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crash landing in deep space asteroid suburbs Options
aleph 1ne
#1 Posted : 3/24/2015 9:23:11 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 112
Joined: 07-May-2013
Last visit: 02-May-2019
I had a friend over who was dire to try the DMT experience. I was equipped, so we decided to venture. It was late at night and the house was quiet. We had been having great discussions throughout the night that varied from heavy to funny and light hearted. The setting was perfect. It was our decision to do 2 separate doses. 1 at about 30mg per person and the second at 65mg. A "dip your toes in" approach. I fired up the Volcano and filled the bag. We each took three big lungs full and held for as long as possible. I remember thinking that it was too little, as it took an awful long time to kick in. I could feel it slowly climbing. So relaxed in comparison to my normal skin rippling blastoffs. Slowly, blue lines began to form in front of me. They crossed and intersected in seemingly random ways at first, but then a scene began to form and the picture took on a third dimension. Still, it felt more like watching a movie than experiencing it. Then I began to feel movement, as if I were traveling through space. I had no real control over where I was flying, similar to an astronaut, and spun slowly into this scene. As I did so, i noticed the lines were fading away and a more concrete reality was taking it's place, though this reality still seemed to be bordered in the same blue as the beginning. Indeed I was in space. I saw a brilliant white/blue star that seemed to be emitting a shock wave of energy. Again, so very slowly. I spun some more and saw a field of asteroids ahead. they were bunched rather close together. Some even looked like they were tied together with that blue border. i was coming in fast. Even though everything had seemed so slow out in space, as I moved closer, it became apparent that I was actually moving horribly fast! As I came closer to the asteroids, I could see neighbourhoods built upon these asteroids. Each house had it's own protective dome. I got caught in the gravity of the asteroid and had the full impression of being sucked in by it's heaviness. I circled around the giant rock fully before piercing one of the domes. It made a sound that was like a bubble popping in slow motion. As soon as I entered the force field type elastic energy barrier or what ever it was (haha)
I slowed right down. Still falling, but at a manageable speed. I also had the feeling like my skin was wet for a moment as I passed through. I looked down and saw a garden patch surrounded with grass and trees. Even a white fence, which i crashed into before rolling into the garden. I didn't much have a sensation of crashing. Not physically, but i lost my concentration and things got weird and computer graphics like for a second before I regained my composure. I looked up and saw a teenage girl with a pigs face, wearing a full space suit. She was soon joined by her father (also pig faced) who said something along the lines of " oh not another one of these. Where do they keep coming from?" The girl seemed fascinated by me and smiled at me. The father then picked me up with his index finger and thumb and tossed me back into space. I hadn't realized how small I was compared to them until I saw his fingers reaching for me. The entire trip seemed to have this theme of highlighting the relationship between polarities and perspective. i barely had time to take in the marvels of their home before I was hurled like a bug. But what I saw was fascinating to say the least!!! It did seem like quite a large colony. I returned to find that only 4 minutes had passed. That is my shortest adventure. But one that I will not soon forget.

The second trip was more of what I have come to expect. As soon as I took my first toke, it started with the carrier wave. The tone was fierce. We had some ambient music on and the carrier wave seemed to be forcing the sound to stay in the far corner of the room. It sounded distant and hollow. I put my attention into the trip as I took my second and third hit. The third hit was huge and hard to get in since I was there already. Insane geometry surrounded and crowded around me, folding and expanding relentlessly. From beneath one of the folds came a being I've seen before, but completely forgot about until revisiting him. When I saw him, I was engulfed with the feeling of awe. What IS that? and that's what he wants from me. He is the unspeakable, to me. the indescribable. If I were to try, I'd say he looks like a pipe for plumbing that has several bends and 90 degree corners. His head is equipped with wild springy hair and he has thin metal arms. But he can transform. Once I see him, that's it. there's nothing else to see. He dominates the scene, bending and contorting. i can't figure out if he's mimicking the walls or controlling them. If I try to think, he contorts and dismantles my thoughts as well. Only the look on his face is consistent. He is showing off. He is challenging me to name him. To know him. i was rushed with the feeling that this object/entity is some kind of device or piece of a device that is way too advanced for my conception. He stays with me until the very end. The scene fades until all that is left is his eyes and that cocky smile. Like the cat from Alice in Wonderland. When I open my eyes, my friend is staring at me wide eyed and slightly displaced. He said he saw something similar but didn't have the wherewithal to stick it out. He tried to open his eyes but the same folding and bending was still occurring. It shook him up a little bit but as the afterglow set in and he had time to think, he felt much better about the experience. I love the afterglow for that. Even if I have a terrifying experience, I can always count on a good hour or more of bliss afterwards.
For me, this was not at all scary. The challenge, even though I can't seem to win it, is great fun. A mental exercise in thinking WAY outside the box.

Anyhow. Lots to think about. Thanks for reading.

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Doc Buxin
#2 Posted : 3/24/2015 11:40:41 PM

Pay No Mind

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Sweet!!!!Big grin

Such an interesting & well-written trip report!

Thank you for sharing that one aleph 1ne!
Freedom's so hard
When we are all bound by laws
Etched in the scheme of nature's own hand
Unseen by all those who fail
In their pursuit of fate
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