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edible dose for psychedelic cannabis experience? Options
#1 Posted : 10/22/2014 6:49:56 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I smoke a fee times a week but rarely eat edibles. I'm looking to get the trippy effects the edible has to offer but am curious as to dosage. I know it varies person to person due to tolerance etc.

Just looking for general info. Last edible I ate was 25mg THC and it was a mild high not psychedelic at all. I'm looking at a double strength chocolate bar dosed at 120mg being 60mg a section.

Should I just eat the whole thing or will that be way to intense? Smoking cannabis generally is psychedelic for me but the last edible I had at 25mg was very mild and relaxed.
That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....

Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?

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Cognitive Heart
#2 Posted : 10/22/2014 8:25:49 PM

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Hello Al-Wasi!

Firstly(IMO), I would stray away from smoking for at least a few weeks. Allow your tolerance to settle. It is clear that oral cannabis produces different compounds via conversion in the body, but can be incredibly psychedelic! Now, why would you stray from smoking when it is a completely different overall experience? Well, that's just my opinion. I think being clear-headed helps.

I would not recommend a whole brownie. However, IME, a whole brownie of the indica variety gave way to quite the trip. Physically speaking, it was too much..Wink Although, it did produce significant boundary dissolution. This was accompanied by strong disorientation. My thought processes ceased to exist. Also, there was a major distortion across my vision. With eyes closed, it was quite unnerving to say the least, but definitely psychedelic and incredibly grounding.

The afterglow was very beneficial and probably the greatest part of the entire trip. For the whole day, I felt like I went through a major meditative trance and felt really calm and happy. Where-ever I was, I was at peace with everything.

It's hard to say either way..whether you eat half of it or the whole thing, you are merging with an intense experience. I'd suggest only half to begin. You are forewarned though! During my experience, I wasn't going anywhere. It was literally too much..yet beautiful. Ha ha, a very powerful mental state to say the least..

Enjoy! Thumbs up
'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#3 Posted : 10/22/2014 9:21:35 PM

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Thanks a lot for the response. I've had quite a few edible experiences but have yet to get psychedelic experience generally smoking induces this much more for me which is odd based on what the community at large says.
That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....

Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?
Cognitive Heart
#4 Posted : 10/22/2014 10:46:32 PM

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Al-Wasi wrote:
That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....

'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'

Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?

We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
#5 Posted : 12/2/2014 4:19:18 PM
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In the days when real hash was available there was a club in paris wich had many very famous people in it that experimented with eating cannabis . The doses i read about ...... before the internet confused people ...... were from 9 to 30 gamms . It wasnt always clear if they ment in a single dose , a night or in the whole mixture .

Most of the effects that people describe from eating cannabis are not psychedelic . What they describe are often placebo effects . People are fightened and look for effects ...... and their imagination runs wild .

An hallucinogenic dose of cannabis is very physical and a bad " trip " can be very dificult .

Its imposible to tell a person what dose to take as everyone is different and different batches of a product are often not the same strength = Obtain a larger ammount and eat a small amount on an empty stomach . Then you can work you way up / down to a dose that you like . Do it at home with a sitter and be prepared that you might fall asleep very quickly and miss it ......


DONT DO THIS ( Blinking in red ...... ) ---- >

These are personal examples based on the club of hashashins doses .

Personaly i wouldnt eat less than ten gramms of GOOD hash . Bad hash especialy things sold as black hash ( hand made ) can be very hard on the kidneys . I also wouldnt cook it or extract it as the effects are not as good . They are moe sedative .

The most i ate was about 30 g of GOOD hash , or a few grams of good oil , or 50 g of decarboxylated grass , or 30 doses of synthetic THC . The oil was the strongest and the grass the weakest . The synthetic THC was a waste of time .

I would definately do it again .

< ---- DONT DO THIS . ( Blinking in red ...... )

I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#6 Posted : 12/2/2014 4:56:56 PM

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Once, me and some friends (~20) used leaves (don't know how much but a lot) after harvest to make cakes. Everybody took 2 or 3 slices, after 2 hours, it was like a shroom party w/o the visuals and half of us finished with a bad trip (like calling hospital because my friend thought he was dying), fortunatly, not me. The day after i lighted a spliff and it rekindled the trip.

