"Hmmm, too much?" I stare into my freshly packed pipe, loaded to the brim with 100 mg of (limonene extracted) spice-infused parsley. A 1:1 ratio means I'm working with approximately 50 mg of spice. I think this is my ideal dose.
Recently, I have begun to take piracetam, which I am told magnifies the effect of the spice substantially. I reconsider my dose briefly. "Fuck it."
I'm laying in bed, naked, as in usually the case on my spice ventures, and my wife lay naked beside me, rubbing my chest and staring into my eyes and I prepare to blast off.
"Scared?", she smiles. "Always," I reply. Despite being several years since my last truly negative spice experience, I can't shake the fear before the trip. For me, it comes with the territory. I don't think you can have true respect for the spice and not fear it.
This trip was to be in silence, for no reason other than a change.
The pipe was put to my head, and a small 'thank you' was said to the spice for whatever journey it had planned for me. The flame clicked from my lighter and a gentle hiss filled my ears as the parsley began to glow. The harsh chemical smoke filled my lungs. I fought back a cough and held it as long as possible.
At this point it became exceedingly apparent that piracetam does indeed increase the potency of spice. Before even exhaling my first hit, the world began fragmenting.
"Gotta go quick!"
I didn't have time to take my three usual tokes. Not with this newfound intensity. I hit the pipe deep and hard, taking the rest of the bowl in a second giant lungful. Whether I put the pipe down or my wife took it from me is up for debate.
There was no transition state. No rising of chaos or splitting of reality. The world was gone and I was flying a million miles an hour over a dreamscape unknown to me.
This planet was quite like Earth in a lot of ways. There was trees and fauna and all other manner of greenery, but it was all alien. It was nothing like the fauna of Earth.
I flew into what I can only describe as a castle. It was a tremendous building built of grey stone, but was decorated in incredibly bright colours. There were neon blues, oranges, reds and yellows everywhere. Bricks within the "castle" were painted and tapestries and decorations of all manner adorned the walls. I knew there were beings that resided within this castle, but I was ushered from this place too quickly to meet them.
An interesting thing about DMT is that it seems, a small amount puts you in a psychedelic state, here on earth. A little more puts you somewhere else. Anywhere else. It seems as though the DMT randomly chooses a locale anywhere in the Universe and plants you there. But then, if you smoke beyond this amount, the DMT puts you into something completely beyond the physical.
I became aware of two choices. The right choice, and the wrong choice. The selfless and the selfish. Good and Evil.
These were all that existed in this state of mind. These two choices. I could see them, feel them, smell them, taste them and touch them. I realized that these choices were the very essence of our creator and our destroyer, our god.
I realized that in every instant we can make a choice to do what is in our best interest, or we can do what is in the best interest of everyone.
If everyone did what was in the best interest of everyone else, then everyone would have exactly what they needed and we could live forever in a perfect utopian paradise. If everyone made the right choice, we would be indistinguishable from the state of love.
God is love. Love is god. Love for one another and everything that is. When we make the selfless choice, this love pours through us and into others, and when they make the selfless choice, it pours back. When selfishness arises, this love is blocked. It cannot flow any further. Selfishness puts the needs of the self before others, and every little blockage of selfless love inhibits the eternal pouring. The love becomes compartmentalized and cannot continue to flow, and all of creation suffers. If every kind act is paid forward, suffering can come to an end. There is no need for pain, or hunger, or lack.
These blocks can be removed. Mankind is perfectible. Every single block cleared will bring mankind one step closer to merging with the pure white light of love, the energy that is our creator.
I saw every single time throughout my life that I had made the wrong choice. The selfish choice. I saw the extent to which these choices affected everyone around me. I saw like a branching tree how my blockades against the pouring of love caused limbs to whither and die. And I saw the road to redemption.
When this finally ended, I was on top of my wife, locked in a deep embrace, my hands running through her hair and over her skin as the river of love poured through me with a fury stronger than any army of hatred could ever muster. Within me, and within each and every single one of us, this love exists, and this love is strong enough to overcome any human atrocity. This love is more powerful than the most powerful bomb, more powerful than the most corrupt government, more powerful than money, greed or fear.
Falling in love is sensing within someone a deep familiarity. Falling in love is recognizing another as part of the same source, stemming from this same flow of energy. But this love doesn't need to only be for a wife or a husband. This love can flow from you to every stranger that you meet. This love can flow between friends and family, but also between you and every atom around you, "sentient" or not. It is only in this state of love with all that is that our supreme destiny can be realized.
DMT has changed my life before, but not like this. I can't see through the same eyes anymore. There is no room for cynicism. There is no room for greed.
The time has come for people to awaken. The time has come for all the pain in the world to come to an end. The time has come for us to stop living as segregated and separated bits and pieces of some machine to which none of us really knows the function, but doing our part and playing the cog just the same. We are not bits and pieces:
We are one.
I love you guys!