I read in the FAQ that after brewing the vine one can soak it in vinegar overnight and then proceed to freeze and thaw the mixture and follow with the easy caapi alkaloid extraction tek in order to obtain any remaining alkaloids from the vine.
My question is based upon others experiences doing this. Has any one done this and if so what type of yield can be expected? Obviously this is all dependent upon quality of vine and other factors during the injtial brew but I'm curious as to what type of yield has been achieved.
I just finished my first ever ayahuasca brew, vine only , and have the brewed vine soaking in solution. I plan on doing this tomorrow but am wondering if it is going to worth my time or if I should just leave it as is.
If anyone can contribute that would be great.
That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....
Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?