So, kids, be carefull !

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#7 Posted : 12/2/2014 5:19:02 PM
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" Oh God ! Those doses are extremely high, "

Where i come from there are three sheep and a trafic ligh = One got VERY bored and experimented .

Yes i have a high tolerance = 43 years of nearly daily use smoked pure .

To get a good effect from cannabis = to get HIGH ...... and not just flat .......... its better to have at least a few weeks between experiences ...... however one uses it . People who use it daily dont get high anymore .

If anyone wants to know more about eating hash and its effects a good place to start to research is here ---- > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Baudelaire

I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#8 Posted : 12/2/2014 6:41:26 PM
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" You have provided a perfect example of why I voted against a cannabis forum on the DMT-Nexus. "

And what is that please ? From your post all i can see is that you didnt read my post and that you have had problems with drugs that you apear to me to be projecting on to me ?

Did you do any research about eaten doses ? For example the club des haschaschins in paris ?

Daily use can relax but people who use cannabis daily dont get high . There is a big difference between high and flat or just relaxed .

" At what point do you draw the line and admit the habit has gone too far? "

When i get problems , make judgements about people and project my problems on them ?

I am pleased for you that you have grown , that you are happy now and that you dont abuse cannabis anymore .

Remember his holyness terrorist mckenna said " If in doubt double the dose " ? ...... and talked about heroic doses .

Drugs are not for everyone . Most people mess up . Very few dont .

The biggest recorded dose that i know of was about 100 G . Eaten by a foreign legion soldier that didnt want to serve anymore . The doctors said that he woke up a few days later with a smile on his face .

What do you object to in my post and why please ?

I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#9 Posted : 12/2/2014 8:15:40 PM

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IME once the visuals are present the experience is terrifying and difficult to handle.
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#10 Posted : 12/2/2014 11:24:45 PM

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IME, there are too many variables involved to be able to determine effects from eating weed beforehand. Everything from state of mind to what you had for lunch. However, I've also never been able to reliably dose either, I have no exp with packaged products. With listed THC levels on packaged edibles (In areas that are fortunate enough to have LEGAL WEED- yeah,Oregon et al! Thumbs up ), it may be easier to reliably determine what one would need to achieve what you desire. However for whatever reason, i really think that THC is a more 'subjective' drug than most, with its effects varying wildly from person to person. In other words, and to be incredibly unhelpful, i have no idea what would be a psychedelic dose for you, but feel that's something only you can locate through some 'target practice'. Eating weed is very much a different way to exp it!

And to further add to the responses you probably didn't want to hear, there is such a thing as a THC overdose and it's incredibly unpleasant. Look it up. Luckily I've never experienced it, but my coworker did, and it sent him to the ER. Seriously. And eating is how it happens.

That being said, I'm a true believer in the entheogenic power of herb. Thank god for marijuana! I say it everyday. If you are 'allied ' with it and can take what some would describe as disorienting, and others as dreadful, then by all means, find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of... your mind!

Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#11 Posted : 12/3/2014 1:40:07 AM
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The lethal dose of cannabis that i have seen is said to be between 2 and 5 kilos depending on the source of the information . That difference shows that there is no real proof of the lethal amount and that its just speculation .

Question ---- > Can someone consume that much cannabis ? ...... And do it in enough time to kill themselves ?
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#12 Posted : 12/4/2014 1:45:08 PM

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The issue is not whether you can die or not from cannabis, the issue is that if you are talking about ridiculously high doses (for 99.999% of the users) which can lead unexperienced people into panic attacks and maybe hurting themselves in an accident , while at the same time somehow glamorizing high doses use by quoting mckenna (which was pretty much a joke, dont quote him literally, plus he himself avoided higher doses in his late years) and using something akin to a false-dilema fallacy by claiming there are two groups, some people who cant use drugs and others who can, which in the current context can lead people to interpret that as 'either I take large dose like GOD, or Im one of the ones that can't handle drugs' .

Please carefully read our attitude section. Any drug talk in this forum needs to be very clear on safety aspects and appropriate dosaging. I know you added a 'dont do this' disclaimer but you need to explain WHY people shouldnt do this and be clear on how your dose is not at all representative of others.

