I'm not sure where to start. It is to my understanding that the experiences I can acquire aren't as well known to others (or at least compared to others in my area) and I have a range of experiences that others may be able to learn from. None of my friends would really care to listen, my journal has always worked great for "listening", but I know there are others who might have more insight than me and others may be able to learn from me.
The main reason why I made this account was because I used for the first time bufotenine today. I have found too little research on this and would like to at least throw some trip reports out there. I'd also like to share many other trip reports from a variety of trips (dmt, lsa, lsd, mushrooms, san pedro, bufotenine, 25c/25d/25i nbome, mxe, dxm, nitrous, combinations).
I don't know, I'm bored. Now I gotta figure out where to post trip reports.. or if I can at this point for my account..