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DMT + Nitrous Oxide - Try it yourself! Options
#1 Posted : 1/28/2015 12:51:06 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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The other day i got stoned with my girlfriend and introduced her to the Nitrous Oxide, what we call "Nangs", trip. Well, she loved them, as the media has begun calling it "Hippy Crack" in an attempt to downsize the experience and create fear amongst the citizens, we laughed beyond belief at this instant, short lasting hit which is almost like hitting the restart button, taking you into universal consciousness, the void, which allows you to redirect where your energy flows. In this state, you laugh and giggle, you relax, you listen to the stillness amongst the chaos, and you make funny little noises which travel through this empty space toward the travellers whom have also induced themselves with this chemical, as if an echo is travelling across the universe, and yet, you are only two feet away from one another.

After several hits, we decided to do DMT and then right after, have the hit of the nang. I was first, and, well… WOW!
It is one of the most pure experiences i've had. The state that was entered, was that of one whole consciousness, the clarity of mind, was intensified so much more than that of the DMT alone. It was not visual, but rather, more of a white out experience. These experiences i tend to attract more than those of being introduced to inter-dimensional entities, that however, is probably due to the lower doses of DMT i use.

With that in mind, the purity and stillness of the mind was extremely evident. I entered a state of quiet and peace. There was my ego mind, and then within that chaos of extending myself outwardly attempting to understand this entire reality, there was ME, this infinitely great awareness of complete understanding and knowledge. All the questions that i asked, all the problems i created, were an extension of this greater awareness, experiencing itself through my physical form, in order to learn and understand itself more deeply. The goal being to realise itself, to turn its awareness back onto itself, and completely surrender and let go into this infinitely vast knowing, yet far too intelligent for the mind to know it.

Try it yourself, be safe, be mindful.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/28/2015 3:34:50 AM

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I've never done nitrous but this sounds like it could potentially be a very nice combo.

I'd like to try combining with oral dmt + harmalas but i'm not sure how safe the combination would be with maoi.
#3 Posted : 1/28/2015 7:31:42 PM

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Nitrous oxide synergizes unbelievably well with all tryptamines I have combined them with. They are also FANTASTIC on LSD.

Once on a couple hits of decent blotter I took 3 successive lungfuls from a tank, and quickly found myself in pure blackness. Slowly, faint blue lines emerged, dividing up the void into what appeared to be three dimensional hexagons (whatever shape that is considered). These rounded out, and connected, and turned red, black, and yellow, until I discovered my entire experience of reality had been turned into, QUITE LITERALLY, a mathematical rendering of the mandelbrot set fractal. In full detail. It was one of those experiences where you almost don't believe it happened, it was so far out. I was a freaking fractal, man.

Really, dissociatives in general tend to combine quite well with most psychedelics. Unfortunately, dissociatives can tend to be pretty sketch (lookin at you, ketamine and DXM). Ketamine can definitely be used responsibly to produce incredibly profound experiences, but it is quite seductive. Please tread with caution. I've seen too many friends turn into zombies.

Even nitrous has the potential to be extremely sketchy. My second cousin (who I may be closer with than some of my first cousins) was a nitrous FIEND (we are talking a tank or two per week to himself) and he eventually damaged his nervous system so severely that he now walks around with one of those walker things old people need to use. He is 27. This is no joke. They don't call it hippy crack for nothing.

Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
#4 Posted : 1/28/2015 7:35:49 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I think ill try this, not sure how to get it tho. You can just use a whipped cream dispenser and the chargers right?
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#5 Posted : 1/28/2015 9:15:50 PM

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Yes. You can order chargers in bulk off of amazon for cheaper than you would get at a head shop.

Try to avoid those little metal "crackers". They get extremely cold extremely fast and can freeze burn your hands, burst balloons, and are just a pain. Definitely shoot for one of those bigger white dispensers with the body and nozzle at the top.

Don't inhale from the nozzle! You theoretically can but the gas comes out quite forcefully, and expands in your lungs as it warms up. It would REALLY suck to rupture a lung or something. I've had some weird, uncomfortable sensations from inhaling too much from the nozzle that, under the influence, thoroughly sketched me out. Balloons are just better and easier (not to mention you can blow your hit back into the balloon, take a deep breath of air, and then reabsorb the leftovers!). Those punching bag balloons with the rubber band at the end are often the ideal candidate due to their huge capacity and relatively thick rubber.

Nitrous oxide can deplete the body of B-vitamins, so it is a good idea to take a B-vitamin supplement the day of and day after you use nitrous.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use this substance in moderation. It can be reaaaaallly addictive.
Once in a while, you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
#6 Posted : 1/28/2015 9:32:19 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Dang Sunshine.... sorry to hear about your cousin. While I think nitrous is extremely fun, I find that (along with almost everything) Modertion is really important. It is almost too easy to go through 200 chargers in one day (yeah, that was a weird day)and then find yourself cursing that you didn't order 500 or 1000.

