Hey Sharps,
Thanks for sharing some of your viewpoints and outlining your intentions.
Sharps wrote:
I respect plants and the environment greatly and consider them as important if not more so than you and I, however my spiritual perspective towards them and particularly DMT is not as extreme as some but is rather centered around curiosity and a thirst for knowledge rather than some quest for enlightenment.
Regardless the motivation behind your endeavors, it is fantastic to see a thoughtful and respectful attitude to your approach. I stress this point in relation to recent activities pertaining to the sustainable harvesting of certain
Acacia spp. in your country (see Nen's article on the
Nexian news site). I'm sure when you get around to testing some of the
Acacia spp. you'll do so in sustainable manner. The results would more than likely be appreciated by many here so keep us updated.
There are a wide and diverse range of opinions here regarding particular topics, some of which might oppose those you mentioned in the OP. Personally, I tend to find that disagreement can have the potential to be a good opportunity for learning, when approached in the right manner.
Thanks again and welcome!