I just felt like talking about Changa.
There might be a few tips in what I say for those who are thinking about making Changa.
I also want to start sentences without the use of "I" but it aint easy
Making Changa is some thing I enjoy , especially testing the end product.
After a couple of years making Changa there are a few things I have learnt. I have a feeling people will not agree with some of the things I say but these are findings I have found to be true for me.
Firstly I only use a gram of plant material per batch. Certain materials don't last. For instance I have a large batch of Blue Lotus petal Changa which has gone funny over time and I have a large batch of Lions Tail which is going the same way. The harder twig or shrub type plants seem to have an infinite life and the softer type plant material doesn't last so long, even in air tight containers.
Also I have large batches of different Passion flower Changas that I will never use. At first I was blown away by the effects and there longevity so I made lots more. Then I started to realise that it gave me a slight head ache and an uncomfortable feeling, say compared to Blue Lotus which gives me blissful feelings.
My most preferred Plant materials to use are, Damiana and Heimia salicifolia .
Ratios are important, depending on how I will smoke the changa. If its from my bong then I use the 1g Herb, 1g DMT, 500mg Harmala ratio Changa. However if im gonna place the changa in a Rizal with some Mullein then I need to get out the 1.1.1 Changa.
I've found that neat Changa in bong requires less Harmala .
I also turned a load of Changa into dust "Changa Dust" but for some reason it doesn't work . I have a load of Pau Darco Changa that I blended to dust. It now has a plastic taste and the effects are next to useless, ( the carpet moves) wow.
I also find that pre cured Changa is more potent , maybe there is trace alcohol pre cure, hence more potent effects?
I recently took a gram of finely shredded B.Caapi Red Vine and added equal amounts of DMT and Rue Harmala to create some thing truly special.
Earlier this evening I had a smoke and was transported to what I would call an Art Gallery from another dimension , beautiful , dynamic items made of silver and gold, spaced out evenly in a sterile environment. There were these silver cubes with unexplainable happenings within them. As I entered the experience I was saying "Thank you, Thank You" mentally, because I knew this was a gift and an honour . Millions of people will live full lives having never seen such awe inspiring beauty.
I have a lot more to say but I'm tired and I'm sure your thinking "Shut up!"