Artemis wrote:I previously used Joshisom's AB Tek with 500g ACRB- results were great. The only variable I would like to adjust is the acid. Due to the awful smell of vinegar boiling all day, I would prefer to use ascorbic acid. Now for my question ( sorry if the answer is obvious):
How much powdered ascorbic acid should be used to replace distilled vinegar 5%. Is there a ratio? I would need a total of 800ml of vinegar.. how much ascorbic acid should be used to mimic the effects of 800ml vinegar?
Really appreciate any guidance!
Get some ph strips or a digital ph meter. The meter will be more accurate & let you get closer to the desired ph but strips are dirt cheap & work perfectly fine.
You want to shoot for a ph of 3-4 before adding the water to the bark if you use strips.
A ph meter has the advantage of accurately checking the ph while the bark is in solution, with strips the coloration from the plant matter will effect the color of the strip.