A quick introduction, I have been lurking for some time now, and am glad I've got the opportunity to register. I am a biochemist with a keen interest for psychoactives, and especially psychedelics, both in the kingdom of plants and fungi and in the laboratory. I have been around for some time, I used to be an active contributor in the days of the Hive. Since it went down I have been lurking in the shadows, but always studying and contributing where I can. I feel that I will fit in here well, as I subscribe completely what is stated in the 'Attitude' section.
Back in the days of the Hive I felt increasingly unconfortable, as for me the main interest lies in discovering a compound, its activity, perhaps a new synthetical route to it. But always as a tool of study, and having to share the space with people whose main interest was large-scale synthesis to make a quick buck, and in many cases who expected to be spoonfed too, I don't want to have anything to do with that. The same goes for plants or fungi, I feel the goal can never be commercial, it violates sincere interest in a compound, plant or fungus. I never felt comfortable with the whole "RC" industry and feel in the last 10 year it has done more bad than good. Odd as once I felt that every compound in PiHKaL/TiHKaL should be available to the public, but of course I was still young and overenthousiastic back then, and although I oppose the banning of these substances, plants or fungi, I only accept small-scale, private inquiries in a responsible manner, and without greed-driven interest.
Anyway I was glad to read that the Nexus opposes commercial-scaled extractions and reckless “spreading”, but also unsafe or irresponsible setting for the experience, and stress general safety precautions. I think I will feel right at home here.
Il n'y a des sots si incommode que ceux qui ont de l'esprit.