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Make-shift electronic dabbing device Options
#1 Posted : 1/14/2015 4:52:21 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4
Joined: 15-Nov-2014
Last visit: 08-Jul-2015
Location: NOWERE
In a pinch I crafted an electronic dabber.

The design consists of a 12v 1A charger hacked off lead in series to an SPST switch in series with a coil of kanthal(nichrome wire would also work). The connections to the kanthal were simple twist connections (no solder). The resistance wire was wrapped around a glass stir rod. The stir rod was suspended by an aluminum heat-sink from a computer.

It operates as follows... A glass stir rod is placed in the coil. The coil is heated to so-called 'red hot' by flipping the switch for 10-15 seconds. Power to the coil is cut via the switch. The glass stir rod is pushed forward through the coil but secured by the heat sink revealing the spot of glass which was recently heated. The dab is applied and sucked up a la hot knife.

The glass stir rod can be immediately cleaned after cooling and the user is left with no evidence of having used it aside from bleeding eyes. The concentrate contacts essentially nothing but glass, no metal or what have you.

Worked great for me. It's not a honey-comb triple percolated bong with a half dome nail whatever ya call-it. It cost me a resounding zero dollars because I had all of these items around. It's not perfect but took maybe an hour to construct and if done properly can be aestheticly pleasing and 'safe' relative to other devices I have encountered.

This is for information purposes only. Don't build this unless you have a safe way to support the heating coil. Don't leave it on for too long, it will melt the glass-rod over-time. Definitely a fire hazard... Figured I'd share anyways as it may benefit someone and I have yet to see a design similar to this. Cheers.

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