Lastly, to be on topic. OP, 120mg of what? hash? thc? If its thc, thats a very very high dosage, do NOT eat the whole thing. I've been smoking cannabis daily for 15 years and yet once I ate a whole cheeba chew which contains 70mg THC and I was BLASTED. Gladly I dont have tendency to have anxiety or anything of the sort but if I did, it could have went bad.

Also if its different batches or different vendors, you should not equate them, maybe someone said 25mg but wasnt properly analysed and it was 10mg , and maybe now you get the real amounts, who knows.. I'd be careful and go for lower doses at first with a given brand/batch, and then raise the dosage in the next try if you want.
#13 Posted : 12/4/2014 2:48:31 PM
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Off topic on --- >

I clearly stated that people shouldnt do it and also where people can get more infomation about what i said . The club of hashahsins was a very famous club that every serious cannabis researcher would know about .

The members were not stoners they were the intelligensia of their day . The club wasnt only limited to paris. It was international . Some of the greatest poets and authers of their day wee members . Many of the members were upperclass and rich . Among them were politicians

It was a little like the scene around timothy leary before he got into touble = The world and the scene we are in wouldnt be like it is now if it wasnt for them . They changed the world we live in .

I am not responsible for what othes do or how they read my posts . They are responsible for themsselves and they should do some real research befoe they do things .

I do not glamorise mckenna . The quote from mckenna is a true quote and he used it when talking about what dose a person should take = Basicly ....... if you are unsure double the dose . I take that to be the advice that i have heard from experienced researcxhers = A to small dose can be very confusing . Thats also my experience .

If you talk to people in the drug damage prevention world they will tell you the fact that dugs are not for everyone . I cant drive a car so after trying a few times i have to accept that its not for me . That is not eliteism or snobism . Its a fact .

I am autism spectrum so its difficult for me to comunicate with people and for a lot of them to understand me .

< ---- Off topic off .
I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#14 Posted : 12/4/2014 3:13:05 PM

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I disagree, and this is where we might have a problem. Communication is not a one-way movement of information that is independent of the mode of transmission. Ever heard of 'in between the lines' ? Well that is exactly because we express a lot more in our words than simply the words themselves, and this can definitely affect people.

If you act like an experienced person and announce extremely high dosages without appropriate disclaimers and a discussion on why such doses are not for everyone, this can lead people into taking certain dangerous actions. Whether you want to see your responsibility or not is something else entirely, just like it's irrelevant whether people working in advertising industry think they are responsible for consumerism, fact is they are in part responsible due to the consequences of their actions spreading out like waves formed when a stone drops in water. Again, I recognize you added some disclaimer saying 'dont do this' , thank you for that, but as a constructive criticism I suggest you explain why, why your doses are different than most people, and what would be more common/appropriate doses for most people.

That Mckenna quote is totally taken out of the context and can be very misleading. " If in doubt double the dose" can lead people to take dangerous amounts of substances. I'd bet you that there are more serious problems with people taking too much, than taking too little.

As for the car example, its not that simple. Maybe you can't drive a car, maybe you can drive a car but need a lot more lessons than most people, maybe you can only drive certain types of car under certain conditions, etc.. Things are much more nuanced than a simple black and white, and specially connecting that false dichotomy with the dosaging discussion is problematic for reasons mentioned before: Many people can handle drugs and yet your dosage is still ridiculously high and totally disconnected with people's realities.

Lastly, regardless whether you are autistic or not, this forum has guidelines on safe drug discussion that all members must adhere to. I highly suggest you check it out if you intend on staying here longer.

Thank you.
#15 Posted : 12/4/2014 6:52:16 PM
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" Ever heard of 'in between the lines' ? "

Thats what we cant do ---- >

" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autism_spectrum

These disorders are characterized by social deficits and communication difficulties, stereotyped or repetitive behaviors and interests, sensory issues, and in some cases, cognitive delays. "

I am also 80 percent disabled + i can hardly see .

I ask for and expect due respect and behaviour from people with and without dissability and that i am not looked down on or victimised becauswe of my (diss)ability .

I totaly reject you critisim of what i said and how i said it . I clearly explained what i said and why . What others read between my lines that isnt there is their thing and not mine . I read the atitude page when i recently stated posting again after a long pause and i try to stick to it and not to break rules .

