AcaciaConfusedYah wrote:There's easier ways to clean NPS than distilling it....
Depends, some solvents are volotile enough I can just vac distill them. I ususlly distill my solvents :3 Works pretty well too, I use 2 erlenmeyers. 1 for defat washes, the other for extractions. I pull the extraction solvent with acid to extract any residual spice out of it. Don't wanna see that go to waste
Centrifuge is nice, I often use it to break emulsions. Settle yeast from fermentations, all kinds of stuff.
I've recycled this can of naptha for ages, if you can distill you can *probably* produce alot of your own (better) solvents. Not to give anyone ideas, that can KILL YOU DEAD if you don't know what you're doing.
One thing that absolutely baffles me is we're not allowed to talk about sourcing watched/dangerous chemicals, but...
Lye is watched, and dangerous.
Naptha is watched, and more dangerous than chloroform in many ways.
Maybe some resesrch into safely preparing a relatively safe solvent might not be a bad idea. I'm afraid of suggesting anything as my assumption is that my argument about lye/naptha was cause for my membership being pulled.
Pros vs Cons:
Chloroform can be made by 2 easy non watched OTC chemicals, it's not as dangerous as people believe, and it's about the best extraction solvent for DMT out there. It can degrade into a poison gas that can be prevented with the addition of a little alcohol. It is non flammable, and a suspected carcinogen with a low boiling point. You would do well to work with it outside or in well ventilated areas.
Diethyl Ether: This is an amazing solvent for many extracts. It is prepared from ethyl alcohol. It is fairly non toxic, but inhaling it is a big issue. Fumes are extremely dense, and will catch fire with no provocation. Ether can form explosive peroxides. This stuff will kill you fast if you handle it wrong.
Ethanol: Can be fermented and distilled to a high purity extremely easilly. Azeotropic ethanol (96%) is quite flammable so there exists a danger there. It's fairly safe to use, make, not really dangerous, and it's hardly suspicious. IIRC it doesn't interact witn plastic either.
There is a global con, and that is one needs distillation gear for all this. An inexperienced person may harm themselves or permanantly destroy property in doing this. ESPECIALLY distilling in your house! I'd like to find something between alcohol and chloroform that can easily prepared in home, has nearly no risk, and extracts efficiently.
Regards, 1ce