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Another attempt at reducing the nasal burn Options
#1 Posted : 2/6/2015 8:26:17 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey Nexus,

I want to give the nasal ROA another try today. I know that the burning sensation will be pretty strong and am thinking about possibilites to reduce this.

Am I right with thinking that the intensity of the burn is directly linked to the PH of the material and that it burns cause it is so caustic?

If so...what do you think about my planned attempt, which looks like this:

- Dissolving the DMT in ethanol

- using citric acid to bring the PH to about neutral (I have a PH-Meter now Very happy)

- Evaping the ethanol (I think this will result in a goo?)

- Make the goo usable for insuffilation by mixing it with lactose powder

I will try this procedure in few hours. What does the nexus think? Could this eleminate the burn? Anything I should do different?

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#2 Posted : 2/6/2015 11:21:20 AM

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Interested in the outcome of your experiment, thought about snorting dmt fumerate but the thought of napalm in the sinuses didn't seem very fun.
#3 Posted : 2/6/2015 12:06:52 PM

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Did you try this method ?

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#4 Posted : 2/6/2015 12:10:21 PM

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Interested in the outcome of your experiment, thought about snorting dmt fumerate but the thought of napalm in the sinuses didn't seem very fun.

I had several attempts with freebase (coco tek and modified coco tek), which worked more or less but were far from optimal.

One time the burn was really bad and I thought I may have used too less ascorbic acid and added some more. This was a failure. Since then I know where every meatus in my head is located.
Everything is always okay in the end, if it's not, then it's not the end.
#5 Posted : 2/6/2015 12:12:26 PM

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DansMaTete wrote:
Did you try this method ?

Yes. It worked to a certain extend. But I am not really satisfied with it and want to see if I can find a way which is better for me. I want something that works like this and without or at least with less burn.
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#6 Posted : 2/6/2015 2:23:19 PM
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Good morning humor ---- >

I like my nose . My nose likes me . Probably because i dont allow my ego to put things up it that it doesnt like ...... and probably because it remebers watching a surgeon hit it with a big hammer and chisel 3 times to straighten it again .

The drug is the drug . The method of ingestion doesnt effect the effect just the time it takes to come on . Depending on the method one might have to take more or less to get the desired effect . BUT DMT is DMT .

Did we try it IM ?

Or maybe if you have haemaroids you could inject it into them or the inside walls of your ass . I'm sure it would be just as " good " = painfull ....... and we all know that " If it hurts it must be doing you good " .......

Maybe the true secret of having good trips is to shoot oneself into hypespace while under pain . To add an extra dimesion we could read timmys book of the dead while in pain and comeing up on the trip ? OR ...... what about the benefits of trepanation ? The nasal pain , the trip , timmys daemons and while that is happening drill some holes in your skull with an electric drill ?
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#7 Posted : 2/6/2015 3:26:33 PM

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The method of ingestion doesnt effect the effect just the time it takes to come on .

And also the duration.

Other than that...what did you want to say? Don't put things up your nose?

Maybe the true secret of having good trips is to shoot oneself into hypespace while under pain .

Please look at the title again.
Everything is always okay in the end, if it's not, then it's not the end.
#8 Posted : 2/6/2015 3:55:43 PM

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After experiencing 5-MeO-DMT snuffed, I don't think I will be snuffing DMT again..it works, but it just does not seem to lend itself to snuffing the way that 5-MeO-DMT does, or psilocybin, which also works well ime..

It's no big deal for me to snuff 5mg of 5-MeO-DMT, lay back and have a profound experience...with DMT it's like 25-40 mg etc, there is a burn and then a drip...sometimes it does not work so well..when it does work it can work well, but it's hit or miss. I think I will smoke or eat my DMT from now on, and use 5-MeO-DMT snuff.

DMT salts burned more than freebase for me btw.
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 2/6/2015 3:57:43 PM

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Hey steppa. I'm pretty sure GOD was joking when he said all that Pleased

Is there any way of numbing the nasal passage with a numbing agent before snorting? It could maybe elevate the pain enough to avoid negatively affecting your experience.
#10 Posted : 2/6/2015 4:40:35 PM
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" Please look at the title again. "

Steppa . the dificultys of getting something over in words = I do it a different way = I draw a picture that i hope people can see and compare it to the situation ...... and get a different view .

What i am saying is that your human evil-ution has been going on for about 4 billion years and then pinky comes along and his ego " thinks " that he can just walk through his life like an elephant in a china shop without even batting an eyelid .

Pain is your friend . So is your sense of smell . They are evil-utionary functions to warn you and protect you from danger .

The pain you get is the results of DAMAGE to your nose . Killing the pain doesnt stop the damage . Most of you humans are so egoistic that if you dont feel pain when you damage yourselves you do it more ......... and more ...... and more ...... and dont notice the damage untill its to late .

THEN ...... From what i have read what goes up your nose has to be water soluble or it wont work . That means mixing it with oils will very probably at least make it weaker .