I have tried it with DMT. For me, it was not quite as expected - I got a misfire on the DMT(vaped it all, tasted right, but nothing happened). If there are some entities on the other side controlling the traffic through hyperspace, I assume that they didn't think I was well suited to be operating a space ship at the time and completely rejected me (we had dug into the xanax bottle). But, the nitrous was still fun!

One of these days, I'll give it a try again.
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#7 Posted : 1/28/2015 9:47:38 PM

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Yeah I had a few balloons on NYE with some vaped spice, come to think of it I had consistently amazing trips that night but I never thought of the balloons contributing to a DMT trip.

Because the balloons give such short acting effects I assumed the two would in no way be able to simultaneously affect me. Maybe I assumed wrong considering what's been posted here Smile

Will have to try it again someday and see what happens Thumbs up
#8 Posted : 1/29/2015 1:27:24 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Just ordered a whipped cream maker & 30 Chargers. I did do nitrous once b4, im kind of exciting to try it on the magic. I'll report back in a week or so.
I Am Not Someone Who Isn't Me!
Dead man
#9 Posted : 1/29/2015 2:09:44 AM

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anon_003 wrote:
Nitrous oxide synergizes unbelievably well with all tryptamines I have combined them with. They are also FANTASTIC on LSD.

Once on a couple hits of decent blotter I took 3 successive lungfuls from a tank, and quickly found myself in pure blackness. Slowly, faint blue lines emerged, dividing up the void into what appeared to be three dimensional hexagons (whatever shape that is considered). These rounded out, and connected, and turned red, black, and yellow, until I discovered my entire experience of reality had been turned into, QUITE LITERALLY, a mathematical rendering of the mandelbrot set fractal. In full detail. It was one of those experiences where you almost don't believe it happened, it was so far out. I was a freaking fractal, man.

Really, dissociatives in general tend to combine quite well with most psychedelics. Unfortunately, dissociatives can tend to be pretty sketch (lookin at you, ketamine and DXM). Ketamine can definitely be used responsibly to produce incredibly profound experiences, but it is quite seductive. Please tread with caution. I've seen too many friends turn into zombies.

Even nitrous has the potential to be extremely sketchy. My second cousin (who I may be closer with than some of my first cousins) was a nitrous FIEND (we are talking a tank or two per week to himself) and he eventually damaged his nervous system so severely that he now walks around with one of those walker things old people need to use. He is 27. This is no joke. They don't call it hippy crack for nothing.

Yes! N2O + acid is amazing... Perhaps one of the best "artifical" experiences besides DMT. Can't imagine combining nitrous with DMT, I have to try it sometimes. Appearantly B12 deficiency has a lot to do with its harmful effects and supplements could be taken (and might be useful even after single use as anon_003 mentioned), but obviously the best advice is just to moderate use!
He who sees the infinite in all things sees God. He who sees the ratio only sees himself only. -William Blake There is no natural religion.
People in the past never lived in ecological balance with nature, they died in ecological balance with nature -Hans Rosling
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Dead man
#10 Posted : 1/29/2015 2:12:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This report is a heart breaking read about someone's N2O abuse and negative conequences. It's very well written so check it out.
He who sees the infinite in all things sees God. He who sees the ratio only sees himself only. -William Blake There is no natural religion.
People in the past never lived in ecological balance with nature, they died in ecological balance with nature -Hans Rosling
Nothing is something worth doing -Sphongle
#11 Posted : 1/29/2015 4:04:23 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Dead man wrote:
This report is a heart breaking read about someone's N2O abuse and negative conequences. It's very well written so check it out.

Very very sad story. It seems the mystic experience is a dangerous one. Something we must all prepare for psychologically and physically. I believe this substances does induce states of mystical experience, however, in an attempt to make it tangible, he became obsessive. Its unfortunate that in the Western society, we are shunned away from the mystical rather than prepared for it. The Eastern philosophies, in my perspective, tend to lead us toward the mystical experiences, which we can induce through the expansion of consciousness, how we do this is of our own understanding and desire, but there is a need to be cautious. It is a dangerous journey.

As i will sum up one of the buddha's quotes to help individuals along the way, "we shall cultivate loving kindness and let that be our guide."

Much love and compassion goes to the man who became lost along the way, and is now paying a severe price <3 <3
#12 Posted : 1/29/2015 2:29:50 PM

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Dead man wrote:

Perhaps one of the best "artifical" experiences besides DMT.

Funnily enough, it is one of the most natural because n2o is emitted by bacteria in soils and oceans, and is thus a part of Earth's atmosphere.
#13 Posted : 1/29/2015 2:38:16 PM

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Also, don't take nitrous by itself because it creates toxicity and destroys memory function via nmda toxicity.

