I'm French so I'm sorry if I make some mistakes. I'll try to speak english as well as I can. If a word doesn't fit it's possible I mistook one for another, don't hesitate to tell me
I never used DMT. I'm gathering information first… this could take a while. (and I think it's a good thing.)
I tried other stuff, but it was recreational at the time (in my 20s, now I'm 32.), in a festive situation every time, with buddies. And my interest for mysteries hadn't been triggered yet, it came later. Though I had one metaphysical trip, but a short one, and not because I looked for it (on LSD.)
I don't use hard drugs anymore, for years.
I think I came close to have an obe one time, or something. I heard the buzzing, but get scared and everything stopped (I wasn't on anything, just almost asleep)
I must say, I'm amazed by the quality of the posts here and the humility of people on this forum. (something tells me this has to do with ego-shattering experiences, but it's just a hunch ;-) )
It's a pleasure to read you.
You're damn right to limit access to people who actually have something to say, and reflecting an attitude of respect. It's a blessing the admin thought of doing it this way, if he hadn't, this forum would have become a mess like most of forums. (it's sad but it's the reality of internet.)
I'm highly interested in metaphysics, I read about oriental way of thinking mostly, Kriya Yoga, Brahmanism, Bouddhism, thesophy ; and also esoterism / occultism (Paracelse, Hermès Trismégiste, Eliphas Levi… old texts I find on Gallica, the French Library archives website), and also about the nde and obe phenomenon.
I'm used to say I have a lot of cosmic curiosity ;-)
That's why I made some research about ayahuasca… that's how I ended up here :-)
"I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way. (Carl Sandbur)