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I made a TEK for the dutch community Options
#21 Posted : 2/14/2013 8:00:48 PM

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First of all Snuifduif, thanks for posting this (also;in the Welcome Area, since I am a new member of the Nexus Smile)! I'm also dutch so this is extremely useful.

I am very interested in DMT since I was able to try it out a while ago. My mind was opened! Pleased
I'm thinking of trying out this TEK next week. This TEK seems quite easy and is very understandable. But, I'm not that into chemistry. So, just like the person above me, I have a question about the clean up.

Is there a special way of cleaning afterwards? Or can I, when I'm done, just (slowly) put the mixture down the drain.
And can I just use basic detergent when cleaning the glass vase(s) and other materials used?

The TEK itself is very understandable, but maybe you could add a part about cleaning up? That way the TEK becomes a full-fledged starters guide to DMT extraction Big grin

Thanks in advance! -- Azerdion

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#22 Posted : 2/14/2013 8:27:35 PM

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Ik heb deze tek gister uitgevoerd en hij werkt primaaa (Y) Smile

Translation: I tried this tek yesterday and it works fine (Y)! Smile
#23 Posted : 2/14/2013 8:33:21 PM

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Azerdion wrote:
First of all Snuifduif, thanks for posting this (also;in the Welcome Area, since I am a new member of the Nexus Smile)! I'm also dutch so this is extremely useful.

I am very interested in DMT since I was able to try it out a while ago. My mind was opened! Pleased
I'm thinking of trying out this TEK next week. This TEK seems quite easy and is very understandable. But, I'm not that into chemistry. So, just like the person above me, I have a question about the clean up.

Is there a special way of cleaning afterwards? Or can I, when I'm done, just (slowly) put the mixture down the drain.
And can I just use basic detergent when cleaning the glass vase(s) and other materials used?

The TEK itself is very understandable, but maybe you could add a part about cleaning up? That way the TEK becomes a full-fledged starters guide to DMT extraction Big grin

Thanks in advance! -- Azerdion

je kan met gekoelde ammonia wel het wat opschonen van de planten vetten..
dat kan je doen doormiddel van wat ammonia in de koelkast te zetten zodat t flink koel word en dan t langzaam ermee uitspoelen en en herkristaliseren en dan hou je witte kristallen over ipv met die gele vetten eraan.. ik zelf hou de plantvetten gewoon erbij dan maar een beetje geel mn eerste batch is meestal spier wit en dat doormiddel van verdamping! Pleased ik heb hogere yields behaald dan normale STB teks door deze tek IETS aan te passen en met goed effect tot zo ver! Smile thanks OP!
#24 Posted : 2/14/2013 8:46:17 PM

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1Druppel wrote:
Azerdion wrote:

je kan met gekoelde ammonia wel het wat opschonen van de planten vetten..
dat kan je doen doormiddel van wat ammonia in de koelkast te zetten zodat t flink koel word en dan t langzaam ermee uitspoelen en en herkristaliseren en dan hou je witte kristallen over ipv met die gele vetten eraan.. ik zelf hou de plantvetten gewoon erbij dan maar een beetje geel mn eerste batch is meestal spier wit en dat doormiddel van verdamping! Pleased ik heb hogere yields behaald dan normale STB teks door deze tek IETS aan te passen en met goed effect tot zo ver! Smile thanks OP!

Wat ik bedoelde was het schoonmaken van al het materiaal dat is gebruikt. Het glaswerk en dergelijke. Niet zozeer de DMT zelf Smile Maar toch bedankt voor de input.

Translation: What I ment was cleaning all of the materials used. Like the glass vase etc. Didn't really mean the DMT itself Smile But still, thanks for the input.
#25 Posted : 2/15/2013 11:28:11 PM

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Azerdion wrote:
1Druppel wrote:
Azerdion wrote:

je kan met gekoelde ammonia wel het wat opschonen van de planten vetten..
dat kan je doen doormiddel van wat ammonia in de koelkast te zetten zodat t flink koel word en dan t langzaam ermee uitspoelen en en herkristaliseren en dan hou je witte kristallen over ipv met die gele vetten eraan.. ik zelf hou de plantvetten gewoon erbij dan maar een beetje geel mn eerste batch is meestal spier wit en dat doormiddel van verdamping! Pleased ik heb hogere yields behaald dan normale STB teks door deze tek IETS aan te passen en met goed effect tot zo ver! Smile thanks OP!

Wat ik bedoelde was het schoonmaken van al het materiaal dat is gebruikt. Het glaswerk en dergelijke. Niet zozeer de DMT zelf Smile Maar toch bedankt voor de input.

Translation: What I ment was cleaning all of the materials used. Like the glass vase etc. Didn't really mean the DMT itself Smile But still, thanks for the input.

gewoon schoonmaken onder de kraan met sponsje en dreft! , als het op je hande komt de basische stof kan je het beste wat azijn over je handen gooien en t even in laten trekken, dit zorgt dat t niet gaat bijten/irriteren! altijd wat azijn in de buurt houden, en ja alles kan gewoon door de drain! no problemo !