Only take them on seretonergic psychedelics because it is found in rats that 5ht2a agonists MEDIATE toxicity from nmda receptor antagonists.

#14 Posted : 2/12/2015 12:13:31 AM

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This is really not something i would recommend to anyone, I would advise anyone doing this themselves to make sure they are fully aware of how each chemical is effecting them.
#15 Posted : 2/12/2015 3:01:09 AM
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IANS wrote:
I think ill try this, not sure how to get it tho. You can just use a whipped cream dispenser and the chargers right?

Pretty much all the adult novelty stores in my area sell chargers and whip cans.
I do not endorse condone or engage in illegal activities. Talking about the chemistry and effects of various substances is just a fun thing I like to do.
#16 Posted : 2/12/2015 3:08:27 AM
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spawn9076 wrote:
This is really not something i would recommend to anyone, I would advise anyone doing this themselves to make sure they are fully aware of how each chemical is effecting them.

I agree with you, more of ethical, puritanical reasons.

Twisted Evil
I do not endorse condone or engage in illegal activities. Talking about the chemistry and effects of various substances is just a fun thing I like to do.
#17 Posted : 2/12/2015 6:27:42 AM

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Nitrous oxide specifically depletes vitamin B12 from the body, leading to neuropathy with extended use.

Never underestimate the possibility of brain damage from forgetting - -or not wanting - to breathe air! It will all add up, and when you notice it, it can be too late.

Nitrous oxide is also a powerful greenhouse gas. And using cream dispenser cartridges is decidedly wasteful - the amount of the things that end up littering the floor at some festivals is simply obscene.

Nitrous is pretty amazing when done right, of course Wink

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
Dead man
#18 Posted : 3/28/2015 10:56:03 PM

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I tried taking nitrous with DMT the other night (took the balloon right after inhaling changa), and can't say I can recommend it.
Couldn't pay attention to the DMT trip at all, felt like a kid with severe adhd trying to pay attention in class. Waste of a trip unfortunately.
Some of my close friends I was smoking the DMT with, tried the nitrous after coming back from their DMT trip and reported good results. So that is might be worth a try (We ran out, but I will try it tomorrow).
He who sees the infinite in all things sees God. He who sees the ratio only sees himself only. -William Blake There is no natural religion.
People in the past never lived in ecological balance with nature, they died in ecological balance with nature -Hans Rosling
Nothing is something worth doing -Sphongle
#19 Posted : 3/30/2015 1:45:49 PM

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Dead man wrote:
I tried taking nitrous with DMT the other night (took the balloon right after inhaling changa), and can't say I can recommend it.
Couldn't pay attention to the DMT trip at all, felt like a kid with severe adhd trying to pay attention in class. Waste of a trip unfortunately.
Some of my close friends I was smoking the DMT with, tried the nitrous after coming back from their DMT trip and reported good results. So that is might be worth a try (We ran out, but I will try it tomorrow).

You should take the nitrous when you are back from your DMT trip and not during. This way you recycle the DMT leftovers into an amazing Nitrous trip. IMHO there is no point in combining two fast psychedelics at the same time... Nitrous is great for enhancement of any slow psychedelic like shrooms, lsd and probably changa though I have not tried this myself. Nitrous is IMHO the most versatile dissociative there is as you can combine it with a lot of stuff and the experience you get is different for each substance. Having said that, for me MDMA is a must if you are aiming for a level 5 exp on nitrous, you need the stamina MDMA provides to be able to ride the balloon properly.
#20 Posted : 4/2/2015 2:26:04 AM

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Do be careful with the nitrous! While it produces an extremely euphoric experience, you really need to be careful - especially in combination with other drugs - I say this from experience.

One of my high school buddies was a car enthusiast (aka "motorhead"Pleased who had nitrous injection for his vehicle. This is bad idea #1 - using non-medical grade stuff - who knows what other adulterants were in there. In any event, the experiences were a lot of fun - and also potentially dangerous if you aren't appropriately prepared. This stuff will pretty much incapacitate you and black you out - even if only for a few seconds - but that's when you can pass out and hit your head on hard objects, etc. (again - experience - I've done that Sad )

It's an interesting and very euphoric substance - I do like it, but always had that feeling "wow - this stuff probably isn't good for me" - maybe it's the hypoxia effect kicking in. I will say, that, even as a parent I've probably disappointed the kids by leaving them flat whipped cream after sucking up the nitrous as a kitchen whippet Razz

Don't mean to be a doom and gloom person, but just want everyone to be safe and gain from their experiences without getting hurt. Do your research, be wise, and be safe. Moderation is always a good guide - be safe
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