Hashish (2002)
also known as: Haschisch
directed by Daniel Gräbner, 76 minutes
" For centuries the lives of the people of Ketama, a small village high up in the mountains of northern Morocco, have been intricately tied-in with the drug hashish. Hashish as daily labor, hashish as a bartering good, hashish as business, hashish as the basis and philosophy of a social system, hashish as the medium of dreams and hashish as the reason for stagnation. The film sketches a portrait of this life with a look at the following: work and daily family life; the drug; music and landscape as a metaphysical projection surface; the question of freedom in a globalized world; and, at the core of the film, the stories of the people. "
This is an excelent film . If you want to know about morocan hash its very good . Its suposed to be a documentry about morocan hash and on the surface it is .
Has hashish been made for centurys in moroco ? = NO . Its not even 100 years .
Realy its a documentry that shows how the morocan machine picks up naive / ignorant people and asseses them and then sells them what they need and takes their money off them . The film doesnt show any real hash and what they get is tourist " hash " . They show how its made and qualitys .
From at the latest the first time they put their feet on morocan soil they were owned and controled by the people that later sold them the " hash " . The show the morocans pull off is typical / clasic / good for an oscar ........ like a magic show on stage .
I understand that what i have said might come over a " little " strange . If anyone wants an explanation or to talk about it or the film i will explain what i have said .
I started a thread about sieved hash quality . This film fits in with that so do the two books " hashish " . If you are interested in sieved hash quality and watch this film you'll have a good basis to start and it will be much easyer to understand what i say . Hopefully we can learn from eachother .
Whatever ...... the film is definately worth watching .
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .