I thought it was about time to make a post on the nexus. I can be called the Mechanic. This nickname was achieved because of my extreme talent of being able to fix things. I began examining topics here to find relation to some experiences I had on dmt. (heads up: I do most of my traveling alone)
I have had some of the best times on dmt and the worst. My best experience so far was when i vaporized 70 mg (I have a high tolerance for some reason) in an oil burner while on lsd. I traveled to an alternate universe that felt somewhat egyptian. The one being guiding me through the town there looked like the egyptian god Ra. The town was deserted but had roman looking columns that had nothing on top, when walking on a yellow path with Ra.
My worst experience was when i insufflated 200 mg of dmt. The onset was quite slow and very peaceful at first. I was in a white cloud filled eternal palace. As I was walking forward i came to a giant face that is indescribable. The face had its eyes closed when i first saw it, but when it opened them, a grey circle appeared below me and i fell through. I actually felt like when i fell through i hit the ground below the hole. The ground was blood red and fires were lit around me. I was met by a red and black devilish creature with red eyes that appeared cat like. After this I do not recall the rest but i can recall that i had an intense out of body experience when i called a close friend for help and support. When on the phone with him I was watching him from above, sort of in his ceiling. The next time i saw him he asked me where he was when i called and i told him exactly. He was, in real life, at the time of the call, doing exactly what i saw. This was not necessarily a terrible experience, but unexpectedly life changing and very un-nerving.
I have been reading posts here for quite a while but have not had the urge to become a member until recently. I am glad i joined and will be the best nexian to possibly be.
Everything i say is either made up, heard from a friend, or something i read on the internet.