try to answer the big questions, just because it may provide proof of something that ontological materialism finds untenable? Could their "own agendas" be that of truth finding? Trying to explain the nature of existence with a new theory that is not accepted by "classical" physicists? Is it because they are not strict cosmological darwinists and "Brights" that their theories are dismissed and pushed into the "frige" category? I don't understand your logic. It is the "I don't agree with them, therefore they cannot possibly be right" argument. Nobody has all the answers, therefore nobody can lay sole claim on the "truth" Science is not in danger. There is no possibility of it being diluted to insignificance, unless there is undenyable proof of a greater consciousness, and even then science would still provide the answers to "how, when, where", irrespective of "why". Science in my opinion will never be able to answer "why", that is something left to ourselves to ponder. One can choose to ponder the question or not, it does not make a difference. But to say that there are some questions people should not consider, just because we currently have no way to prove them, and that to even consider it lessens us all as a species, is a bit condescending in my opinion. An interesting, if outdated article. Written before String/Membrane theory became prevalent, and therefore many of his assertions are no longer valid, and some evidence has emerged to prove the things he discredits. I'll look for some other articles about quantum consciousness to try to provide more sound evidence for my assertions of everything being an illusion. What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3555 Joined: 13-Mar-2008 Last visit: 07-Jul-2024 Location: not here
I won't be responding here for a while but good discussion hope to continue in the future.
 Sun Dragon

Posts: 1320 Joined: 30-Jan-2008 Last visit: 31-Mar-2023 Location: In between my thoughts
Yeah, sorry for the delay in responding to your last post...I was out of town for a few days. Am really enjoying the discussion as well, looking forward to your continued input in teh future! What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
 Sun Dragon

Posts: 1320 Joined: 30-Jan-2008 Last visit: 31-Mar-2023 Location: In between my thoughts
I found some interesting talks and articles on Quantum Physics. Some are explain our current knowledge, some indicate where that knowledge may lead us. Eight Dimensions of Elementary Particles (Quantum Physics graphed, no math) http://www.ted.com/index...heory_of_everything.htmlCan fractals make sense of the quantum world? 30 March 2009 by Mark Buchanan http://www.newscientist....tum-world.html?full=trueWhat string theory is really good for. 01 June 2009 by Jessica Griggs http://www.newscientist....-is-really-good-for.htmlIt's confirmed: Matter is merely vacuum fluctuations 20 November 2008 by Stephen Battersby http://www.newscientist....vacuum-fluctuations.htmlHope you enjoy, I'll keep my eyes out for other articles that may be of interest and pertinent to the discussion we are having. What, you ask, was the beginning of it all? And it is this...
Existence that multiplied itself For sheer delight of being And plunged into numberless trillions of forms So that it might Find Itself Innumerably. -Sri Aubobindo
Saidin is a fictional character, and only exists in the collective unconscious. Therefore, we both do and do not exist. Everything is made up as we go along, and none of it is real.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3555 Joined: 13-Mar-2008 Last visit: 07-Jul-2024 Location: not here
I am going to start a new thread to continue this discussion so incase members who don't want to read all this will have a chance to contribute. The topic will shift from religion to spiritualism and quantum mechanics.