thx ice.......good to see ya.
* notes:
when we started growing in the late 1970's,
there wasnt an internet or forums.
all we had is the dreaded " books"
"oss and oeric" was the best at the time.
until the early 80s, when stamets MC was published,
we grew mostly straight 'oss and oeric style"
its a great original tek classic, but it did have issues.
as time went on , and modern equip became more common,
we adapted the method to use plastics , LED, and grain options / ferts.
plastics are used cuz they PC faster,
are stackable for storage, they break less,
and are " silent" ( important to scale).
also the safety value of plastic over glass is apparent.
LED lights , are low energy, and can be spectra specific.
heat value , and IR are negligible, obviously a plus.
it also reduces mercury contam levels from broken tube lights.
grain options allow for more options, and more potential power fruits.
we believe fert additives add to the grow rate in general.
the tek works to scale on several species , and many strains.
one simply adds more plastic and FC's , and produces cups assembly line style.
environmentals vary location to location.
this tek has worked well in many areas where attempted.
some have suggested LED light is not optimum.
i think that has been debunked for fungi.
IMO , i suspect they prefer LED.
those who object to plastic containers,
should note that a large portion of the modern food industry uses plastics routinely.
modern labs commonly use plastic for research projects with all types of bio forms.
plastic, also PC's way faster than glass.
grains have been shown to deliver a zesty fruit.
IMO exceeding bulk subs by margins.
fert additives, we strongly suspect adds to the grow out speed and rhizo.
we always use a PC for this type of work.
we run LED lights for only minits a day.
we do have whole room HEPA.
we do NOT use UV
we do not use humdifiers, or any automation.
we do not use perle or verm.
for casing, we use pasturized potting soil.
we RARELY see trich using these methods.
our contam rate is maybe 5% at most.
point of the tek is stealth, minimal parts, energy, materials, max speed and power.
this tek gives the urban grower, distinct advantages indeed............
anne halonium attached the following image(s):
(77kb) downloaded 1,159 time(s)."loph girl incarnate / lab rabbits included"
kids dont try anything annie does at home ,
for for scientific / educational review only.