I have never seen or heard of T.Mckenna ever puting such a disclaimer on his tapes or in his books when he wrote things like that allthough for most people there are things in them that can be missinterpeted and potentialy dangerous . To realy understand most of what he said one needs a high intelligence and a classical education because he often used doubloe meanings and said things that refered to things that come from / with a classical education . Most people havent got that .

Personaly i think that things like the spirit molecule are much more dangerous because ignoant people often believe that it is science allthough at best it could be called a docusoap / science fantasy . I dont see any wanings about things like that . I see blind faith and hero worship .

A large part of this site ...... wich has asperations to be a university ...... is populated by people who tell us about their bad trips and that they believe that what happens to on a trip is reality . That is dangerous and does this site and its asperations no good . People have fears in the cannabis section that stoners will take over . I dont undestand that when i see how many stoners . people with mental problems and people who have not taken care of set and setting write in the DMT part of the site . It fightens me .

I am not here to score points or show off or hurt people . I want to learn from others and share knowledge .

As there is no way that i can be healed please can you and the other staff talk and decide if i can stay or not and clearly tell me yes or no and with what limits . I dont ask to be able to break rules i just ask that i be judged within the limits of my (dis)ability .

Thanks .

I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
#16 Posted : 12/4/2014 7:14:20 PM

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I ask for and expect due respect and behaviour from people with and without dissability and that i am not looked down on or victimised becauswe of my (diss)ability .

Sounds reasonable to me. Nobody here disrespected you and if someone does, they will get a warning, just like if you disrespect others. We all have our own issues and conditions, and yet this doesnt excuse anybody for their actions and behavior. We all still gotta be constructive and respective and promote harm reduction and safe use.

I have never seen or heard of T.Mckenna ever puting such a disclaimer on his tapes or in his books when he wrote things like that

Mckenna's rants are excellent as food-for-thought, but they aren't meant to be taken literally and he often contradicts himself. Sometimes things he said were just jokes, or he just wanted to be provocative even if he wasn't right (as his own brother explains in the book Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss). Also, Mckenna died before the Nexus existed. If he was a member here, he'd have to adhere to our guidelines like all of us Smile

Personaly i think that things like the spirit molecule are much more dangerous because ignoant people often believe that it is science allthough at best it could be called a docusoap / science fantasy . I dont see any wanings about things like that . I see blind faith and hero worship .

I think maybe you need to read this forum a bit more, because we are some of the most critical people regarding some of Rick Strassman's unbacked claims and hypothesis.

A large part of this site ...... wich has asperations to be a university ...... is populated by people who tell us about their bad trips and that they believe that what happens to on a trip is reality . That is dangerous and does this site and its asperations no good

Whenever I see posts like you mention, I always point them out to the following links, feel free to help us out:

A pragmatic approach: what is "real" and when is it useful to ask that?
Improbability of hyperspace
Improbability of hyperspace part II
Health and Safety section

people with mental problems and people who have not taken care of set and setting write in the DMT part of the site . It fightens me .

You can help us out by posting in those threads where you feel people are not taking care of set and setting and inform them about it, and if they are unconstructive or in denial in their responses, you can point them out the attitude page and/or contact a mod about it.

As there is no way that i can be healed please can you and the other staff talk and decide if i can stay or not and clearly tell me yes or no and with what limits . I dont ask to be able to break rules i just ask that i be judged within the limits of my (dis)ability .

The limits are exactly what is written in the attitude section, including guidelines on safe dosages. If you are claiming meth and cyanide are not dangerous and that you are taking humongous cannabis dosages without explaining clearly what you mean and stating safety precautions for others, what would be the normal doses, etc, you are going against the stated rules. Stay within those rules and all is fine, disabilities or not.

I guess you got the point, I dont want to further derail the thread. Feel free to pm me.
Pup Tentacle
#17 Posted : 12/4/2014 11:11:46 PM


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Just to chime in. I have to concur... the dose large enough to be psychedelic will probably include effects that aren't pleasant at all.

Don't get me wrong, I love eating it, but you're probably better off ramping up your dose over time so that when you do go over the line it won't be by as far as if you just mega-dose and and hope it goes well.

Peace and Blessings Big grin
Pup Tentacle

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