I often meditate with self made sound mixes.
I found music only enjoyable, when it is purely instrumental and has long rhytmical patterns. Or Tuvan throat singing.
Buddhist chanting recordings were very interesting, but I always panic, when they start to blow their awesome giant dungchen trumpets and everyone with an instrument is just going utterly crazy for a minute and then all of a sudden everything normalized back to this repetativve soothing chanting and rhythm.
My latest very interesting experiment was creating an audio file that is actually radio signals from our gas planets combined into one long loop. Part spooky, part otherworldly...
Those were ones recorded by the Voyager and Pioneer space probes from Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus. You can get them from youtube, no need for introducing one into radio astronomy^^
Sol even has it's own distinctive radio pattern, which is extremely interesting, when recording over the full duration of a class X coronal mass ejection.
But the sound has to be condensed, otherwise you'd have to listen to a full 16h recording of our sun blazin' away. And condensing sound removes lots of the intricate detailing and quirks.
And nope, I didn't yet try that sound on anything other than meditation.
But if someone likes to test it before I can do, please share the experience
And if any of the gas giants happens to tell things about humanities past and the history of our solar system, please, concentrate and document
So my bed becomes a launchpad for a rocketship called mind, which is fueled with DMT and it's course is set to eternal infinity of everything?
I am most intrigued... (tbc)