" Other than that...what did you want to say? "

@ Humans ---- > Be aware of what you are doing and dont fall victim to your ego .
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#11 Posted : 2/6/2015 10:14:13 PM

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Occasional use of tryptamines as a snuff is not likely to damage your nose. Frequent use might.
Long live the unwoke.
#12 Posted : 2/6/2015 10:15:05 PM

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"THEN ...... From what i have read what goes up your nose has to be water soluble or it wont work . That means mixing it with oils will very probably at least make it weaker"

it's not true. Freebase DMT definatly works.
Long live the unwoke.
#13 Posted : 2/7/2015 6:47:07 AM

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GOD wrote:

Steppa . the dificultys of getting something over in words = I do it a different way = I draw a picture that i hope people can see and compare it to the situation ...... and get a different view .

I know that you know that I appreciate this. But the picture you drew is blurry. Too much room for interpretation.

Pain is your friend . So is your sense of smell . They are evil-utionary functions to warn you and protect you from danger . The pain you get is the results of DAMAGE to your nose . Killing the pain doesnt stop the damage .

This is all true. But if read over my OP you might see that killing the pain, in a sense of something like..."I'll just add some lidocaine so I won't feel the pain" isn't my intention. My intention is to make a mix that doesn't hurt 'cause it produces no pain, not because it numbs the pain.

And from yesterdays experience I can say that I'm pretty close to get it like this.

Most of you humans are so egoistic that if you dont feel pain when you damage yourselves you do it more ......... and more ...... and more ...... and dont notice the damage untill its to late .

And some make something like cost-benefit analysis on which they base their descicion. And from my research an occacional tryptamine snuff won't cost me anything in regards to my nose. Do you think otherwise?

THEN ...... From what i have read what goes up your nose has to be water soluble or it wont work . That means mixing it with oils will very probably at least make it weaker .

No oils were used.

@ Humans ---- > Be aware of what you are doing and dont fall victim to your ego .

This is a good advice in general.
Everything is always okay in the end, if it's not, then it's not the end.
#14 Posted : 2/7/2015 8:10:11 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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" Occasional use of tryptamines as a snuff is not likely to damage your nose. "

The pain is the sign that it does damage . BUT ...... IF ....... the abuse is not regular / over a certain limit the damage isnt / maybe isnt permanent .

My point is that it does do damage ...... BUT ...... that that needs to be weighed up in a cost / risk type analysis . How often is regular ? How often is ocasional ? How big is a dose that doesnt do pemanent damage ? How many doses of what size can we take how often to not do ourselves permanent damage ?

= Responsible questions for responsible people that want to know about responsible doses / use .

" I know that you know that I appreciate this. "

LOL . Thats why i said it like i said it = Fishing .

" But the picture you drew is blurry. Too much room for interpretation. "

The room for interpretation = the room for thinking ...... and that is what i want = For people to think about things . Maybe it was to weitschweifig ( Broad . Wide . ) ? Yep . I also added little pointers at hair raising things from other threads . ( See last answer ---- > )

" "I'll just add some lidocaine so I won't feel the pain" isn't my intention. "

I understand that . BUT ........ the pain comes from damage . Stoping the pain wont stop the damage .

" This is a good advice in general. "

I see things differently than most people . When i read this web site i see the word university and then see the amount of problems people are haveing because of not doing research and because of swolen egos .

People whos egos try to force their bodys to do things that the body doesnt want . For example " I had my 439th bad trip this must be a sign that i should take some more " ......... OR ......... " I saw crazy crystal the atention whore with an anal fixation put a sick show on for her " friends " by stuffing a load of DMT up here ass ....... and then them laughing their guts out at her and posting it on youpoop so i " thought " that i"d try to impress people by doing the same " ...........

When i see what some people write and the leichtfertigkeit / iesponsibility that they write it with and treat themselves and drugs with i feel physicly ill . It hurts . Thats why i keep talking about and pointing at ---- >

I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#15 Posted : 2/7/2015 8:55:57 PM

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Methinks god has something against intranasal administration of drugs.

I seem to recall a comment in another thread referring to people snorting white powders as "nose-o-sexuals"Big grin

He does make a valid point though about the whole self infliction thing & research.
i've known some people who took great pride in the fact that they could dose higher than everyone else they knew aka egotistical use of drugs.
They all ended up in a pissing contest with mushrooms one day & were more or less scared away from drugs entirely.
#16 Posted : 2/18/2015 1:21:07 PM

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Uhm...I forgot to tell you how it went. Surprised

I did the process mentioned in the OP. But had problems in regards to measuring the PH. This was because I had so little solution that I couldn't use the Ph meter. I had to use those paperstrips then which are a pain in the...you know where. So I'm not entirely sure if I got the ph right in the end.

Another problem was my impatience. After evaporiting the ethanol I should have had waited much longer for the product to dry. As I didn't wait long enough I had to use more and more lactose powder to get a result with which one could work, which of course reduced potency.

After trying the result with a friend we both were more or less dissappointed. I'll test the result again after ingesting sublingual harmalas.

And I'll give the process another try with more patience this time.
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#17 Posted : 2/19/2015 2:00:25 AM

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How about spraying a touch of clove oil up the ole hooter before snorting FB?
I think houses idea could be the best one which is to dissolve in saline solution then squirt, has the benefit of spreading through the nose when sprayed to increase the surface area and absorbtion.
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