Welcome Nexus!
I welcome myself as i feel i only now have some idea what you all are talking about. I was about to give up. This happened on Trial #5. I was starting to believe that it was my past drug addictions that had brought me here. The clarity, the alien world, The Presence of a Being and being (myself) humbled. I cried. I felt a reservoir that i had created and neglected, relieve itself of a few (no doubt) drops. This stuff is !!!, no, incredible, No. This is Weird! It gives you exactly what you needed but couldn't find yourself. I had many insights and with such clarity! I knew something was up with a recent job application. And, this could be made up but I've got myself so twisted now in my life that to me, it doesn't even matter if i'm right, because there Is no bad trip or effect... I make the meaning and i am humbled because i make the meaning as best i can with what is available. My meaning can change, but to me it is meaningful because it allows me to grow and move on.
I have been depressed, most likely the bad kind, for longer than i can remember. I have my faults but I have tried at this thing with all my might and it simply won't budge, distractions only work so long. But it seems at the precise moment i was about to give up a miracle occurred!
I upped my dosage again, only conservatively, as I will do, I was going to ad shrooms but, a couple of hours later things were still not right, in my stomach for sure! But as I came to grapple with what this might be, it vanished. That is when i knew it was not some kind of food poisoning from the land of the net, the internet. I got what I wanted, and surely much more than i expected. I will try to stay humble. But I am just so Happy! and I haven't really been happy in almost as long as i can remember, now maybe that's being a little dramatic..
And I like that this stuff tastes like butt because it reminds me that I am human and not just in my mind.
I love you nexus, your one among few... hmm, it's phunny, no?
(written while high, last night)
Ps. And by the way, something was up with that job application. Not at all what i thought and very minor indeed but since i stepped up I won points for being proactive!, at least i'll grant them to myself because i need those and i love me! And therefor, There are no bad trips If we can grow..!