Greetz en als er vragen zijn natuurlijk altijd welkom ik probeer zo actief mogelijk ze te beantwoorden! Smile
#26 Posted : 2/16/2013 12:46:33 PM

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Thanks, 1Druppel! Thumbs up
#27 Posted : 3/26/2015 10:45:23 PM
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This topic hasn't been active for quite some time, yet SWIM's still hoping someone (preferably Dutch) can tell him where he might acquire a glass vase or other glass bottle as described in the tek.
SWIM has been searching far and wide, and either he finds ones that don't come with a top/seal or are too small and expensive.

SWIM hopes someone can sort him out.

#28 Posted : 3/27/2015 1:13:24 AM
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I dont know if this falls under the sourcing guidelines but that one store named after the rain forest where the magic comes from... has "reagent" containers, lab grade made from borosilicate. When you start looking at products above 2000ml the cost drastically increases. Here is an image search so you may see what Im talking about.

I do not endorse condone or engage in illegal activities. Talking about the chemistry and effects of various substances is just a fun thing I like to do.
#29 Posted : 3/27/2015 1:13:39 AM

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Go for the 500ml version. If you are looking a container for the soup your best option is buying a glass flower vase...
#30 Posted : 3/27/2015 1:24:06 PM

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Varox wrote:
If you are looking a container for the soup your best option is buying a glass flower vase...

I disagree. Flower vases are often fragile and are intended to stand mostly untouched, not be handled much. I also doubt the ability to handle the heat shock that may occur when dissolving lye. To top it off, most flower vases don't come with a lid that can be securely screwed on.

My advice is to use a glass food jar that you can buy at the supermarket. At Jumbo and Albert Heijn you can buy large jars with pickles (augurken) for little.

BTW, don't mix the lye in a glass container, unless you have proper laboratory glass. Use a steel pan, that is much safer. And wear eye protection when working with lye. It is recommended to also wear rubber gloves. While the skin on your hands is not as easily damaged by lye as your eyes are, the lye does tend to saponify finger fat, making your hands and the glass jar slippery.

Finally, look into "Cyb's salt TEK", it is an improved version of this TEK, yielding more result.
#31 Posted : 3/27/2015 4:46:30 PM

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Blokker also sells (empty) thick glass food jars with rubber sealers. They're cheap and sturdy and seem to handle lye pretty well. To repeat: be sure to use gloves/goggles when mixing, even thought the jars dont appear to leak.
humble bumble
#32 Posted : 3/27/2015 6:16:31 PM


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I agree with the erlenmeyer flask, I use my 750ml one myself, with a glass stopper. A syringe fits in the neck and makes an easy way to collect the naphtha, because the surface is smaller than a Weckfles/ mason jar. Also I don't like the wear on the rubber rings of mason jars.

I once bought a huge box of glassware off Marktplaats, including a beautiful but yet unused Soxhlet extractor. The price was a joke, too.

On a related note:
I found artists' supply stores (harolds, van beek, de kwast, etc) and specialized paint stores (kroonpart) to be a good source of more exotic solvents, like ether, xylene, lemonene and such.

dankbaar, heel dankbaar
The Traveler
#33 Posted : 3/27/2015 6:21:04 PM

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MrVortex wrote:
Blokker also sells (empty) thick glass food jars with rubber sealers. They're cheap and sturdy and seem to handle lye pretty well. To repeat: be sure to use gloves/goggles when mixing, even thought the jars dont appear to leak.

In my experience those jars are horrible and will unfortunately break very easily when containing a lye solution.

Also the rubber will be eaten by the non-polar solvent so rolling the jar to enhance the mixing is out of the question.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#34 Posted : 10/8/2016 9:06:50 PM

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he Smile

im trying this tek but get frustrated when all my crystals evaporate or get dissolved again while getting it out of the freezer and in the filter before its filtered through its all gone again Sad

what am i doing wrong

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#35 Posted : 10/10/2016 10:16:47 PM

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goddard wrote:
he Smile

im trying this tek but get frustrated when all my crystals evaporate or get dissolved again while getting it out of the freezer and in the filter before its filtered through its all gone again Sad

what am i doing wrong


Without knowing what you did (in your own words) it's hard to definitively say, but...

It's possible your naphtha solution is not concentrated enough - make more, smaller pulls. Freeze your combined solvent pulls in a fairly broad, flat glass dish to provide more surface area so that the crystals stick to the glass. Then you shouldn't need to filter the solvent.

Another thing that will help the crystals to stick to the glass is to lightly rub the inside of your new glass container with sandpaper. This makes tiny scratches which act as nucleation points for the crystals to form.

If you decide you still need to filter the solvent, put the filter paper and funnel in the freezer too, so they do not warm the solvent and cause the crystals to redissolve ( they are not evaporating). Make sure your ambient temperature is as low as possible when filtering - put the filter in the freezer during this process if necessary.

Of course, your crystals may just have been ice and you have bunk bark.

Judging by your report, you must have gotten something (somehow...).

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#36 Posted : 10/12/2016 9:36:53 PM
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+1 for decent glassware. Check marktplaats for laboratorium glaswerk. Brouwmarkt.nl offers erlenmeyers in volumes up to 10 liters very reasonable priced and well packaged as well as glass pipet sets with rubber suction top.
I also have good experience with Chinese glassware on eBay. Very cheap no shipping costs and two weeks delivery time to NL.
#37 Posted : 7/20/2023 3:55:54 PM
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Can someone send me the pdf or original image? I cannot download the pdf and the image isnt showing anymore.

Would greatly appreciate it!!
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