I'm twenty years old, my name is Peter.
I have been in the process of consciously crafting myself as a person for the past two years or so.
Before that I was less than optimal, and truly asleep. I'm not trying to be hard on myself, It's just what I see when I look back.
My good friend who was actually my art teacher then, really helped me wake up to what was going on around me, and to be consciously aware of myself, and the world. He would give me tons of information (he still does) to engage with and digest; stories, books, and art.
Then, really like a light switch, I said enough is enough. I started my new diet, totally vegan for about 3 months, and initially lost around 40 lbs. I have since added more variety to my diet, but staying as clean as is possible. I've now lost even more. Along the way I learned alot about myself, to say the least.
This sort of path I was on was intersected by an interesting relationship, and to say the least, I learned ALOT. It actually ended with an extremely tragic event, one I still am carrying with me, and have had trouble digesting.This is personal, not something I want to go into detail with, but you all understand. It sort of knocked me off of my tracks if you will, and only recently have I gotten back on.
I have never done psychedelics, not unless edible cannabis counts, or MDA.
I have been doing alot of my own research into what they can offer for me, I love Graham Hancocks books, also really enjoy what Aubrey Marcus has brought to the table with his stories, they have been really inspirational to me.
Though I have only used what I said above, my experience with both has been extraordinarily beneficial to me.
Both have helped me to understand myself more, and one in particular has really helped me bond with two of my best friends, It has also helped me with alot of insecurities I have, and to bring me back up to a better state mentally.
This was ground breaking for me, for a couple reasons.
Before all I ever did was smoke week, I later associated that feeling with my former lazy self, and began to hate it. I have since changed my opinions of that, and I see positives to the use.
I also had alot of preconceived notions about "drugs" and psychedelics. It was all stuff I didn't need in my life, not worth my time, I was better than that.
but here I am now on your forums, oh have my opinions changed.
I want to explore my consciousness, I want to better see the intermingling of what lays within the other spectrums, and what lays in front of my eyes. I feel as though I have glimpsed part of it already, even with my edible use I have had ego dissolving effects, I'd like to see more...
I'm signed up for an Aya ceremony that will be upon me soon... maybe I'm in over my head... but I feel the call!
of the wild...
I met a man named Two Bears yesterday, he is part of why my name is Bear Who Dreams on this forum,
thanks all for reading,