Just Say Know wrote:can you substitute pickling lime for the Lye? in theory i'd assume you could but then again i'm really inexperienced with synthesis and extraction and am still learning.
hoping to start with food safe extractions as the chemicals are easier to work with and easier to obtain.
Lime works with dryteks on cactus, dmt containing plant materials, and thats about it. It also works very good for freebasing impure dmt salts so you can pull with acetone or a np to get pure freebase dmt.
For the purpose of a aqueous caapi extraction, you need a base that will dissolve in the water. Caoh (lime) doesn't do that. Lye/koh (potash, potassium hydroxide) does and thats why its used.
And BTW, you can get food safe lye if you want, its used to make pretzels. But if you pay attention when your extracting, and aren't foolish you don't need food safe chemicals since you didn't bring over any contaminants into your end product.
Don't think you need food safe supplies/teks to get a safe to use product, if you don't want to work a little harder or think about the process more in depth, then yes, go food safe, but imho that's a copout for not learning how to properly and safely extract alkaloids and perform the teks described on this site.
"let those who have talked to the elves, find each other and band together" -TMK
In a society in which nearly everybody is dominated by somebody else's mind or by a disembodied mind, it becomes increasingly difficult to learn the truth about the activities of governments and corporations, about the quality or value of products, or about the health of one's own place and economy.
In such a society, also, our private economies will depend less upon the private ownership of real, usable property, and more upon property that is institutional and abstract, beyond individual control, such as money, insurance policies, certificates of deposit, stocks, etc. And as our private economies become more abstract, the mutual, free helps and pleasures of family and community life will be supplanted by a kind of displaced citizenship and by commerce with impersonal and self-interested suppliers...
The great enemy of freedom is the alignment of political power with wealth. This alignment destroys the commonwealth - that is, the natural wealth of localities and the local economies of household, neighborhood, and community - and so destroys democracy, of which the commonwealth is the foundation and practical means.โ - Wendell Berry